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Posts posted by 0621121974

  1. I think that there is nothing wrong with feeling negative at times, if that is how you feel. No one should be made to feel bad for that.  I am not a believer of your attitude can fix this horrible disease. Not that I think there is anything wrong with those that handle their situation that way. You should do what works for you. I think people do their best, and sometimes it’s ok to be down. Sometimes its ok to ask why me? Because facts are facts, and not everyone will have a good outcome. I am thankful, but positive, no. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst is how I handle it. 

    Not trying to be a downer, but as a person that visits sites for information and to read people’s stories, I personally prefer a more realistic view and approach. 

    I hope you all and your loved ones continue to do well. 


  2. Agreed. I get crap for saying this, but I think it speaks volumes that just about 85-90% of those that post on this site are NSCLC. It is the same on Team Inspire website. My husband is at 18 months with ES SCLC - with brain mets, developed MAC disease, and had a RUL wedge resection to try and remove some of that MAC infection. He is doing ok, but I am constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. The cancer is NOT gone, just stable. He now has another cavitated tumor growing again per his last scan in July - just watching right now because he refused to do anything about right now, because he is asymptomatic. And he preferred to not have "maintenance " treatment. The immunotherapy (Tecentriq) he received actually caused the MAC disease, so he is not interested in that again. I am a realist, and I know at some point this will rear it's ugly head. Don't get me wrong I am grateful for every extra day - but that is what it is just "extra" time, which brings little comfort to me and his children. 


    I do wish and hope for the best for your wife and your father



    I do wish and hope for the best for your wife and your father :)

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