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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Brian is really really really broken out right now. these things help:

    Cool showers

    Fragrance free, hypo allergenic lotion

    staying out of the sun.

    It seems to get worse as the day goes on and then starts over in the mornings.

    He has had it for 5 days now, and I am worried that some of the areas look like they could become 'open' or raw instead of just bumpy.

    Poor guy.

    He is very self conscious about it, too. This is affecting him as much as the tiredness and nausea from chemo did when it comes to affecting his daily life.

    I hate this whole journey.

    We will be watching this thread for ideas for relief, too.


  2. Val,

    It breaks my heart to know how all of this must make you feel.

    Honey, we are so sorry.

    I am a pretty good cook and I only wish I could bring a couple of dinners over for you to have on hand............................when all else fails, Bri will always eat 'real' mashed potato w/ cheese and sour cream beat in to them.................

    or some 'fluffy' scrambled eggs with cheese.

    Another thing that always hits him well is pancakes. He even likes them cold w/ a bit of jelly that way he can eat part of it or all of it as he wants. He will eat cantelope if I just have it all cut up in the fridge. (I hate doing it, but it is worth it when I see him grab a bite.)

    You are being a wonderful mom, daughter and family member..............we respect your kindness and we send lots of love and support.

    Pat and Brian

  3. Guys,

    Cindi came on the board this AM to update her profile and something went horribly amiss...........she has been banished from LCSC. She is working with admin to try to get back on.

    She said to be sure you know the pub gets an ice delivery around 9 and till she gets back, we can serve ourselves......................uh oh.

    So, guys, we are on our own, for just a bit.

    (I am wondering if her posts about shaving armpit/s is somehow related.............better watch out Addie :lol::lol::lol::lol: )

  4. Hi, Mary, I was thinking about you...........glad to see you posting.

    Hope you are settled soon and I remember you had insurance concerns..........

    We are keeping you in prayer........

    We have no answers for your questions......we are all on the same bumpy road.........we are NOT dying we are living every day...........

    Stay in touch

    Pat and Brian

  5. Wendy, dear Wendy,

    Wish I could sit w/ you a while. It is such a raw hurt, isn't it?

    The only thing I can think of to say is so trite and patronizing...............please know that I don't mean to belittle your pain:


    30 years is too much time for any of us to deal with today.

    Try to miss Bruce and remember him for the next couple of hours and then start over.

    I am so sorry.

    I have been widowed ........... it is so hard and so unfair and so scary...........I am so sorry dear.



  6. Beth,

    This is from me, as caretaker, observer, not from Brian's point of few.

    He has been on 150 mg of Tarceva since 7/24/05. He has the skin issues (Ry is right........rash is NOT the right word, but comes the closet for description) His cheeks, forehead, neck and the bridge of his nose are the worst. He has a bit of breaking out on his upper chest. It only itches rarely, but he is really aware of it and very self conscious. We skipped a couple of get togethers this weekend..........his call.........

    I think he is "spacey". He is tired, too, but more like spacey. He sits in his recliner and says he is not too tired then proceeds to fall asleep. He has not found the need to be in the bed, as yet, but there is certainly something different. He is coughing a lot more. I am concerned. He seems a bit --------well not depressed----but more like agitated depressed ---------I guess anxious would describe it.

    I wonder if Bill's Red cells are low? Is he running any fever?

    I think that you may want to run his symptoms by his doc. I am making a list and plan to call ours this week.

    Beth, this is so hard. Know you are not alone and that I care.


  7. Oh, no, T,

    We are so sorry. That is just wrong.

    So glad you came here to tell us, if only we could round up a posse and come to your rescue!!

    Uploading lots of love and support.

    Pat and Brian

  8. Missed you, dear friend.

    At least the chemo is finished. Now just the shingles to get controlled.

    We are uploading hugs, support and prayers.


    Brian and Pat

  9. Oh, Kathi,

    Please remember how much he loves you and know that he always will.

    I am sure that you were one of his greatest blessings.

    We are so very sorry and are sending prayers for your family.


    Pat and Brian

  10. Dean,

    Love and prayers from Brian and me.

    We love you............cut yourself some slack, don't beat yourself up, you are one of the most wonderful human beings we have ever 'known'.

    Hope you can find something that masks the pain. Burns really really hurt.

    So sorry this happened.


  11. Rich,

    Brian and I take so much strength from you!

    Your tag line: "spirits stilll good" has kept us going many times.

    Thank you!!

    Brian and Pat

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