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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. 1) it is nice out

    2) Our granddaugher (Gaby) is here w/ us for a couple hours...she is awesome

    3) Daytona race to watch tonight

    4) Brian confided some feelings with me last night.....he made me feel so loved when he told me how he is feeling, it really warmed my heart to know he trusts me w/ his innermost thoughts/fears/feelings


  2. Dearest Amie,

    Honey, firstly, breathe. Secondly, hug yourself and know that you are a wonderful person, loving, caring, smart, concerned and giving.

    It is so hard to find the balance.

    I have 2006 AOP due by COB on Tuesday. My portion of the spreadsheet is >22000 rows X 53 Columns. It is overwhelming. Has Textron been wonderful to me through this? Yes. But my responsibility is still my responsibility. period. They are lenient about where I work and when I work but in the end, I am responsible for my contribution.

    Brian's bad news on Thursday is overwhelming.

    The folks that want to come to visit are overwhelming.

    The doctor visits, medication schedules, coughing spells, night sweats, chills, fevers and fears are overwhelming.

    Just the word Cancer is overwhelming.

    Now...........let me share this...........the only way I am moving through this is through God's Grace and love.

    I fall apart. I feel crappy and I cry. But then I come here and know I am not alone and I try again.

    Addie's signature gives a definition of courage that applies to me............I live it everyday. Read it, it will help you, too.

    Do the best you can. Make decisions with your head, not your heart and then love with your heart. Just be sure you love YOU, too.

    Mom knows you and your heart, honey, she is just scared and in pain right now.

    Verbally hug her and reassure her that she is important to you and then do what you have to do.

    Verbally hug her for us, too. and tell her Brian is scared to pieces, too.



  3. We are with you!!!!!!!!!!!

    Enuf is Enuf is Enuf is Enuf

    Bah Humbug


    No Fair

    I had a crown replaced in April........if you think it ruined this steak, wait till you see the cost!!!!!!!!! Steaks will be replaced w/ spam burgers!!!

    Uploading some 'poor babies' and sympathy from me and from Brian.


  4. 1) we are doing 5s again

    2) good medical care

    3) Brian's renewed determination

    4) Fay's and TAnn's & others' good feedback on Tarceva

    5) long weekend

  5. Well,

    The CT Scans did not hold good news. Brian has a lot of progression. He is only about 8 days out from his 5th cycle of Cisplatin and VP 16, but he has had about 25% growth in lung tumor and 35% in his liver tumors ( the tumors have all grown to gether so that it looks like one big tumor in over 1/2 of the liver). bloodwork and clinical presentation indicate that he is not strong enough right now for another chemo regimin (spelling?).

    Doctor says we must count on Tarceva to hold off any further progression while we build Bri up. Doc does not feel that Avistin is a good option for Brian's specific situation, but he knew all about it and had obviously considered it by the way he responded to my question. We have to closely monitor and record Brian's temp, chills and night sweats. If he spikes a temp over 100.6 we have to bring him in right away. If he begins feeling more 'sickly': ditto.

    Our goal is 'fluff Brian up' so he can have more chemo in August.


    IV Fluids PRN

    CT scans 8/2

    Onc appt 8/4

    Tarceva (150 mg daily) in meantime

    Bloodwork every 10 days

    Brian is to avoid crowds and be careful when around the grandkids because his immune system is in the tank.

    We are to immediately report any new symptoms, and he assured us that we can call him at anytime and he will see Brian right away, if we think that is best.

    Brian is going to look at this as a month "off" and just try to learn how to conserve his energy throughout the day and to accept that he needs to admit when he needs to rest instead of pushing through.

    My husband is awesome and he is back to being my Brian, again (optimistic and determined).

    Thank you for all the prayers and support, we did not get the answer we hoped for, but, we feel God's presence in our lives and in our LCSC friends.



  6. Welp, TAnn, there you are, in middle of your own struggle looking out for Brian and the others just beginning Tarceva. You are such a blessing.

    Brian and I are going to remember the example you set as we have our meeting w/ the onc today.

    Love and support

    Pat and Bri

  7. Melanie,

    We only want to send words of comfort to you and here you are for us. You have given us a very good understanding of your grandmother and we can see, easily, that your wonderful spirit and generosity is a family trait.


    Pat and Brian

  8. Thank you, guys.

    Brian is really feeling crappy. He is just wiped out. I have to tell you the truth:

    I am scared to death.

    I can't sleep.

    I can't work.

    I can only think about lung cancer and my husband.

    That phone call on Monday informing us of the 'significant and rapid progression' has absolutly changed Brian.

    He suffered so valiantly with the 5 rounds of chemo and was so happy that he only had to take a pill a day and not even go back to the doc till Aug. These spur of the moment ct scans and immediate doc appointment has just knocked the pins from under him.

    I have done a good job of keeping my fears to myself (you guys would be proud of me), but this is the hardest thing I have ever done.

    Thank you for caring and please continue prayer.


  9. No info on the chemo drugs you mentioned, but join you in knowing that we can pray big prayers because our God is a BIG GOD.




    Dear dear Melanie,

    please take our love, prayers, and support with you tomorrow and know that we will be holding you firmly in prayer.

    Melanie, we are so sorry and we care so much.

    This is one of the days when we need to rely on our TRUST in God's MERCY.

    He is there and He is holding us near, I believe that with all my heart.


    Pat and Brian

  11. Here it is, Tina, I found it. I am taking this into our doc tomorrow.

    http://patient.cancerconsultants.com/pr ... x?id=33924

    Cancer Information From CancerConsultants.com

    Avastin® Plus Tarceva™ Provides Promising Activity in Recurrent Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

    According to results recently published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, the treatment combination consisting of Avastin® (bevacizumab) and Tarceva™ (erlotinib) provides promising activity in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer that has recurred following previous treatment.

    Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths annually in the United States. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) refers to the type of cell within the lung from which the cancer originated and comprises approximately 75%-80% of all lung cancers. Once patients have recurred following chemotherapy, they are referred to as having recurrent NSCLC. Currently, treatment options are limited for patients with recurrent NSCLC and researchers continue to evaluate novel agents in the treatment of this disease.

    Tarceva™ has recently been approved by the FDA for the treatment of patients with recurrent NSCLC. In addition, Avastin® is approved for the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer; however, a recent clinical trial has demonstrated that it appears to also improve survival in patients with advanced NSCLC. Both Tarceva™, an epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, and Avastin®, an agent targeted at the vascular endothelial growth factor pathway, target biologic pathways in the body that are involved in the growth and spread of cancer. Researchers have speculated that the combination of agents targeting these two pathways may provide improved results compared to single agents just targeting one of these pathways in the treatment of cancer.

    Researchers from the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and Vanderbilt Medical Center recently conducted a clinical trial evaluating the combination of Avastin® and Tarceva™ in the treatment of recurrent NSCLC. This trial included 40 patients who had advanced cancer and who had received at least one prior treatment regimen. Twenty-two patients had received two or more prior treatment regimens. Overall, 20% of patients experienced anti-cancer responses and 56% of patients achieved disease stabilization. The overall average survival of 34 patients treated at the dose and schedule that had been decided upon was over one year (12.6 months), with a progression-free survival of 6.2 months. Overall, treatment was generally well tolerated, with the most common side effects being mild to moderate skin rash, diarrhea, and protein in the urine.

    The researchers concluded that the treatment combination of Avastin® and Tarceva™ appears promising for the treatment of recurrent NSCLC. Future trials will undoubtedly evaluate this combination further. Patients with recurrent NSCLC may wish to speak with their physician about the risks and benefits of participating in a clinical trial further evaluating Avastin® and Tarceva™ or other promising therapeutic approaches. Two sources of information regarding ongoing clinical trials include the National Cancer Institute (cancer.gov) and www.cancerconsultants.com.

    Reference: Herbst R, Johnson D, Mininberg E, et al. Phase I/II Trial Evaluating the Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Monoclonal Antibody Bevacizumab in Combination With the HER-1/Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Erlotinib for Patients With Recurrent Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2005;23:2544-2555.

    © 1998-2005 CancerConsultants.com All Rights Reserved.

    These materials may discuss uses and dosages for therapeutic products that have not been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration. All readers should verify all information and data before administering any drug, therapy or treatment discussed herein. Neither the editors nor the publisher accepts any responsibility for the accuracy of the information or consequences from the use or misuse of the information contained herein.

  12. Tina,

    our appointment is tomorrow to discuss Brian's progression. CT scan was last nite at 7.

    Avistin is what I am going to lobby for........I printed out an article to take with me that I found now I have to try to find it again so I can send it to you.............

    I am on it..............


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