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Posts posted by LindaMRG

  1. Dear Judy,

    Im coming in on this late but soooooooooo happy to hear you are "CLEAN". As I said in Connie's post, you and she were among my first friends here to send me that lifeboat when I was drowning in fear.

    I saved the first email you sent me where you wrote in bold letters HE WILL BEAT THIS! I look at it when I need to!

    Im so sorry you are in such pain, my friend. Hope by now you are feeling better.

    Much love to you.


    You and JudyB were among my first friends here!!!!! You both gave me that lifeboat, I will never forget. I am so happy to share in this wonderful news!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Much love!!!!!

  3. (((((((((((((((((((SWEET CARLEEN))))))))))))))))))

    Sending you a great big hug, my friend. I should copy and paste what I wrote to Shellie. I know how you feel, but in a different way. You look at couples and say why us? I cant imagine how that feels because you guys are so young. I look at older people enjoying retirement and my father worked two jobs for twenty years WHY DOES HE HAVE TO SPEND HIS RETIREMENT FIGHTING CANCER!!!!!!!!!!

    Im so glad you came here to vent. It helps the rest of us as well to know we are not alone.

    Keep us posted, my friend. Email if you need a friend.

  4. Hi Tim,

    You need to join us more often. This board was my lifeline when my father was diagnosed in May of this year with Stage IIIa adenosquamous carcinoma. It is in one node and he was to have 8 treatments (he is now on treatment 6), then a CT scan. But many weeks he was delayed due to low platelets. His bone marrow took a beating the last 4 years with his two bouts of non hodgkins lymphoma. The reason Im telling you all this about him is that he has been through a lot like you have. I wanted you to see that even when it looks bleakest it can still turn around. So, back to my original advice, come here talk to others so you dont feel so alone. Prayer and this board have been my strength, I dont know what I would do without either of them.

  5. Hey Ray,

    Coming in late but wanted to send along my best wishes. Okay, youre gonna fight this too, we look up to you, you are a SURVIVOR!!!!! You will survive this too. Please keep us posted, my friend.

  6. Hi Shellie,

    Ive been thinking about you for the last two weeks, every day, wondering how you and your mother were doing.

    I feel sooo much of what you feel. One minute Im strong, the next minute I get overwhelmed with sadness and fear. It wakes me out of my sleep knowing that the original PET scan in 7/02 showed the tumor was "nothing to worry about" it didnt light up. So the oncologist watched it and the next PET was 4/03 which DID LIGHT UP!! He wouldve been a Stage Ia last year, now he's IIIa trying to get through chemo with his half shot bone marrow from lymphoma.

    I have no patience with some of my friends complaining about stupid things. I dont want to hear how they get annoyed with their parents, I want to scream "BUT YOUR FATHER IS HEALTHY" WHY DOES MINE HAVE TO HAVE LUNG CANCER!!!!!

    I feel like I carry a sadness all the time that no one but all of you on this board understands. My father is only 63, young like your mom.

    You should find comfort in knowing you are doing EVERYTHING you could possibly, humanly do for your mother. You have prayed your heart out, cared for her, been there for her, walked this journey with her. You are a wonderful, wonderful daughter.

    Please email me if you need a friend.

  7. Hi Terre,

    I was turned off in the beginning of your post when you said the doctor said "who is the doctor here". I was so happy to read on that you have an appointment somewhere else! Keep us posted.

  8. Veronica,

    Ive wondered how you are doing. I may have missed some posts, but why do you say this is the end? There are lots of people on this board with brain mets that have had successful treatments. Dont give up, my friend.

    I know what you mean about why me? I think "why my wonderful father". As Ive mentioned in other posts, its his 3rd time with cancer. He was ALWAYS great to everyone, unselfish, caring, etc.

    Please email me if you need a friend.

  9. ((((((BIG HUG)))))))))

    Im just reading this 8/9 so Im late with my concern, but wanted you to know you are in my thoughts. Keep us posted. It is a good feeling when you finally have that plan of action and are fighting back!

  10. Oh Shelly, I wasnt judging you, I get mad too. I was just hoping if I offered some explanation it would be comforting. I wasnt sending judgement your way, I was trying to send comfort. Forgive me, please, if you were hurt.

  11. Hi friends,

    this is not an urgent question but Ive been trying to join chat. I finally got in tonight and some of you saw me, but I dont know how to type a message in. There was no spot I could see to type. I would love to join you, can someone tell this novice what to do?????????? Thank you, friends!

  12. What a successful golf outing, Dave!!!! WOW!!!! $5,000+ going for lung cancer research!!!! God Bless you!!!!!

    Im sorry to hear you were so fatigued but I hope by now you are better!!

  13. Oh Im so sorry you felt bad about the number of responses. I pray for all of you every day even when I dont answer each post. I know what you mean about worry. Every minute of my day revolves around lung cancer. Praying for my father, thinking back, thinking ahead. Worrying how he feels today. Worrying will he get treated this week or will his blood be too low. Praying he will be eligible for surgery after the treatments are done.

    Sending a hug your way tonight along with my prayers.

  14. Hi Micki,

    I joined this board on 5/16/03 the day that my wonderful dad's (age 63 years young) biopsy showed the lung cancer had spread to a lymph node. I sat at my computer numb. I found this wonderful bunch of people that gave me so much hope. You will find survivors at every stage.

    Youll have to find out what stage mom is at. Did it spread to a node? Will she have surgery?

    Come back and let us know after the biopsy.

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