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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Hi everyone, just checking in on you all, I hope all is good for you, my niece was diagnosed with kidney cancer recently so another hurdle hits me, she had her kidney removed and she is on immunotherapy so everything xd, she’s only 44, I hope you all have a great Christmas and new year, and sending you all love and hugs and loads of positivity, best wishes Izzy xxx

    1. Pstar


      I’m so sorry to hear about your niece Izzy and I hope she is doing well in her recovery from surgery and treatment. I pray you had a merry Christmas and that the new year is treating you well so far. I know these first holidays without your son are the hardest but time will dull the ache. Thinking of you.


    2. Izzy


      Thanks Pam , yeah it’s still so very raw, I miss him more than words can say, I have a special place in my home for him, and a tree in the garden where I’ve placed some of his ashes, I just pray for the day I feel a bit better, hope your ok, thanks for your response, I still think about you all and pray your all doin ok,  have a great new year, love Izzy xxx 😘 

  2. Hi all, just checking how your all doing, sincerely hope your all ok, things still very raw here , my daughter in law and 4 four grandchildren have fallen out with me and Micky (Jus’s sister) and her two children, it’s heartbreaking 💔We’ve been denied any of his ashes so have nothing to show he ever existed for 52 years except photos and memories ,  still that’s not why I’ve posted, I check up on you all regularly as Jus would have wanted me too as this place was very special to him as you all were too, I hope life’s treating you all as well as it can, I’m hoping that we will both feel better one day but I’m not holding out much hope, he was such a special person to us as we were and are a very close unit, the hole we now have in our hearts is immeasurable but the love carries on and will never die, take care of yourselves and keep those loved ones close, love  and hugs to you all and keep up that wonderful strength you all have, catch up again soon Xx love Izzy xx

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pstar


      It hurts me to hear of the conflict with your daughter in law and grandchildren. I am truly sorry you are going thru this and pray that time will remedy the situation and turn it around. I have been thinking of you and Justin and wondering how you were coping. He is missed dearly as he always was so encouraging to all even when his treatment was so tough on himself. Sending hugs to you and please keep up your strength to get thru the grieving of the loss of your incredible son.


    3. Izzy


      Thanks Pam, Jus would be mortified at it all, we are such a strong close unit and it’s heartbreaking, I miss him so so much and now don’t even have his children to help me through it, I hope your doing ok Jus loved this forum and all of you in it, he loved being supportive and trying to help kept him going, thanks for your kind words it really means a lot, take care and keep fighting, love and hugs xxx Izzy xxx

    4. RJN


      @Izzy how very sad to hear that you have this to cope with on top of the terrible grief. It is kind of you to check in. I am doing very well after major surgery, and at least for now am cancer free, so making the most of it.

      I sincerely hope that you and your daughter-in-law can find a way through this as it just seems too much to bear. All the best, Rikke x

  3. Hi everyone, just checking in on you all, hope things are going well for you all, still very sad here, beginning to think I’ll never feel any better, things are still rough here and I miss Jus so very much , life is just so hard without him, take care of yourselves and keep fighting no one wins if they give up, thinking of you all a great deal, hang in there, love Izzy xxx

    1. LilyMir


      Hi Izzy! So glad to hear an update from you though my heart breaks for your loss still. I often think of you and Justin,I hope he is soaring in some other dimension somewhere in the vast universe. It must be the hardest of all losses to lose one's child no matter at what age but I pray that your pain eases at some point and you can find some joy in Justin's kids and the great memories you made for decades. I get melancholic often but remind myself that every human will die so revert to trying to make the best of whatever time I have left in this life. Hugs and please keep in touch if it is not distressing for you to do so.

    2. Izzy
    3. Karen_L


      @Izzy, it's so hard to deal with such a huge loss. Thank you for thinking of us even as your heart is heavy. I wish you well on your journey to this new life, and send you strength.


  4. How lovely Mark, I had family in Bristol we are about an hour away from there, your wife or you can always private message me if you want to. You can do this Mark and tell your wife she might feel lonely at times but she's never alone, always here for a chat if she needs it, take care nice to talk to you , hang in there, Isla x
  5. Hi Mark, I'm Justin's mum. Sorry to hear your news, I know you must be devastated but there is always hope, I know how your wife is feeling as she will feel there is nothing that she can do. It's so tough seeing someone you love going through such pain and the feeling of helplessness is overwhelming. As a mum I truly do know how she feels so if she ever needs a shoulder or someone to talk to I would be more than happy to listen. Jus has been incredible and gone through some gruelling treatment but 18 months on he's still here and still fighting. Let your wife know she doesn't have to do this on her own we are a family on this forum and always here to listen and support, take care Isla x
  6. So sorry for your loss, life can be so cruel, take care and hang on to those memories xxx Love Isla ( Justin's mum )
  7. Hi Kristen, Sorry to hear your news, my son is Justin who was diagnosed with NSCLC in 2021. He was 51. This is so scary and I know you will be struggling (I still am). We all know this is no easy disease to get your head around but you will now be able to process things as you have a diagnosis. Seeing someone you love go through this is heartbreaking but there really are lots of positives, this forum being one of them. It has helped me immensely and I know Jus has found it really helpful. Once you get a plan in place and treatment starts it will be a bit easier as your doing something. Please feel free to contact me any time you need a shoulder it's sometimes helpful to know someone is in the same boat as you, keep positive and stay in touch, it really does help to talk, xx love Isla xx
  8. Hi lovingdaughter 1990 I'm Justin's mum, I know exactly how your feeling. Jus was diagnosed with lung cancer 16 months ago at the age of 50 and It's been the scariest and sadist time of my entire life. You are never on your own cause you have this incredible forum to help you, they've certainly helped me, He is doing amazing and having the strength and support from his family is immeasurable. Love is an incredible weapon and it may not seem like it right now but you will get through this, if you ever need a chat I'm always available, it sometimes helps to have someone in the same boat as you, keep strong and positive cause your dads gonna need you, take care and sending lots of love and support Isla xx
  9. Hi everyone, not posted for a while but just wanted to say that Jus’ my son is doing really well, it’s been such a difficult road to travel but I feel we are definitely getting somewhere now, he has had some really good results with the tumour shrinking and the gamma knife doing it’s job, and I feel he is in a better place than he was, but it is still very difficult as the stress fear and pain never leaves you. I follow your posts and am so proud of you all and the way you deal with this terrible card you’ve all been dealt, we are a very close family and Justin’s pain is our pain but together we can get thro this, it’s strength in numbers I say !! I am so very proud of you Jus, couldn’t ask for a better son than you  and I love you very much, we will beat this together, Best wishes and hope you all get some good positive results, lots of  love Isla xx

  10. So glad your here sweetheart xx it’ll make your dad so pleased xx well and me xx
  11. Hi all, Bin a while since I’ve posted but it’s been a waiting game for Jus’s results, and what a great result it is !!!! No spread , another reduction and is marked as stable. Such a relief he’s going in the right direction and no one deserves it more than him, it’s such a tough terrible journey for you all and my heart breaks for you, but hang in there and stay strong. Jus, I love you so very much and am exceedingly proud of you for the way you’ve coped with all this and if anyone can kick this you can. Keep up the positivity everyone and show em who’s boss. All the very best to you all and lots of love, best wishes Isla xxx
  12. Well I’m so proud of you Jus for sharing your journey and helping others to maybe get an insight of what is to come x Your an inspiration and we love you very much for it, we wish Mickey all the love in the journey to come, and there is light at the end of these dark tunnels we’ve all gone thro, faith plays a huge part in recovery ❤️‍🩹 and just to hear you talk about what you’ve been thro brings tears to my eyes, so glad you can share your story x love you sweetheart xxxx
  13. So proud of you Jus x you’ve made all of us so proud of the way you’ve come through all this, I know it’s been really tough for you and you’ve felt like giving up but you never have, there is light at the end of this tunnel and you will come out the other side x I know you’ve been to hell and back but I have great faith in you and I know you will beat this, I love you so very much son and here’s to a bright future xxxx. Love mum xxxx
  14. Thanks Lou, he knows your all there for him and I know he is grateful for your support, and I bet he’ll be back on very shortly and give you an update cheers Izzy
  15. Well it’s done !!! Thank god Jus is home from his gamma surgery. A very long day from leaving home at 5am for an hour and a half drive to the hospital. There for 7am start and a long day ahead. Quite a traumatic day for him, but he did it, so proud of him as he’s been really struggling lately. We are so grateful for all your advice and support and it has played a very important part in our journey. Hopefully he will now begin to feel better, and start to live the life he’s been fighting so hard for. Once again my profound thanks to you all for being here for us, good luck to you all Isla ( Jus’s mum ) I’ll be back !!!
  16. Thanks catlady, these responses really help, I know it’s early days yet but it breaks my heart to see him hurting so much inside, I know what he means by feeling so alone, I feel the same even with people around me, I know he will get there and your support is vital to his recovery, thanks for being there for him I know how much he relies on your support as do all the family xx thanks again Best wishes Isla xx
  17. Hi all, Justin’s mum here, this is all so difficult as Jus can’t seem to get himself out of this deep hole he’s got into, we have tried but he can only see the worst scenario and not a more positive one, I know it’s hard for him as it is for all the family but here’s hoping after the gamma knife surgery he will start to feel a bit more positive. Thanks for all your wonderful support it is so appreciated and I know it helps him to read it all, here’s hoping he will find some positivity after next Thursday and start to enjoy his life. Thanks again for all you support. Best wishes to you all Isla xx
  18. I’m Justin’s mum LouT and your post helped me thanks very much, it’s a terrible time for us all.
  19. You will sonzie xxxx you’ve too much to live for xxxxx 💔 xxxxx
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