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Donna G

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Posts posted by Donna G

  1. Welcome to our support community.

    I am a dog lover too. Right now I have 2 Border Collie mixes (mutts) named Rocky and Sally. Rocky is 14 and Sally is 12 but don't tell them! They do not know they are senior citizens! We'll be going for our morning neighborhood walk soon and they "read" the news paper on the way and catch up sniffing what has been going on the neighborhood , who has been wear, who marked what etc since they were around yesterday.

    Cancer is really rough. I am a Stage 3 15 yrs survivor. I know chemo and radiation is rough ( and also surgery) My father in law had lung cancer and so did my husband ( we lost bothe of them)

    You really need a lot of help, to go to appts, to listen with you to the doctor and take notes, to get things done( yard work, shores, keep up with insurance etc.) , etc. I hope he has all of that. You also need support . It is pretty hard on care givers and family.

    You have found a worderful group of people here who understand what you are going through.

    Keep us posted.

    Donna G

  2. Friday after they did a spinal tap, the doctors told me that the lung cancer was in his cerebral spinal fluid. It was causing Meningitis with symptoms of sleepiness, confusion, no appetite, stiff neck. They told me he has 1-3 weeks left.

    I am so tearful now. I also am so greatful for all my neighbors and friends who continually ask me " what can I do for you?"


  3. Hello Truke

    Glad you did find us. Don't beat yourself up about smoking. So glad you quit years ago, that leave you in better shape to fight this disease. The majority of people diagnosed don't smoke or never, ever smoked.

    I was Stage IIIb in Dec. 1997. I had a "golf ball" in the apex of my right upper lobe. It was causing pain in my chest and down my arm. Thanks goodness I went to the Doctor.

    I am still here, cancer free after months on chemo, radiation, surgery and more chemo

    It can be beat. Keep us posted.

    Donna G

  4. Hello ! We have some things in common. I am an RN, graduated in 1968. At 50 years old I had chest and shoulder pain so went to the Doctor. A chest x ray showed a huge tumor in the apex of my right upper lobe.

    They tried to do a biopsy, later told me it was NSCLC ( stage 3B) they could not say for sure which type.

    If you read below you'll see I had 2 chemos , daily radiation, eventually surgery, then more chemo.

    I did get back to work and am still working part time.

    I wish you well on your journey, Please keep us posted.

    Donna G

  5. Last tests of my husband showed the cancer was not only in the lung and lymph node, later followed by the Right hip, now they found it in his spine.l

    They changed his chemo again but that really made him so sick!! He got so much pain, dehydration, messed up Blood sugars and electrolytes he was hospitalized and then I took family leave from work to be home with him.

    They changed his chemo again to Taxotere, some side effects and the dexomethozone still messes his blood sugars but not nearly as bad. I pray this does the job.

    Donna G

  6. I am not so sure yearly Ct scanning is the best screening. The more CT scans you have -or exposure to radiation- the more likely you will get cancer. If dogs are very good at screening by smelling for cancer I think it is very possible that a machine sensitive to smell could be made , everyone could breath into it as part of their annual physical and we would find a lot of lung cancer in early stages.

    Donna G

  7. Thanks everyone for your prayers.

    My husband was told the lung spots look smaller and the hip metastasis looks smaller. He is going to continue Chemo, next treatment December 26th.

    This chemo continues to really mess up his blood sugars, as he is Diabetic II. They gave him Insulin at chemo, his daily dose has been increased again, he was dry and low Mg so they gave him that and a bag of fluids IV too.

    Hope all have a Happy Holiday Season.

    Love Donna G

  8. Monday 12/3 2012 is my 15th year since I was diagnosed.

    I have survived Stage 3 lung cancer.

    I pray my husband who will find out Momday from the Dr. how his Pet scan was and if this new chemo has helped his lung cancer mets to his hip brings more news to celebrate.

    Donna G

  9. Hello . Yes Kasey and I are bothe Pancoast tumor survivors. I have an anniversary coming up next month. I was diagnosed in December 1997. After treatment I went back to work in 1998. Now my husband really thinks it is about time that I retire and go have fun with him.

    Keep us posted, best wishes .

    Donna G

  10. Most of us diagnosed with lung cancer get asked if we still smoke, even those who don't or never smoked. It seems as if they are saying "well you caused it yourself"

    I heard this on TV about a Carcinogen in the same class as smoking that we never hear about causing cancer! As a matter of fact our children are encouraged to use- The Birth Control Pill!



    Donna G

  11. Welcome. Thank goodness the Doctors made you a new bladder, also that we have 2 lungs!

    Glad to hear you are doing well. Sounds like you did not have radiation or chemo?

    I will be a 15 yr survivor in December! Wishing this for you also! Keep us posted.

    Donna G

  12. Thanks for the post Kasey! I am so happy you are a member of the Survivor Club! This can be beat. Your story tells others that a second or third opinion is well worth it. We also are so lucky that you found us and continue to support those new members.

    Donna G

  13. He had Cisplatin and Gemzar. The pet scan showed that it responded and got smaller in his lung but---------it showed a spot on his R pelvic bone so--------the Dr. told us now he is stage 4 and will need chemo until----

    We went to a second Dr. last week and he ordered a biopsy of the spot on his pelvis. He said it would be strange for the lung to respond but spread somewhere else so--------------now we are waiting to be told what that report says.

    Donna G

  14. Just came home from the hospital.

    My husbands lymph nodes were positive for lung cancer. No lung surgery yet. Chemo first. Stage 3.

    Have an appointment with Onocologist next wednesday the 20th to set up the plan.

    Donna G

  15. We saw the thoracic surgeon. She said the lymph nodes were brighter on the Pet than the tumor. She thinks that may be due to inflamation rather than cancer. She will do surgery Wednesday 6/13.

    She says first she will make an incision on his lower neck and scope down to the lymph nodes and send them to pathology. If they are postive she will stop and recommend chemo next.

    If the nodes are negative she will make an incision on his right lower chest and scope up to the right upper lobe and send the tumor to pathology, if it is postive she will remove the right upper lobe and insert chest tubes.

    We will know more Wednesday .

    Donna G

  16. Thanks to all.

    Katie, I sure miss Connie. She taught her husband how to send Emails, he forwards a lot to us most every day, so he also reminds me how I miss his wife, Connie.

    Today my husband and I are going for him to get a Pet Scan, to check for mets etc. I hope it goes well .

    Donna G

  17. Thanks everyone. My husband has several appointments. He will have a Stress Test and see a Surgeon in the next couple of weeks.

    Again thanks. I am thinking this could change our vacation plans for July!

    Donna G

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