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Posts posted by hollyanne

  1. The steroids DEFINITELY are big energy boosters -- my mom was almost manic at times while on them...getting off them, she was very tired. Keep in mind that both radiation and chemo are cumulative -- one can be a lot more tired at the end and for a while afterwards -- our onc said that radiation can continue working two weeks after treatment is complete.

    hang in there. it is great that she is working full-time!


  2. Judy -

    No hope? You should have lots of hope - he was diagnosed in August and seems to be doing well (right?) My mom was diagnosed in August 2005 and left this earth in January 2006. She was the picture of health -- never did anthing to harm her body, worked out every day, etc. This disease is terrible and randomly chooses people -- but it is part of life and you have to make a conscious decision to adjust and accept the diagnosis, not the statistics.

    Yes, life changes -- but your husband is still with you, talking and sharing with you, LIVING. There is a new normal, but that doesn't mean that every day has to be depressing and sad. Of course you are sad and depressed at times...but please, please cherish what you have. have to say that anti-depressants have helped a lot of...better living through chemistry!

    We are all here to help you. Everyone here gets discouraged, but there are many reasons to be hopeful!


  3. Hi -

    I too read and re-read the IMs. You know your dad - we don't. If he is in control of his appointments (i.e. does ask a lot of questions, has a grip on everything, etc.) then I would let it go. If the oncologist thought treatment was necessary, you would have heard about it. I know how hard it is to feel like you don't know every little thing, but it is your dad's life. The one thing I would consider doing is ask him to get a copy of the report...

    Hnag in there -- sounds like good news!


  4. Laura -

    Of course you are sad! I found that I kept myself so busy so I wouldn't think about it (and had a newborn to deal with as well) -- Yet, let yourself break down - now, I do once or twice every day and then I move on. I am sure the void is huge especially after having lived with his treatments every day for a long time. Feel sad, it is terribly sad -- but also feel thankful that you were there for both your mom and dad. For me, some days are much better and some days are terrible - it has been three months since I lost my mom, my best friend.

    Love to you,


  5. Suz -

    So many prayers for you tonight and through the week. I pray your mom's passing will be peaceful. I went through this three months ago, I know how difficult it is -- Prayes for strength for you. I am thankful that hospice is with you and will keep her comfortable and anxiety free.

    Love to you,


  6. Oh Carleen -- so many prayers tonight for pain relief and a plan. Have they tried fentanyl yet? The Duragesic patches and Actiq suckers? It was the only thing that worked for my mom -- and a morphine pump -- nothing else touched the severe pain she had.

    Prayers and many more prayers. You are so string and so is Keith.


  7. Nancy -

    I left you a voicemail as well...prayers for strength for all of you. My mom acted very similarly at the end...hold your dad's hand, let him know you love him and that you understand what a stuggle this has all been. You will get through this. I am here for you...call me whenever.


  8. Welcome Tracy!

    This is the place for support, love, information and just general encouragement. I am sorry you have to be here. It isn't fair, I know. How old are your kids? What is your treatment plan. You will be added to my list of people to pray for.

    Thinking of you tonight,


  9. Oh Tina, you two fought so bravely. What an amazing blessing that Charlie had you while he was on this earth. So many prayers for some strength for you incoming weeks and days. I am so very sorry.


  10. I know how hard this on you. Can you ask them about a morphine pum which delivers a steady dose so that you won't have to get up? If they are putting the catheter in, I imagine he is staying in bed which makes the pum really easy.

    The regular morphine should keep him comfortable. Prayers for all of you. It is so very difficult.


  11. I am so sorry. You are not selfish to want him to stay -- I remember that feeling. All you can do is love him and make sure he is comfortable. If he seems at all agitated, make sure hospice gives him xanax or something. As you know, God may have other plans for him...know that you are a fantastic daughter and that this will probably be the most difficult thing you will go through. I remember those days and my heart breaks for you.

    Prayers for strength ane peace of mind.



  12. Jodi -

    I think Cindi is probably right -- the thing I noticed with my mom was that the inflammation in the areas around the bone mets was responsible for most of her terrible pain. My mom did really well with steroids -- they took away the inflammation and pain very quickly -- as well as Duragesic patches.

    The spine mets can cause horrendous pain and when they are radiated, resulting in more irritation of surrounding tissues and nerves, it can be terrible.

    I know how painful it is to watch your mom in pain. Keep on the doctors to get her comfortable -- you can always cut back on medication later.

    Love to you,


  13. I will say many prayers tonight. I know you are probably in shock - when the bad news comes with no warning, it is devastating and numbing. I pray for strength and peace for all of you during this time.

  14. Hi Karen -

    Does your cancer center have a patient advocate who can advise you? My mom was on Medicare A/b with supplemental insurance as well -- everything was covered for her except for Duragesic pain patches. Yet, she was over 65 (if that makes a differece.) i was shocked at how good the Medicare coverage was!

    Good luck,


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