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Posts posted by EastCoastLadi

  1. I hate seeing anyone I love in such agonizing pain, my dad was like that with his cancer, when he changed hospitals I told him to trust his new drs. and that they would eventually control his pain, they did.

    The hardest part is that it can be a trial and error process. but when they find the right solution, I know your dads' pain will be under control....


  2. Dar,

    I'm so sorry about your mom, it takes so much out of everyone. I hope you will take a moment to read my profile and see what my husband has been and is going thru.

    I won't lie, treatment of SCLC takes so much out of the person going thru treatments. Your mom is still fairly young, and that is a positive for her.

    Attitude is important as well, she's with you and her grandchildren and although you may not realize it and there will be times, but that is some of the best therapy around.....

    Lastly, welcome, it is a mixed greeting, sadness for the need to be here, happy that you are here...


  3. I would talk to the drs. more about different types of radiation - cyberknife, gammaknife, IMRT, there are other radiological options. I know that one of their concerns is the tumor location in relation to vital organs....but I think it is worth talking more to the drs.


  4. First of all, Happy 50th!!!!!

    I'm thinking of only the positive for you. I wanted to let you know that my husband has brain mets and he never had or even has had headaches. I can totally understand the tension you are under.


  5. Bobby,

    Once again, I'm sorry that your sister is going thru all of this. Unfortunately SS Disability takes about 6 months to get, but it is retroactive.

    I would suggest in the meantime for her ( and you and whomever else is helping her) the following:

    Talk to the social worker at the hospital/cancer center she is getting treatment for. He/She hopefully will be able to direct you in some places where she lives to get some help/assistance..

    I was thinking also, if she can qualify for welfare, food stamps and other assistance. It would be very simple for her to get that documentation. But I would strongly suggest that you or someone else who is helping her to put together all the documents that she would need.

    Of course, definitely have her apply to SS for disability

    My other question would be, what was her work situation? You said she can't work any longer, does she have any time she can cash out on, also is there any long term disability?, Since I don't know your sisters' exact situation I can't give you any further info.

    Please definitely look thru out this site, there have been many postings of websites that can help her out.


  6. Bobby,

    I know how you feel, please check out my profile to read about my husband.....he's a fighter....does this stink!, YES! ( I could of used a better word ).

    I'm still having a very difficult time with all of this too, it's now been over a year. But I'm still fighting for my husband to stay alive. I don't care if people don't like my attitude sometimes, heck even my husband thinks so too!

    Because if I stop, then it will be too late.


  7. (((Carleen)))

    Please never feel that you are a burden! I know the awfulness of deep, soul wrenching pain!

    You know what, it's ok to break down, just make sure you have people who care about you around, whether it be in person, and even here!

    My mom, still breaks down, my dad has been gone for over a year now. Sometimes I forget, but reality brings me back to the pain

    I won't give you the "Hallmark" cliches -----

    Just don't do anything to hurt yourself....

    I know that you can't physically feel all of our (((hugs))), but if my arms could reach across the country.....

    Please, I'm here for you...along with so many others...


  8. Nick,

    I had two drs. tell me and my husband he can't drive. Have I taken away the keys, no.... because I've told him if he does he'll be busted.....

    But tell your mom, if her dr. doesn't want her to drive, he/she can also be liable and she could get her dr. in big trouble if something happens while she is driving.

    Have her dr. talk to her, she shouldn't be driving, period! I know she has to hate that loss of freedom and having to depend upon others.....but unfortunately the treatment she is going thru can and does have side effects, not to mention the brain tumors themselves, that can seriously impair her...


  9. Heather,

    I'm very sorry about your StepMom. Please read my profile, you will see all my husband has gone thru. I also question, who told her there was absolutely nothing to do???

    Even though it has spread, SCLC reacts well to chemo and radiation. And I take it that she hasn't had any of these treatments before.

    Talk to your dad and Stepmom, and if they haven't already, get another opinion! Have the hosp. where your SM is at and tell them you want one......

    Also where ever your SM is going, ask to talk to their Social worker, she needs support - that's their job!!!!

    SCLC does spread quickly, but with treatment, it can be held in it's place....

    Also with your daughter, I know my girls reacted differently, when their grandfather dying of bladder cancer.

    My youngest who was 7, was afraid to go near or talk to "grampy", it's ok. Sometimes if they're scared, a child may regress, my youngest is going thru some of that now with her daddys' cancer.

    Just let her be her, she knows you're there w/ her.

    Also if you can, can you tell me more, where are you located, what dr/hospital told your SM and dad that info. What other tests have been done.....

    Please also know, this is a wonderful place to go for support and advice and to vent!!!


  10. Steven,

    I don't know why I haven't caught your story before, but unfortunately I'm not suprised by it, and that is very sad in of itself.

    My dad had bladder cancer, had his entire bladder removed and was told by the surgeon " he got all the cancer" .......my dad died of extensive bladder cancer Aug. 2005.

    But Steven, keep on keepin on, you're doing a great service by spreading the word on your situation. Please know that you got alot of supporters here....


  11. .....that our lives changed forever

    .....he's still fighting

    .....all we can do is take one moment at a time

    I've learned alot these past 365 days, I've seen that sparkle that was in my husbands' eyes slowly fade away....but there's still a little left...

    We know what will happen sooner or later, my biggest hope is that it will be much, much later

    ......But - he still fighting


  12. Rana,

    I'm very sorry about your mom. I know what it is like to see someone you love in agonizing pain.

    I know that the drs. will be able to control her pain.

    As far as the cause of this pain, I couldn't tell you if it is chemo related. Everyone is different in their reactions to chemo. But like Tina said, it's best that she get some further tests..MRI, or CT to rule out or see if there is anything going on.

    I pray that your mom will come thru this ok.


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