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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Nancy,

    We offer our sympathy and condolences.

    May Mike rest in peace.

    We know how much comfort you will find in all the wonderful memories.


    Pat and Brian

  2. Hi,

    Brian is a friend of Bill W, also, sober for over 15 years. His onc and I had to talk and talk to get Brian to take some Ativan for some of his symptoms.........he finally did and it helps.

    I understand your dad's thinking................

    Brian and I are here if we can help in anyway.



  3. Dearest co-friend of Bill's,

    I am so sorry for your pain and the lack of compassion/understanding/help......

    but I have to tell you:

    I was crying this morning...........then I got on this site.............when I read your post I laughed out loud........I think I can make it through the day, now.

    You have a gift for laughing through the pain and tears..........and I thank you.

    Here's to all the Weirdos and to all of us who so desparately need them!!



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