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Posts posted by Judy-OK

  1. I know I don't need to ask for them but felt compelled to do so. Today is my final WBR treatment then we will wait a bit and get an MRI and see where we stand. My brain is pretty much mush right now and I am having some vision problems so hope thiis note is legible. Hope to be back in chat in a couple of weeks. Until thien I will Keep On Keeping ON!!!! Judy

  2. :roll: Well darn it ... it seems like every time they scan something they find more trouble. They have identified three tumors in my brain so I will start tomorrow receiving 10 radiation treatments which will be completed on Dec. 3rd. Then probably some cyberknife to follow that. Not sure what to expect just trying to figure out how to get to and from the radiation treatments and taking it one day at a time. Hoping I MIGHT get strong enough to drive myself for a few of them. They said I would expeience some short term memory loss ... do any of you know how bad that is??? Could I actually leave home driving in for treatment and forget where I was going???? Thanks for information, thoughts and prayers. Judy
  3. Had a Pet scan and the radiologist came in and said he had good news the 10 radiation treatments had taken care of the spots on my spine; the cyberknife had eradicated the small tumor in my lung. And he then proceeds to say he wants to schedule me for a brain MRI because of something that was noted in the PET scan about a frontal lobe being altered but he said he could not be sure of anything without an MRI. I am also having some pain in my left hip and leg which I am attributing to my ruptured disk. I have an appointement for an epidural injection on the 17th and if that does not take care of the pain he wants me in for another scan of that area. Anyway they did stop the Taxotere and have me on the Avasting and Zometa every three weeks. So I am slowly regain my strength ... red blood cell count tis low but of course not low evenough that the insurance will cover a Procrit shot. Anyway I am out of here for now and hope to make it to chat in the next week or so ... but will be sure and update after the brain MRI. Now I can tell everyone to not mess with me because I have an altered frontal lobe!! ROFLMAO :wink:

  4. Just a short note to let you know I am still around just not online much anymore. Hopefully that will change. I will receive one more chemo treatment in about two weeks and then they will be giving me a break to recuperate. Maybe then I can return to my chat friends and more frequent visits to the message board. Hang in there everyone and you are all in my prayers.

  5. Had chemo again yesterday morning so thought with a sleepless night while still feeling somewhat normal I would update quickly because I may not feel like it for a week or so. The MRI showed no conclusive evidence of any new metastatic cancer ... this means I am still on board for a lumbar injection for my ruptured disk on the 18th. The CT scan showed that the cyberknife had eliminated the small tumor they aimed it at .. so the collapsed lung was not in vain. YIPEE!!!! The radiation oncologist wants me back to have PET scan again in a couple of months because I will have about 4 or 6 chemo treatments behind me and then he will determine whether he needs to perform more regular radiation or cyberknife to some area on and around my upper spine. Once again even though my white blood cell count was in the dumpster the insurance denied the Neulasta shot. I guess my doctors office must have gone to bat for me because they really want my white cell counts up when the lumbar injection takes place ... by the end of my 5 hours of chemo I was approved so I go back in tomorrow and get that injection. I drove to Tulsa every day this week and will be so glad to not have to go to town next week unless for other reasons. I will miss you all in chat but have fun without me if I don't make it. :roll:

  6. Feeling all the yuckies that go along with chemo, hair is coming out, light headed, etc. I go for lab work tomorrow so maybe they can tell me what is going on. Won't be in chat tonight .... my son and his family are getting ready to move in with me so pray that I can adjust from my quiet, peaceful lifestyle to one that will shock my system. I guess it would be best for me to have someone around to help me. Anyway I was planning on setting upright for chat tonight but my son just called and said they would be out around 7 so there went that thought. Oh well, stay happy folks.

  7. Hi friends had my first round of the above mentioned chemo a week ago Thursday and this has been the first day since then that I have had enough energy to set at the computer. I was suspect of the Taxotere but my Oncologists nurse said it was probably the Avastin that was kicking my hiney. I will only receive this treatment every 3 weeks. They wanted to give me a Neulasta shot the day after chemo but my insurance would not cover it because my white count was still within an acceptable limit. I guess I have not asked a question but if any of you have had similar treatment, or are the caretaker of someone that is then, please share experiences or glimmers of light. I was finally able to manage to eat a little bit today so perhaps the energy level will pick up in a day or two. :shock:

  8. Wait late in asking for a pass but did not know I was going to need one. Anywy the lightening had fried a modem in my computer but I got it fixed today. Went for my first NEW chemo today and they sent me home and said I was too tired and it was too soom after the cyberknife so have rescheduled it for July 14th it will be Taxotere and Avastin. I did get Zometa tody but was frustrated by not getting the other one administered.


  9. Hey all. Thanks for well wishes and prayers... my lung did collapse during the procedure but with prayers and help from the man above it was back up and I was on my way home in about 36 hours which is record time for me. Anyway now that the BLING is in place I will go get fitted for a body cradle and a tracking vest next week and then see about two other doctors involved with th Cyberknife team and then I guess treatment will beging. I meet with my Oncologist on Monday to find out what type of chemo and when we will start.

  10. Not sure if I will need the pass and not sure for how long but to stay out of trouble with my chat friends I am going to request it anyway. If my son lets me stay at my house I may be able to compute but if he kidnaps me again then I have no idea what could go on from there or for how long. I go in Wednesday at noon to have the fiducials (target seeds) implanted in preparatin for the cyberknife. Please send all the prayers you can becauuse I am really trying to think positive and not have any negative thoughts but since they have managed to collapse both of my lungs at different times I am quite nervous about them sticking this needle in my lung to insert the targets. Afeter that procedure if all goes will then I have about a week of going from one doc to the next to get my body cradle and vest prepared before they start the cyberknife and chemo up. Have fun folks and I will see you on the other side of this cyberknife stuff. :roll:

  11. Lions and Tigers and Bears ... OH MY!!! Well the shoulder x-ray indicated that I could be having necrosis of the shoulder caused by radiation so they sent me for an MRI and I will go see that Ortho doc next week. Meantime went to the Oncologist today and the PET Scan lit up with uptake in the lower lobe of my right lung and some other in the medial blah-blah-blah gibberish area. So most likely it will be Alimta but they do not want to start that until we know what is going on with the shoulder so I drive home and walk through the door to the phone riinging and it is my radiologist and he wants to see me in the morning to determine if I am a candidate for cyberknife on some or all of the areas. So lets stay positive right and not give up the gift of fight and the sense of humor my mom and God above blessed me with. With the price of gas I wish they make some of these appointments coincide with each other.

  12. Oncologist appointment today and the painful shoulder is (thankfully) not due to another met. I have an appointment with an Ortho doctor on May7th so maybe he can help me. God is good.

  13. Saw my Radiation Oncologist yesterday and he has scheduled me for a bone scan to be performed this Thursday. I have been having constant pain in my right shoulder and have started losing range of motion. My PCP said it did not light up in the last PET scan ... which is good. It could be rotator cuff problems, frozen shoulder, etc. etc. etc. I will then see my Oncologist on April 1 so she will have the results of the bone scan ordered by my radiologist. If it does turn out to be a skeletal problem that is not cancer related ... I already have an appointment scheduled for Apri 30th to see an Orthopedic doctor. Does anyone else just get really, really tired of going to different doctors all the time?? Just kidding I know we all get "appointment leery".

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