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Posts posted by Mendy

  1. Debbie,

    What rotten news! I hope the chemo is a success and is easy on Alan. Hopefully Alan will be able to eat more and put some weight back on. I know how hard that must be for you if he doesn't have much of an appetite. Maybe you can make him some milkshakes with Ensure to help.


  2. Ann,

    I will say a prayer for you. Being out of work is very hard. My husband is in the same position and it is frustrating when there are not an abundance of jobs being advertised. I wish you great success in your search.


  3. Ralph,

    It is good to know you are doing ok. I too made a move with my husband and left our support group behind in the hopes that life would be better here and no reoccurance of cancer. It is challanging and exciting to start over in a new town and house. I admire your spirit and wish you lots of joy in your new home.


  4. Shirley,

    I am so sorry that Jack is heading in this direction. I had hoped that after your trip to the beach you would have more good times together. Thank goodness you have family to help you and Jack.

    I hope you find the strength you will need to get through this tough time.



    I am so sorry to read that John is gone. I am as shocked as everyone else. You are an inspiration and I know you will stay strong for your children.


  5. Thank you all for your good wishes! I am looking forward to celebrating in a few weeks.

    Right now my husband is making a very slow recovery. He has been home for 3 days and we currently have a machine making oxygen for him to breathe. Last time he didn't have quite as much difficulty breathing. We are told that he should only be on oxygen for 2 weeks. Someone will come out and evaluate him to see how he's doing before taking the O2. His pain is still pretty intense but the meds are helping.

    I have always been afraid that he would need oxygen so this has been a bit scary for me.


  6. I am sorry it is taking so long to figure out what is going on with your mom. It is difficult to see our loved ones suffering. Surgeons do not like to deal with ifs and a good surgeon will be very thorough in determining what is occuring before operating.

    Hang in there.


  7. Here's the surgery update:

    The surgery went well and the bulla is removed so he should start having an easier time breathing. The pain has been hard to get under control and it looks like he will not be home before Sat. Even though he didn't have part of his lung removed, the thoracotomy matches his left side that was done last summer. Therefore, the intense post surgery pain.

    The great news is that NO cancer was found in his lymph nodes or lung tissue. Just some radiation induced scarring. My husband is so thrilled to be cancer free and not have to face chemo again.


  8. I don't know about the Avastin but my husband did have 4 round of carbo/taxol. He had a reaction to the first round and that was a bit scary but not everyone has a reaction. Make sure you take your anti-nausau meds and drink plenty of water. He did have a couple of days of being tired once the steroid wore off. His appetite was not affected. There are others here who have had trouble with their appetite. Everyone always stresses the importance of staying ahead of the nausau by taking the meds the doctor prescribes and drinking lots of water.

    My husband did not need me to stay home with him during the chemo phase of treatment but I went with him for the treatments just to keep him company.

    Good luck and I pray you get great results.


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