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Radon - The silent killer

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Posts posted by Radon - The silent killer

  1. Hello Everyone, 

    November is Radon awareness month. Radon is in all our homes. It is a radioactive gas that seeps into your home, schools, daycares, and workplaces from the ground under your home.

    Please invest in a radon detector (RadonEye - Radoncorp) and monitor your home. The RadonEye is a digital reader that will give you readings every 10 minutes. If you’re concerned about the cost of radon mitigation ($3-4,000) just open your windows to evacuate this highly carcinogenic radioactive gas. I have lung cancer and am a non-smoker. I tested my previous homes (built 1960-1992) and all had concerning radon levels. New construction, air tight homes have proven to raise radon to even higher levels.

    Smoking plus living in a home with radon only compounds your lung vulnerability to cancer.  I bought 3 radon detectors for my home and placed them in my children’s bedrooms.  Eliminating radon will prevent further destruction of my lungs and not counteract my treatment. 

    The medical community is not knowledgeable on radon.

    ***If you are going to check your home please let me know. It will give me great satisfaction if I can give longevity to you, your spouse, children, and pets.***

    My mandate is to save lives. Spread the word. 



  2. Hi LilyMir, 

    Radon levels are on the increase due to our drive for energy efficient air tight homes. The scientific community is telling the government but the government is not listening. We tested and found radon in old homes, and new homes. Radon was found in bsmt and second floor bedrooms (5 year old niece/radon level 1000 bq/m3). Schools, daycares, workplaces, and condominiums are also a strong concern for this highly carcinogenic gas. I have 3 detectors in my home and bought one for all my family members. I tested my past 2 homes which all had radon present. We had to mitigate multiple homes. 

    RadonEye detector- Radoncorp 

  3. Hi Tom, 

    Thank you for the great information.  In BC, Canada we have radon rough in’s in our building code east of the Rocky Mountains being area 2. This sounds like it correlates to the info you provided. Area 1 does not have radon rough in’s in the building code due to lack of testing. We discovered very high radon readings in multiple homes 60 plus in south west BC - Vancouver area.  The Canadian government is aware of radon but is not educating public to test. In light of our zero net carbon mandate by 2030, radioactive gas (radon) levels will rise significantly in our air tight homes which will be slowly killing us, our children, and pets.  As a side note the federal government is checking federal owned buildings - prisons and border buildings to protect from liability. radon-map.jpg

  4. CH29,


    Was your husband’s lung biopsy tested at Foundation Medicine? They provide a thorough  follow up report with targeted drug of choice and information on clinical trials. 

    Your Radon levels were high. That is concerning. Have you told your local authorities being public health or City Mayor?

    We have noticed the same with Radon levels increasing significantly when there is a storm or weather change.

    Your husband is lucky to have you on his team. 

  5. Hi CH29,

    Wondering what your radon readings were in your home?

    Did your husband get tested for a RET fusion by sending a lung biopsy to Foundation Medicine? RET fusions and radon seem to be linked. I have read research papers stating the radioactive gas causes chromosome breakage from long term radon exposure. If your husband has a RET fusion he can be treated with targeted therapy ie:Selpercatinib. My husband smoked for 40 plus years and we have lived together for 40 years. My husband CT scan shows no lung cancer. I am genetically predisposed to lung cancer.  I never smoked and husband did not smoke in home. Good for you for checking your home for radon and mitigating. 

  6. Hi,

    I am starting on targeted therapy/Selpercatinib and one of the significant side effects is hemorrhaging. I am on a blood thinner/Eliquis, due to 2 DVT and 4 pulmonary embolisms as a result of my lung cancer. I was diagnosed with lung cancer along with thrombophilia/blood clotting disorder last year. In Canada there is not a lot of knowledge or experience with Selpercatinib as we just recently received approval to acquire. Anyone out there with info on taking both drugs? Is it safe to take both? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

  7. Hi Karen,

    Thank you for your response and comments. I have been in conversation with leading radon experts in Canada/world. Alan Whitehead Radoncorp and Dr. Aaron Goodarzi both highly educated on radon. I tested all my previous homes and they all had radon. I have a RET fusion which is linked to long term radon exposure. The medical community is not a good resource for info. Glad you checked your home. I would recommend getting a Radoneye thru Radoncorp. It is a digital monitor that gives you 24/7 readings. You are right about fluctuations in readings and the silence on radon. My community is providing radon pucks through “Take Action on Radon” due to our findings as a private citizen who are raising the alarm on radon. Energy efficient and air tight homes will drive up the radon and more people will get diagnosed with lung cancer,  if we don’t all wake up.  I especially worry about our children. 

  8. Hello, I just discovered this sight! I’m from Canada. Diagnosed with NSCLC with RET Fusion approx 1 1/2 year ago. Sent a lung biopsy to Foundation Medicine in US. Non-smoker 55 years old. I researched RET fusion can be caused by long term exposure to Radon. We tested our home along with multiple family members and we found Radon in all our homes at varying levels, some were found to have very worrisome levels (1000bq/m3). We mitigated the homes with high radon, being a highly carcinogenic gas. Is Radon on peoples radar in this forum? I have found most of my acquaintances including those in the medical profession lack awareness. 




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