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Donna G

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Posts posted by Donna G

  1. Sorry to hear she is back in the hospital again.  Magnesium levels are very important for all muscle activity. 

    I am glad they are checking it and fixing it !  It is so important.  I think the side affects do show how potent that

    chemo is.  This is a tough road but killing off those cancer cells is so necessary.  Praying she will be home for



    Donna G

  2. Welcome.  Glad you found this site.  As you can see below, I have had treatment for lung cancer and so did my husband.

    It is tough but there are many things the doctor can do to make it a little easier, as anti nausea meds   I have survived since 1997, 

    It is good he has you there with him.  I needed a notebook to write down what the Doctor said, and my questions for the doctor.  Maybe you can help him with that also.

    I hope he responds well to this treatment.  Please keep us posted.


    Donna G

  3. Welcome Liz  .  Many people here are in you place also.  It is so sad.  As for myself I have been on both sides of the fence. 

    I was the patient and was blessed to survive  .  My husband I lost last year to Lung Cancer that was very aggressive , I just kept spreading all over.

    Please keep us posted on how she is doing and also how you are coping. 


    Donna G

  4. Welcome.  Boy you had a real rough few months !   Glad you are doing better now.  My husband was a Navy Vet.  He was off shore of Vietnam.  Later he was put on a new ship a couple of times being built.  They are exposed to aspestos in the shipyard and I washed his uniforms.  No one mentioned " be careful" it could cause lung cancer.  Also when I was a teen everyone on TV smoked even during the news broadcast.  They never mentioned it was bad for you.

    I hope you tolerate the chemo well.  I have a friend from a local support group that just sent me an email that she moved to a one level house.  She is a small cell lung cancer survivor of about 15 yrs.  Keep us posted. 


    Donna G

  5. I am so sorry for your loss.  I am a survivor but I also lost my husband to lung cancer just last year. 

    It is very painful.  Please take care, she would want that.


    Donna G

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you Randy and to all of us.


    It was minus 2 degrees F this am , we will hopefully be going to 11 degrees. 


    Yesterday's snow is all shoveled up ..Today the sky is blue and the sun is shining.


    It is so good for us to remember all the things and people we are thankful for. 



    Donna G

  7. I was watching TV the Dr. Oz Show today and saw him interviewing Valerie Harper.



    She has lung cancer .  They discussed her positive attitude is helping in her survival.


    She said she never smoked.  She also said that most women do not even think of getting lung cancer.


    They then discussed that it is the leading cause of Cancer Death in women, and also in men.



    This is the first I have heard this discussed during this Lung Cancer Awareness Month on the TV.



    Donna G

  8. The TV weather channel says we are 35 degrees F, my back door says 38, the computer says 36.   What ever it is they are all above freezing.  It has been over 12 days since we have been that " warm"   Yesterday I woke up to 4 degrees F. 


    I hope everyone is more comfortable, still have those in western New York on my mind.


    How are you today?


    Donna G 

  9. It was 4 degrees this am, we are up to 8 now!

    Going to 26 for a high today BUT------

    we are going above freezing this weekend !!!!!!


    Any one know people in western NY ?


    I can not imagine tolerating what they are going through.  Unbelievable !

    6 - 7 feet on snow in a few days.   Now they are being threatened with a warm

    up that might melt all of it and cause severe flooding.


    My prayers go up to them this day.


    How are you doing?


    Donna G

  10. Novembuary is what our local news renamed this month.  ( like January.)


    We are breaking records held since 1880---    > 15 days  less than freezing in November. 


    Hi today will be 20 degrees F .


    It seems we are not alone though.  Most of us are way below normal for temps


    How are you coping?   This morning walking the dogs made my lungs hurt breathing in that frigid air.



    Donna G

  11. Good Morning.  The daylight is here and all I see out the window is WHITE.

    The news says we will not go above freezing for at least a week!

    I must be thankful though  that I live just south of the twin cities ---less snow. 

    35 miles north of here they got 11-16.5 inches of that white stuff.


    The plows have not come down my street yet as it is rush hour I imagine they are

    concentrating on the main streets.


    Hope you are doing well today.


    Donna G

  12. Are they aiming the radiation near your heart?

    If not I do not think that should be a big concern for you.

    I had radiation and as far as I know I do not have any long term problems from it.

    I do have some neuropathy from Cisplatin but I am also nearly a 17 yr survivor so should I complain?

    Keep us posted on your decision.


    Donna   G

  13. I do not believe killing people is medical care. Doctors are suppose to take an oath,  " Though shall do not harm "

    I also learned as a small child  -- " Though shall not kill "  In some states here in the USA they have legalized murder, doctors can prescribe meds that will kill you.


    On the other hand if chemo or other treatments are not going to make a difference , you are not obliged to take them.


    There are many things you can do for people with health problems, pain control, nausea, etc etc

    Do them.  Help them.  The Lord knows when your time is.


    Life is Worth Living.


    Donna G

  14. Hello Eric.  This week is October 31st,  Halloween.  What a difference a week makes.!


    The weather is a little different  also.  It was 24 degrees this morning.  That is below freezing ( 32 degrees here)

    It was bundle up to walk the dogs weather for sure.  Winter coat, hat and gloves.

    Glad to here you are so good to be involved in Lung Cancer Awareness Month.


    Donna G

  15. Glad you felt that "switch thrown" perhaps it is that tweak you had in the dose of chemo. 

    Music is good medicine!   Lots of good stuff can come out of a guitar.  Can you drive now?

    I wonder if there is a site on line that teaches it?

    Thanks for keeping us posted on how things are going. 

    Looking to hear how the guitar lessons will turn out too.


    Donna G

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