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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Wish we could run over for a hug.........We get it, Rich, and we care.

    It IS sad. Life can be so unfair and so hard sometimes.

    But then I remember that you came here to let us know we are not alone in those feelings and tears and your friend called you because she cared and remembered and that is what keeps us going....That human connection.

    Thank you for sharing your tears and hurts w/ us.


    Pat and Brian

  2. Love you, too, Gail.

    Cancer seems to peek out from its room when it is least expected...........

    I think it is good that you can frame your thoughts so well........you seem to be so smart and rational about cancer. It is only normal that emotions sometimes get ahead of smarts.

    You are awesome.

    We are here to help lean against the cancer door.


  3. Elaine,

    You do not deserve that treatment.

    Hugs from us..........and several "Poor Babies"....

    Doesn't it feel wonderful to have our

    ARCHANGELs (spelling) on this board?

    They can open a can of whoop a** in a nano second and give us all renewed strength.

    Love P

  4. We will be there!!

    We need those hugs..........really really need them.

    Cindi, we love how you care about all of us.

    Thank you for opening the pub.

    Brian and I are still buddies w/ Bill W so will stick to some lemonade...........That sounds really good.lots of ice, please. It is hot in Rockford, too.

    We will bring some fresh fruit.

    Can't wait for the gathering.


  5. Wow,

    What would we do w/ out you guys?? Thank you for caring about us........it makes this whole horrible thing tolerable.

    Doc confirmed what you guys said: Brian is dehydrated (getting IV fluids right now), he has some kind of germ (Biaxin for 6 days) and his blood counts are not coming up like they should (bloodwork weekly). He had a chest XRay before they started the drip..........he is having labored breathing but that could be the temp he is running.

    He is to start Tarceva tomorrow before breakfast. He sees doc PRN and if not needed before------in 6 weeks on August 4 for reassessment and scan scheduling.

    We are to call if the Tarceva rash or 'system upset' become disconcerting and he will prescribe something, but he said side effects from Tarceva are a 'good thing', so we should hope to see some.

    Anyway, I am sure that if we can get a good night's sleep tonight we will be able to renew the fight again tomorrow and moving forward.

    We thank each of you. We need each of you. We thank God every single day that you are here and that Katie and Rick (et al) make this 'safe place' possible.



  6. I think that the way to think about the morphine is that it will allow your dad to relax. That will give him the best chance to channel energy in directions beyond breathing.

    Love and Prayers.


  7. Thank goodness we have a scheduled appointment w/ Brian's oncologist at 11:30 today!

    I was afraid to go to sleep so I just stayed in the living room on the couch and kept tip toeing into the bedroom to check on him.

    He is scheduled to start Tarceva today so he wanted to go out to dinner last night. I recognized that he was pushing himself to do this, so I enthusiastically joined in. He has had a couple days that have been pretty miserable. Little strength, no stamina and the kind of tired that makes you shakey and pale. He is happier if I don't comment on that, so I don't. I have kept my concern to myself and watched him closely.

    As we pulled into the garage after a dinner that he really did not eat, he started having chills. He ran a low grade fever on and off all night. He spent his time in bed curled up in the fetal position and huddled under a winter blanket........I had the a/c turned off and believe me, it was NOT cold in the bedroom..........I am usually the cold one and he is warmer and we have the usual married 'thermostat' battles.

    He got into bed at 8:30 and it is now 7:20 AM and he is still there.........if he gets up to use the bathroom he starts w/ the chills again. One time he did wake with sweating, but went right back to chills. His temp is normal now.

    I am so worried. He has had a lot of noticeable fogginess in his thinking/communicating. (but just had a clear brain MRI last month)

    I don't know if he has disease progression, anticipatory anxiety, or if what we are up against is really registering w/ him. He is less communicative and (completely out of character) a bit 'down' emotionally.

    I am very very worried. He would not let me call the doc in the night, so very glad we are scheduled to go in today............Last scan was on 5/10. so maybe doc will order one so we can get a baseline for beginning Tarceva..........

    Any input on the "chills"? He is 3 full weeks out from last chemo infusion, had his Aranesp shot Tuesday (which usually really perks him up) and should be at the best part of his cycle.........Just not happening this time.

    Thanks for being here. I am so scared.......but I have done a really good job of not letting Bri see that I am.


  8. God, Wendy,

    It is bad enough to lose your husband and to deal w/ all the sadness that goes w/ that event..........but to have these resentments is just too much to add on.

    Please let me hold some of this weight for a while for you....................I am so very sorry, and so very angry that you and Bruce were mistreated. You just did not deserve that and neither did he.

    I hope you can find some peace in knowing that he has no suffering or pain now..............I pray that your pain is lifted w/ time.

    Love and prayers

    Pat and Brian

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