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Posts posted by bunny

  1. Well, the city officially lost not only the permit that was purportedly in the works, but our application as well. Joanie and I are both planning weddings ( :oops: ), my amazing team member Juanita Brown has been asked to do some other, incredible survivor work that she's going to be amazing at, and other team members had life catch up with them, as well.

    So, finding myself two months out with no permit and, therefore, no ability to 'go to press' with a date/time/location, we've agreed to postpone it. Katie B and Cate, from LUNGevity, were very supportive. Cate agreed that more time to plan and execute a springtime walk was more valuable than getting the NYC walk in during LC awareness month. We plan to do the walk in May, when the weather will be lovely (and it will still be within the same fiscal year for LUNGevity).

    So, sorry to have let some folks down but I am confident it has all worked out for the best. I love the idea of joining either the NJ (is that happening this year?) or Boston walks as a satellite walker.

    Thanks for nudging me Rich, I am embarassed to admit I thought I'd posted this a week ago, after I spoke with Cate. Call it bride brain, I am sorry to keep people hanging.



  2. this place is just the most miraculous group of people I know. I am sorting out all the details, we have been planning all the details for months without a date. we conifirmed that the Ireland contingent could make it for November 30, 2006, which they can, so we're all systems go now. I know, it's soon - I am not p/g (yet), we're just tired of waiting. :D

    so November 30, 2006, we'll be getting married here http://www.thefoundry.info with me in this dress www.siriinc.com/bg-9590 only in a luscious satin and with some body in it, not like the model. 8) it's a budget wedding, so I am looking forward to lots of "DIY" with family and friends, which I think is going to be a lot of fun. and although I told him I didn't need an engagement ring, David the Irish apparently has something up his sleeve...more will be revealed I guess. we're certainly backing into this - I got the dress on Fri., set the date on Sun., and will get the e-ring sometime before the wedding.

    I WILL keep you posted, and will also update the board soon on the status of the NYC walk. wedding aside, we've hit a few glitches.

    thanks again, love to you all.


  3. it's like I want to pretend that the LC never happened, even as I am so proud of Suki and what she lived through. I never come here any more, and this place and EVERYone here is ALWAYS on my mind. I am doing the advocacy work I wanted to, but it's almost like I wish the cancer could be out of sight, out of mind. which is baloney on so many levels: Suki is still on Tarceva, she's on a six month scan schedule and even though she's NED, it's never really gone, is it!?

    and I feel so selfish, because I feel strongly that I should be here for people who come in scared and confused as I was, but I get this weird sick feeling when I come back to the site. I lurk, but haven't been on here regularly since probably March or April. so now, in addition to everything else, I feel like an *ss because I feel like I've let you down, and all the people who've come on since I sort of disappeared.

    is this normal, or am I just selfish? I mean, there's plenty of other stuff happening: Dave's surgery went well but his recovery has been longer and slower than we thought it would be. I had my own medical adventures in June and July but am fine now.

    I do have one very amazing thing to tell you all, but, again, I feel a little embarassed, since I've been gone so long - Suki and I got to do one of the first things I was afriad we never would when she was diagnosed again last year: on Friday, we shopped for my wedding dress. :)

    no matter how flaky I get, you are always always always in my heart, LCSCers.


  4. I hate to read this Melinda. I fear I haven't been much of a friend to you here of late. I hope you know that you are never far from my thoughts, as a kindred soul just trying to care for her mom as best could - and you have! So well.

    Prayers and love, as always.


  5. no need to apologize, though I, for one, really appreciate the thoughtfulness of your post. I am not an atheist, but not not a Christian either (or a Jew, necessarily, or anything else with a 'name', for that matter) and sometimes wonder how I am perceived here. I believe in one, loving god that we all go to different places to find. that's what I hear in your post(s), and that's all I need to feel loved and cared for here. I believe all prayers help, since I believe they all end up in the same place. so thanks for being so loving and thinking of others the way you did.


  6. hey buddy. sorry to hear things are rough for you. I admire your working spirit, as always. I think of you so much more than you can possibly know.



  7. PS: since Ann asked, Amie is OK - I can't lie, watching Dave suffer the way he did has left me pretty wiped out, though I am thrilled he's doing so much better. and, believe it or not, I am having a little teeny procedure myself on Thurs. (when it rains it pours, right? sheesh!) but it is nothing to worry about at all. just a little 'girl stuff' that needs to happen before I can, heh, make suki the grandma I know she's anxious to be! :wink: nevertheless, it's a surgery and prayers are welcome and much appreciated (I truly believe this is the greatest prayer patrol on earth...) thanks for asking, Ann.

  8. you're never far from my thoughts. I can not imagine how painful life is for you right now, yet I have faith that it will get better, somehow, someday. I'm just so sorry.

  9. suki the one-lung wonder had her six month check today, since our friend NED came for a visit in January. I did not get a look at the report, which I now regret, but they said everything looks fine. the radiologist detected "something" at the margin but the surgeon and onc. agree that it's scarring from the pericardial window procedure mom had. so there you go. NERD, NED - not in so many words, but still there. it always takes some time to sink in, but obviously we're thrilled. so she will continue on 75 mg of Tarceva a day and repeat the process in six months.

    we saw her stage today in the doc's notes - they hadn't wanted to give it to her, and she didn't want to know it, last year. so the cancer they removed a year ago was stage IIIB. it's hard to hear, since her first cancer was II, but it's GONE, so who cares, right? she asked the doc for stats (I bit my tongue, if you can believe that) and he refused to give a number. he said it was likely to come back, but hopefully not for a very long time.

    so there was a bit of a reality check in there, but it is, as they say, ALL GOOD.

    oh, and thanks for all the good wishes: David the Irish is much better, a little bit more mobile and not in excrutiating pain anymore. thank god.

    love you all, thank you again for being here for us.



  10. bah. never a dull moment, huh? I am glad you let us know what's going on with you, Frank. I am always reading and keeping up and I still get such joy over your "dream state" picture, with the football, and the donut, and the dog...

    hang in there, and really, let us know how everything goes.

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