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Posts posted by bunny

  1. great update Andrea, and you're right: your mom is a great example of survivorship, and source of hope and strength.

    "baby dust", as they say, to you and good luck with the fat mass (ewww).



  2. NEVER a dull moment. I have a huge lipoma removed from my groin two years ago ( :oops: ), and they called it a 'mass' too. only reason they took it out was that it was adjacent to some major blood vessel...try not to worry, and keep us posted.

    I think some of us just "grow stuff". me: lipoma, dermoid cyst, uterine polyp, cervical carcinoma in situ, etc. etc. thank god, like you, it always turns out to be a big worry about nothing. let me know how it all goes.



  3. aww, you guys...I am always amazed at the over arching love and caring here. I am unworthy, but so deeply moved and grateful. Dave came through the surgery fine, and is home already (!). he had moments of feeling really great today, and moments of alot of pain. it will take time to know whether this surgery will work to relieve his back pain, but he is home safe and that's all I need to know right now. thank you so much for your prayers. I do believe they worked. a friend of mine gave Dave a coin on Thurs. that says "Expect a Miracle", and we do.

    I do wish I was partying in TX, though...

    thanks again,



  4. I, too, am a Follower of the Jim Method...positive, brave, kind, loving, funny, corageous. you've been such a good friend to me, Jim, and I am thrilled to hear how you've helped others, too.

  5. jenny! I know how scary and sad a recurrance is, but please look below at my mother's history! sounds a lot like your dad, and she is doing great!! she had a resection in 2000, then lost her whole lung last year when the cancer came back in the same lung. the surgery really put her through the ringer, and she couldn't have chemo as planned, but now she's living life on the Tarceva train, with no oxygen. so don't lose hope!! we're here, and we can support you, so you, in turn, can support your dad. that's what this place did for me, anyway.



  6. don't apologize. you just come when you can, and know that whether you're posting or "getting back" to us or not, we're keeping you and your man in our thoughts.



  7. such a big surgery! of course you're tired with everything you've been through. my mom has NSCLC, and had her lung removed last year. the surgical pain was hard, especially, she said, the rib and muscle healing. hang in there, my mother is going great now, almost exactly a year later.

    welcome to the board, you'll get lots of love and support here.



  8. welcome! I'm so glad you came out of lurkerness, I need to here success stories like your mom's. I love to hear that she's living life, even as she continues treatment. and I hear you re: how hard it can be to keep up with a busy, vibrant board - I've come and gone as time permits, but always come back to this family. it's a wonderful place, as you know, and it's nice to mee you, Jan Marie.



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