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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Hello Jackie and thank you so much for your message. I never understood the Canadian healthcare system before this exeperience and am still learning now. I had hoped to be able to get Brad to go for a second, third even fourth opinion about his diagnosis but his main doctor was pretty much cold to that suggestion. Down here, that is the common practice for most people and it is encouraged. I was baffled at his doctors attitude. I did so much research, spent countless hours online reading every single thing I could find, trying to find ANYTHING that might help. I wanted so much for him to go to BC and talk with the university doctors there about the mistletoe therapy that was showing so much promise but his doctor told him that he would prefer he not travel...He did go to Calgary and consult with a specialist there but of course it was already such an advanced case that it was just too late. It was only about 2 and a half weeks later that he lost his fight. Anyway, I apologize for rambling on.. I so appreciate everyones responses and hearing from someone else in Canada who can understand the frustrations I have regarding treatments and healthcare there is very much appreciated. Take care and please keep in touch....
  2. Maryanne, Thanks so much for you reply. I had read this article you mention as a friend of mine happened to have come across it and sent it on to me. I have printed it out this time and shall add it to the stacks and stacks of articles I have here. Brad was a remarkable person, as some would say he was the total package, smart, funny, handsome and just so full of life and had such a passion for living. I think that only made it harder to accept his fate for me, but I am, slowly, coming to grips with it and am determined to do whatever I can as an individual to help get the message across to everyone that we just HAVE to find the cure and soon. Again, thanks so much for taking the time to reply to me..
  3. Hello Donna and thank you for the welcome and kind words. I have been reading and researching so many sites and one of the things I see repeatedly is the argument I guess you could call it, about smokers and non smokers and lung cancer. I am a reformed smoker, I quit a year ago this past November for various reasons. At that point we had no idea that lung cancer was going to play a role in our lives, much less take Brad at such a young age. I am just floored at the lack of early detection testing and the lack of basic knowledge. I cannot begin to tell you how many people reacted to this news by saying OH!! I never knew he smoked!! I think this is one of the major issues that needs to be promoted and brought to the front in this war.. NOBODY IS IMMUNE TO LUNG CANCER! It honestly does not matter if you are a smoker or not, it can and does strike both groups. My hope is that through sites such as this one, and all of us working together in some way, the necessary steps will be taken to make the public as well as the healthcare systems more aware that we just HAVE to do more and NOW.. Sorry to have gone off on a tirade there.. I do that from time to time, lol.. Thanks again for your kindness, it means so much!
  4. Thank you so much. I wish I had found the strength to post here sooner as I am certain it would have been very helpful at the onset as well as throughout the horrible ordeal we went through. I know I have said this in many of my replies already but the out pouring of support and warmth and just plain goodness has been amazing. Thank you!
  5. Hello Laura and thank you for your kind words and warm welcome.
  6. Michele, I am so very sorry about your dad. I agree, my Brad was very young to be taken by such a horrid disease. He was in Canada and he would phone me almost every evening and tell me about the chemo treatments and how much he hated them. I felt so helpless as there was nothing at all I could do but listen and be as supportive as I could be all the while trying to hide my fear. Brad told me one night about being in for his daily treatment and how there was a little child in the next room. I think that was the only time I ever heard him really negative and down. Cancer is by far the most evil and devastatingly destructive force I have ever experienced. I wish there was something more I could say to you to ease the pain I know you have. I find it comforting to know that there are people, here especially, that can understand that pain. The warmth and kindness I have felt this evening is just so wonderful... Please stay in touch and know that you are in my thoughts..
  7. Carlene, my heart goes out to you. I know EXACTLY what you mean when you said it should have been you. I am a former smoker, I quit a year ago this past November, partly due to Brad's nagging but mainly for myself. At that point I did begin to eat better, leaning towards fresh and organic foods rather than the processed junk. You can understand fully my shock and disbelief at hearing the news that Brad had lung cancer. My initial reaction was that this was simply not possible! But, as you say and as he told me from the very onset, cancer does not discriminate, and nobody is immune. How sadly true that is. Please keep in touch.. I look forward to getting to know you more.. Take care, hugs, Chris
  8. Thank you so much! I am really just amazed at the responses I have had here already. I, like I am sure most everyone else touched by this dreaded disease, never dreamed my life would be impacted by it. I am coping, the loss is still pretty new as it has only been 4 months but each day seems to get just a little easier. Finding such a wonderful group of people that know first hand how devastating this is is so helpful. I was not quite ready to do this before but it felt right now, and so here I am. Again, thank you for your care and your warm welcome. I hope that together we will all see an end to this disease.
  9. Hello Rochelle and thank you for that information. I am on the other side of the state from Boston, unfortunately. I had heard about this event the other day and wish I could be there.
  10. Hello Katie and thank you for your kind words. Yes, if we all make that initial step towards winning this war, then I have complete faith that we will. I feel it is very important to draw attention, especially to this particular form of cancer and educate people as much as possible. I know I learned many things that I had no idea about until faced with this. I truly believe that Knowledge is power.
  11. Thank you so much. I am so amazed at the outpouring of responses to my post and they all mean so much.
  12. Kasey I am so sorry to hear about your neice.. where is she in Massachusetts? And she is in my thoughts and prayers... Please keep me posted on things with her.
  13. I could never break a promise to him, most especially one as important as this one. Thank you so much for your reply.. It means so much.
  14. Thank you. Wow you sure have been through a lot already. My prayers are with you! I might mention my friend was up in Canada, not sure about that country's healthcare system to be honest. I wish he would have come state~side for another opinion but by the time his cancer was found it was most likely too late.
  15. Hello everyone, My name is Chris and I am new here. I just found this site and thought it looked really nice. I lost a very special person to lung cancer this past December and am still trying to process the whole ordeal. He was diagnosed in September and things just progressed so quickly. When the cancer was first found it was already at stage IIIb and had spread to his liver. I might add here that this man worked out religiously at the gym, treated his body like a shrine and never, ever smoked a day in his life. He avoided fast foods and junk food like the plague and I used to kid him saying he could be the poster child for healthy living. I just cannot get my head completely wrapped around the fact that someone this healthy and vibrant could be struck down so fast. He was only 31 when I lost him, his 32nd birthday would have been yesterday. I made him a promise before he died that I would never give up fighting and looking for a cure.. And so, here I am. I hope this post is not too long or inappropriate. I look forward to meeting people in similar situations perhaps to share stories and support and work together towards a cure. Thanks for reading and listening, Chris
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