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Sallysh last won the day on December 4 2023

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    United States
  • Status
    Lung cancer patient/survivor
  • Interests
    Golf, reading

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  1. Go to an oncologist for further evaluation. My pulmonologist wanted too long and I ended up with 3b, now stage 4.
  2. I would ask for a biopsy. I also had breast cancer many years ago and then was diagnosed with lung last year. A biopsy will tell whether it is from the breast or a new cancer. That’s very important to treatment decisions and outcomes. Sound like you’re in a better location for good treatment. Good luck
  3. I am starting SBRT radiation to my oligometastatic spread to liver and spleen. One lesion on each. I am hopeful it will slow things down
  4. Sallysh

    The Stigma

    Thanks for the good thoughts. As to mutations, I don’t have any that are currently being treated by the new drugs. I was on durvulamab but it did not work. Feels odd to wish I had a stuff.
  5. Sallysh

    The Stigma

    I agree. I recently posted on Facebook about this. I am a many year breast cancer survivor and always appreciated the support. Now I have a separate lung cancer and feel isolated. I have a lot of support from my friends and family but I agree that the lack of public support is troubling. I know that it affects funding as well. I’ve read that one of the reasons for lack of events,etc is because there are not as many survivors to promote them. Sad
  6. If it were me I’d go to an oncologist or pulmonologist and have it followed up now. This waiting May work for the observers but not the patients. Good luck
  7. My situation was a little different as I underwent chemo radiation that shrunk everything a lot. My oncologist then wanted me to consider surgery. Radiation was high dose which makes surgery more difficult. I too saw a surgeon who was “willing”. To do the surgery. However the complications, especially because of the high dose radiation, were daunting. I determined not to do the surgery and started immunotherapy. The immunotherapy (durvalumab) has failed and in a mere three months the cancer has spread to many lymph nodes and my other lung and liver. The surgery would not have prevented this. I also have mild copd so can identify with your mother. I would agree with The other comments and get more input from lung cancer specialists.
  8. I’m sorry you have such side effects. I had radiation and chemotherapy at the same time. The radiation did not add anything to side effects but fatigue and some difficulty swallowing that was temporary. I had nsclc cancer in upper leftI lobe with lymph node outside my lung . I only had one round with cisplatin which was too hard on my kidneys so was changed to carboplatin with the etoposide. Less side effects. Fluids really do help although it’s hard to force them I know. I’m just on durvalumab now for the next year. The good news is the chemo and radiation worked and the tumor is much smaller and less active. So hang in there. Best always
  9. So glad to hear! I started reading your Cancer Words. You are a terrific writer and you have really captured so many of the feelings. I am way behind you. I was diagnosed in November 2022 with stage three a squamous cell lung cancer. I am now on a durvaluminab immunotherapy but I’ve only had a couple of infusions. I find your insights very helpful. I wanted to comment on a couple of your postings, but I couldn’t figure out how but that’s OK. I hope you continue to do well. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings.
  10. I haven’t been on Keytruda but I know of some folks who have, with no or little side effects. I Amon another similar drew, Imfinzi (durvalumab). No side effects but it’s early. My chemo doc says 92% hav none or very mild. All th info has to cover ALL side affects ever experienced and can be scary. I guess I wouldn’t make my decision based on the worst Don’t lose hope, as hard as that is. Good luck.
  11. Sallysh

    The Stigma

    I hear you and am glad you can reach out here. Sometimes I think people just can’t handle it. I have no children of my own but have always been close to my nieces and nephew, children nof my oldest sister. I know this situation is a bit different but my sister was very ill and died in November, the day I got the results of my Ct, which was taken for another purpose. I did not tell any of my family until I got the pet scan and biopsy. I called each of the kids and talked to two, who have been supportive from a distance. The niece I have been closest to over the years did not respond for a week and then was very distant. I have not heard from her since. I know those kids went through a lot with my sisters illness and she has had other things but it still hurts. So I can relate. I do think, as I said earlier that people may not be able to handle all that goes with this disease. It sounds like your lobectomy went well and any further as well. My mass is contained in my upper left lobe, with one lymph node outside the lung so no surgery. I am having chemo and radiation (which I finished this week) and then immunotherapy. I am optimistic and hope you are too. There are many supporting folks on this site welcome
  12. I just realize what a non sequitur my reply was. I guess I’m just anxious and making the worst of what is not the worst. Thanks for your help.
  13. I was trying not to take the anti nausea drugs this week. But I went back today and started again. I actually have three. I can take the nausea if I have to but really want to be able to complete the chemotherapy. I did fail to mention I’m 75, which is not important really except I know the doctor is concerned about kidney stuff.
  14. Thanks. I did have gerd and took omeprazole once a day. I had nausea starting two days after chemo which responded to anti nausea meds. It got worse What I’m experiencing now is not the same as before- no acid burn but just nausea in pit of my stomach. Yes it was my medical oncologist who recommended the two doses of omeprazole.
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