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Everything posted by skdgr81

  1. skdgr81

    3 Years

    That is a big inspriation 3 years - now let's hope and pray you and keith get 50 more! GOOD LUCK! Sam
  2. Hey TAnn, I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my Prayers. I have kept up with you for quite some time and I admit - YOU ARE ONE TOUGH COOKIE.!! I am thinking of you and yours, Sam
  3. I am so sorry for your loss. I just want to offer my deepest condolences. Sam
  4. I want to let ya know that I just whipped up a huge pot of my very own special kick this cancer stew. I tossed in extra prayers and support. Alot of love and well wishes My super redneck shi_ kicker boots and alot of Jalapenya's Stirred it up and am servin ya up a huge bowl Get well and Heres to ya U r in my prayers - Sam
  5. Hey there, I just wanted to say hello and to let you know that you are in my prayers and that you have my support as well. Sending you a big hug, Sam
  6. I have read other post that talk about something called the magic mouthwash.. I think it is a prescription " don't quote me" Talk to your doc and see if he is familiar with it. Just trying to help Big Hugs, Sam[/i]
  7. Hello, Just wanted to let you know that u r in my prayers and you and your family have my support as well Big Hugs, Sam
  8. skdgr81

    Mom Update

    Hi, I agree with Kasey. Your Onc and Medical team should be honest but optomistic as well. I just wanted to lend my support and prayers to you and your mother .. Big Hug, Sam
  9. I am still sitting in Nodule Ville.. waiting for my follow up CT in april I have started having chest pains so am seeing my doc today at 12:00 Hope it is nothing .. Sam
  10. Hey Connie, I miss u out here in noduleville. Sure isn't the same without a fireball like u. Glad u r gettin better - though we all knew u would. Sam
  11. The main doctor that answers questions had a schedule change and a house fire. Needless to say he isn't really available to us at this point. I think they are working to get some more dr to help answer questions for the interim. Hope this helps. Sam
  12. Hey, I just wanted to welcome you. I hate that u have to go through this but you have found a great place. People here are full of support and information. You aren't alone. Sam
  13. skdgr81


    Hey Kasey, Just wanted to toss my hat in and give ya a big whooo hoo! I have to say that you are an inspiration to me! Health, Wealth and Happiness~! Sam
  14. Also just a quick question .. i can't find this anywhere.. Where is a hilar lymph node? How does it effect staging.? Thanks Sam
  15. Hey, Just want to ask, has anyone here had these freakin nodules and had them go away on follow up.. Like they were from a upper respiratory infection or something. Thanks Sam This is really screwing with me. I can't sleep - work -and am becoming a hermit. All i think is nodule nodule nodule.. is really pathetic i guess.
  16. Just wanted to ask a quick question here about these d@## nodules. I know that infection and inflamation causes them as well as the C word. Could a cold or bronchitis cause them? My 6mm little bugger has been on my mind.. Thanks, Sam
  17. Ok here we are at the cross roads.. What exactly would u do ? and how can I get it done? I mean do I show up at the hospital door and demand surgery.. I am just so new to this.. Thanks, Sam Thanks for the info.. I love u all
  18. It is me again here on nodule watch. I was curious to know if any of u guys that were dx had a lump in one tonsil. It is driving me nuts along with the tightness in my neck and the stabbin pains in my eye and blurry vision. It is on and off so I am not sure if it warrants an ER visit or just talk to my doc about it on the 1rst. Can a 6mm nodule cause all this drama or could it be somethihng else? Have had my neck, chest, liver, spleen CT'D and all that is there is that 6mm nodule. I had a sinus xray done and there is a cysts in my left sinus but my pains are in the right eye. I have bad tmj - could that be the culprit.. Sorry about all the questions .. I just feel lost Sam
  19. Hi, I have been all over the net with this nodule thing and I am confused. Is a nodule a cancer to small to call a tumor or is it " maybe cancer/maybe not"... what all could this little bugger be.. All i know is i want it to go away
  20. Now that I know I have a nodule, I find myself talking to it, arguing with it and asking it to leave. All of a sudden when I found out I thought that I felt it growing inside of my chest. I want it out out out out out~! Either myself or a surgeon is fixing to go get it.. is making me nuts!
  21. As far as looking for metastised cancer I think we are on that hunt. My doc had my throat and chest ct'd at the same time.. which included liver and spleen .. Getting an upper gi next week.. . and I am going to ask that we have my head looked at " for several reasons" lol.. just to make sure.. I did have a uri and an episode of bronchitis over a month ago.. Could that be the source of the nodule..? Also thanks for the info on valley fever.. I am going to ask for that screening also. It is just not in me to wait around.. I am in attack mode - is very frustrating. Thanks to everyone who replied and introduced themselves..
  22. Hello to all, I am so glad to find this forum as you all seem to be so supportive and I really need to now and have alot to give. I am 31, male and a former smoker of 18 years.. My saga starts this july 2005 with a lump in one tonsil and strange neurological symptoms. Pains - like little electric shocks through my body. 2 Bouts of Bronchitis and coughing blood occasionally. Been to four doctors they say tonsilitis and send me home. Finally got a Doc that listens and have been getting test run to find my prob. I have had every symptom of lung cancer on and off and fear that my shooting pains are paraneoplastic syndrome in nature. I had a normal chest x ray but because of the blood Doc sent me for CT and they found a noncalcified 6mm pulmonary nodule on my upper left lung beside the fissure ( bronchi- i guess)..And a borderline enlarged hilar lymph on right side 1.5 cm... The nodule is too small to biopsy I am also having strange pains in my liver area and my head and throat. The ct of my neck found nothing and my sinus has a mucus retention cysts... They recommend a rescan in 3-4 months for the lung nodule The doc cant say if is cancer all he says is we watch and wait.. I am petrified considering the prognosis difference between stage 1 and later stage. My questions are is this standard procedure? Can I demand that they remove it? How likely is this to be cancer considering all my other symptoms?
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