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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Our hopes mirror yours, dear. Thank you for the update. Brian says he identifies closely w/ the 'scrutiny' that accompanies any new twinge. He loves knowing he is not alone..........

    We love you and are waiting w/ you.


  2. Crapt, Fay,

    Where do these folks come from.................?

    My personal gripe is relative to those who wait till Brian is out of earshot and then say things like:

    "How is Brian feeling?"

    "Poor Brian"

    "He looks pretty good"

    "What are the doctors saying?"

    "When will that rash go away?"

    "How is Brian telling his girls?"

    and on and on and on

    Like he can no longer think, act or speak for himself. I refuse to allow him to be negated.

    I can't imagine what it would be like to be Brian and to have the notion (correctly) that folks are whispering behind his back. I refuse to be a part of it. I think his diagnosis is traumatic enough without allowing insensitive people to add to his load.

    Sorry this happened Fay..............it is just plain wrong.

    We are with you.

    Pat and Brian

  3. More hugs coming, Val. Ease up on yourself. You are doing great.

    Maybe your mom just is so sad that food doesn't look good to her right now, that she is blaming the 'food' instead of the disease...........

    I am so sorry for your tears, honey.

    Holding you closely in prayer.

    Pat and Brian

  4. Sandie, Welcome. We are so sad to learn of another person facing this journey.

    We are all here for you.

    Brian is also on Tarceva. Perhaps it is the magic bullet............seems a lot of us are using that med right now.

    Glad you found us, sorry you had the need to do so.

    Pat and Brian

  5. Hi, Shar!, welcome.

    Brian just started on Tarceva on 6/24. (His rash is a bit unnerving .........rather pronounced and sore looking.) We are pleased to hear of your good response to the med. We are praying for the same.

    This is a great place for support and encouragement.

    We look forward to getting to know you better.

    Pat and Bri

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