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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Grace, I am sorry I missed this post earlier. I just wanted to add my love and support here as well. I agree with what the others are all saying, you are entitled to lose it now and then and it CAN be a healing thing adding strength in the long run. You and your husband and family remain in my thoughts and prayers, as always. Please feel free to pm or email me if you think it would help? That offer is a standing one. Chris
  2. Hello and welcome Sioban I am so sorry you had reason to find this community, but glad you have done so. You can see that you can ask any and all questions here and someone is bound to either have an answer or suggestion for you or they can tell you where to look. The support system here is beyond awesome~ All the best to you and your partner, Chris
  3. MsC1210


    Aliboo I wanted to add my hello and welcome to the others. As you can see, this is THE place to turn for answers and support. You and your boyfriend are in my prayers. Sending tons of positive thoughts, Chris
  4. Linda, I am sorry things are not better. I am glad you will be using Hospice though, it should enable you to have a little bit of a break for yourself. I continue to keep you and Mom in my prayers. Wish there was more I could do. Sending hugs and prayers and positive thoughts, Chris
  5. Linda, Just wanted to let you know you and your mom are in my prayers. Love, Chris
  6. Hello Judy and welcome. I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but you did indeed find a wonderful resource in this site. You will find great information, answers to your questions and a wonderful support system. Just let us all know what you need and I am sure we will all do our best to help you through this journey. Chris
  7. Good Morning Shirley, Well this was not what I was hoping to read. Grrr.. But don't give up. Keeping my fingers crossed for the cyberknife as well~ Will talk to you later I hope.. HUGS, Chris
  8. MsC1210


    Tracy, This is wonderful news!! Continued prayers and positive thoughts for continued good results!! Hugs Chris
  9. Don and Lucie, This is wonderful!! Continued prayers and positive thoughts for continued good reports for you both. Hugs Chris
  10. MANY prayers, much love and postive thoughts!! Chris
  11. MsC1210

    one month today

    Hello Cathy, I am so very sorry about your dad and I am sending you prayers for strength and peace. It does get easier, with time, and the pain does dull. I wish there were words to help ease this for you, but as we all know, there really are none that can do that. Sending much love and prayers, Chris
  12. Shirley, Totally understandable. This is still so new and I can only imagine how nuts it is there for you! Chris
  13. Hi Shirley. WOW.. well I guess the medical profession is like any other, bound by and with, red tape! How infuriating though. Glad to hear the insurance part worked out well though! Wondering if you asked to have copies of all your dads records made for YOURSELVES as well for any future issues that arise? Just a thought.... Glad that things went somewhat smoothly! Chris
  14. I missed the beginning of this thread but would like to extend my best wishes! Continued prayers for NED to remain in your lives from here on out! Chris
  15. MsC1210

    Dads Gone

    My deepest condolences on the loss of your father. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Chris
  16. Hi Grace and welcome to our little world over here. Chris
  17. Charlene, Although I cannot offer much in the way of advice, I did want to say welcome and I am glad you found this site. There are so many people here with so much knowledge and insight to offer, as well as so much love and support when you most need it. This is a very scary time for you and your mom as well as your whole family. Have you addressed your concerns with her doctors? And the best advice I can give you is to do your best to remain positive. Not only for your mom, but for yourself. Please keep us all posted and let us know how we can help. Sending you love and prayers and positive thoughts, Chris
  18. Shirley, I am not sure if Darrell has gotten the juicer yet, but I will ask him when I hear from him later. I, on the other hand, am addicted!! lol.. watermelon/banana/strawberry is so good! Good luck today and keep on those dr's! Let us know what happens, and know we gotcha covered in the prayer dept!!! Hugs and love, Chris
  19. Hi Shirley, I am happy to hear you are making some progress with everything. Sounds like steps in the right direction to be sure~ Continued prayers and positive thoughts to you and your family, and keep up posted!! Hugs~ Chris
  20. Lisa, I just wanted to add my prayers and positive thoughts for the upcoming thoracoscopy. Praying everything comes back benign.... Chris
  21. Kim, I can relate to a lot of what you have said here and I am very glad you have been able to share your feelings and get them "out" so to speak. Venting is necessary, we all do it and we all understand what you are saying. And most of us have been in your position to some extent. I am sending you prayers and love and hope that you will be able to find peace. Love, Chris
  22. Sending many prayers and lots of love and positive thoughts. Just a thought here, as well. When Brad was having so much trouble with the nausea and vomiting, he found that crystallized ginger helped a lot. It is widely available at health food stores. Just sucking on a small piece settled him down quite a bit. Hope this is helpful... Chris
  23. Hello Gwen and welcome. You certainly have a lot to deal with and I am glad you found this site. You can see already from the replies you have gotten this is a wonderful and caring group of people. Please ask any questions you have, and you will have many, as there is bound to be someone here that can either answer you or point you in the right direction. I do believe strongly in getting a 2nd, 3rd or more, opinion. As it was already pointed out, it is not because of not believing the dx, but to see what options are out there and what the BEST line of treatment is. Please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers and feel free to pm me if you need to vent... Hugs Chris
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