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Posts posted by Judy-OK

  1. Oh my goodness Tom I am so sorry for you loss. There are no words to express it when one loses a child. You and your wife are certainly in my prayers it is times like this I wish some of us were closer physically that we are. Know you are being thought of and many prayers are being said. Judy

  2. Okay Tom what did you find out. You may have posted it in another area but I am not patient enough to go looking for it. The heat in Oklahoma has reached astronomical proportions and I have no patience left for anything.

  3. Hi Leela sorry to be so late with my welcome but it is so hot here in Oklahoma that it takes all my energy to just turn on the computer. LOL .... actually I have been to lazy and will admit even though the PGA is in my backyard I watch it from my air conditioned house. I hope things continue to go well with your moms treatment and they find the reason for her SOB. Let us know.

  4. Karen there are numerous cancer support groups in my area but none that are specific to Lung Cancer. Unless you just happen to run into another LC survivor at a general meeting then it all seems like a foreign language. I am wanting or at least thinking about starting one that is specifically for lung cancer survivors.

  5. I went to a Better Breathers meeting today and made the mistake of asking if there was a Lung Cancer Suppor Group in the area. Well the lady that was putting on the class today made two phone calls and then handed the phone to me. On the other end was the American Lung Association asking if I would be interested in starting up such a group. I gave her my address so she could forward some information to me. I guess my question is do any of you attend support groups specifically for "Lung Cancer" and if there is not such a beast in your area would you attend one if there were? Thanks for any and all info or insight you might have regarding this subject. Judy :oops: opened her mouth again. LOL

  6. Chat seemed to freeze up on me with Dr. West this evening. Wondering if anyone else had the same problem?? Going to try to sneak back in for the Randy moderated chat and if no luck then perhaps another time.

  7. Mike all of us understand the frustration and stress we put ourselves through while we are playing the hurry up and WAIT game. Once the treatments plan is in place and gets started you will probably relax a little because something will be decided and be taking place. I don't want to give you anything to worry about in advance but the next step that I had trouble with was when my chemo and radiation treatments were done and I had a few months before my first scan. My thought ran wild for a couple of weeks before I accepted that I had no control over it and must turn it over and turn my mind off as far as the cancer was concerned. Keep us posted on the progress. Judy

  8. I am in fact strange and found this very easy to read. Have fun and enjoy!!! The mind is a miracle.

    Don't even think about using spell check!!!!!!!!

    fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

    i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghi t pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae t he huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

  9. Shirley I and many others have had the needle guided biopsy and it is not painful and is over quickly. I don't think they knocked me completely out but I was close enough I did not know what was going on. They did collapse my lung, but I have always done things the hard way, so instead of an out patient I ended up in the hospital for 5 days. I am sure your dad will take the easy route and come through with flying colors. Have a blessed day.

  10. Kate my sympathies to you. You were such a wonderful daughter and I am sure you were the light of your mom's life. Peace be with you at this time and God bless you for you wonderful spirit.

  11. I had my PET scan a week ago tomorrow and then met with my Oncologist on Monday. Tumor stable. So I quizzed her about pain that has been there for a long time now right where the radiation was done. She asked what I was taking for pain and I told her Oxycodone but not on a regular basis just so I can sleep. She said that she had something better for the type of pain I was having. Then I asked her if the pain in my shoulders was just caused by arthritis and she said that the radiologist had made not of both shoulder in his report. The good new was it was NOT cancer and the bad news was it was also damage caused by residual radiation. She wrote me a prescription for Neurontin which I started Monday evening. She also said it could take six to eight weeks before I noticed the full effect. I hope it does kick the pain and will let others know if it works.

  12. Barbara ... last year when I was smack dab in the middle of my treatments with chemo and radiation I heard from basically none of the folks I had worked with and I had been with that company for almost 30 years. I did remain close to a couple but the company was really spread out location wise. Anyway, I finally heard that a rumor had been started that I was bedridden and had two people staying with me that would not allow me to receive phone calls. The truth was I was still living alone and taking myself to all my radiation and chemo appointment by myself. This may not be happening in your case but it does show you some of the things that can happen.

  13. Muriel never fear ... nothing enters this house that does not immediately get neutered. Hmmmm perhaps that is why I am single!!!! Hunter also loves one and all (both human and animal) is not aggressive at all unless I put him on a leash and he is between me and whomever is brave enough to approach. I think he becomes possessive. I have seen him tuck tail and run from a tiny little Yorkie. I think we are going to have a wonderful time.

  14. WOOHOO!!! If I can bring my main man "Hunter" who happens to be four legged then count me in as half way there. I think the dogs will have almost as much fun as the folks. Please be aware that my dog loves the taste of wine and my sissy drinks and he also has a very very very LONG tongue.

  15. Way to go!!!! Carbo/Taxol were the main ingredients in my chemo cocktail and they certainly did what they were supposed to do. I am sure the same will be true for you. A positive attitude and a good sense of humor goes a long ways towards fighting this beast. I had a friend that went to my final chemo treatment with me last year and when we left she told me that I was like the "Stand Up Comedian" in a recliner and kept the rest of the folks laughing. I truly feel that laughter goes straight to the soul and the spirit and releases good things into our blood stream. Keep up the good fight and always EXPECT A MIRACLE!!!!

  16. I have a neighbor that is a dear dear lady and a fairly good friend but just does not get it if you know what I mean. She keeps remarking about how amazing I am and that I made the treatments I "breezed" through the chemo and radiation like it was a piece of cake. I just smile and tell her was by far not the easiest of things I have done in my life. ROFLMAO

  17. I still love my little sissy drinks especially in the summer when it is so hot. So I will bring lots and lots of pre-mix, bagged or bottled, slushy, icy, and cool Pina Colada's, Strawberry Daquiris, and Margarita's. I may have steal one of Katie's good Bloody Marys if the bar opens before noon.

  18. Glad you found this site, the folks are wonderful. I think Randy posted just about every possible question you could ask a doctor. Before you ask some of those questions please make sure you understand just how much information your dad wants to hear. I am half ostrich ... I knew I had inoperable adneocarcinoma non-small cell lung cancer and that was that. I did NOT want to know the stage, prognosis, or much else. It is what it is and as long as my doctor is willing to try and beat the beast with whatever method they can and I am willing to fight the fight then that was all I needed to know. It sounds like they caught your dads cancer early and that is great. Best of luck and remember to keep us informed and take care of yourself as well as your father.

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