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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Dear friend,

    We read the posts ......... they were NOT too long. We care and have all of your family and friends firmly in prayer.

    You are a good wife, daughter and friend.

    God will give you the strength to get through this time.


    Pat and Brian

  2. Sue,

    How unfair!!!! Such wonderful uplifting news followed by this strange turn of events!

    The worst part of anything is not having a clear picture of what you are fighting.

    I believe it is meds...............some people just don't react like the literature says most do.

    I am like that ................ so are my sons.........I never had to worry about them experimenting w/ street drugs............ they reacted badly to even allergy meds or antibiotics. I can't take anything for pain withot scaring everyone to death...........

    Try to trust that with time and purging his system of all the meds he will bounce back.

    That is what we are praying for.......... that and strength for you.

    Lots of love,Sue.

    Pat and Brian

  3. Brian had the same symptoms. We kept worrying as we associated it w/ the cancer/tumors................It turned out to be his HBGLN The red blood cells carry oxygen around in the body. If you are low on those cells.............SOB.........

    Brian goes every 3 weeks for blood work and he gets an injection of Aranesp. It makes him feel like a new man.

    The low red blood cells really take the wind out of his sails. He has never NOT need the shot..........His red blood cells are always low. He gets relief within hours.............



  4. Love, Addie!!, and prayers, and Graddietude for you Addietude..............

    We would be hurt if you didn't ask us for support.

    Sending all good and positive things possible.


  5. Hope your daughter's birthday is wonderful.

    Tell her we send wishes for lots of birthday treats and presents.

    Also want to remind you that you will LOVE the port. That has been the best thing for Bri.

    We are sending tons of love and singing Happy Birthday really loud.


  6. Diane,

    What a wonderful friend you are.

    Please accept our sympathies on the loss of your friend and we will pray for the repose of her soul.

    Pat and Brian

  7. Beth,

    hugs from us

    Love from us

    empathy from us.............

    Avastin is something we are researching............as Brian needs to begin another treatment..............everything I read is good............

    Please keep a good thought and breathe and know we are here for you...........

    We just have to wait for them to find the right weapon against your 'bug'.

    hugs and love


  8. We are looking out our window and thinking about you.

    Beth, it is so hard to wait, and to anticipate surgery tomorrow................Just know you are not alone and your daughter is so lucky to have you for her mom.

    We love you

    Pat and Brian

  9. Though it is odd trying to figure out how to commemorate the rolling around of upsetting dates it is vital that you, Rochelle, and John, know how we hang on this anniversary and take joy and hope from it. Bri is due to start Tarceva this month.........your 'anniversary' inspires our hope.


    We will meet you and all your pals and supporters at Cindi's for a commemoration/celebration/thanksgiving/prayerfully optimistic looking forward party.



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