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Posts posted by -Cheryl-

  1. I believe by resigning, his chances of receiving UE benefits are slim...that's probably the angle the Company wanted to take.

    Snowflake and Di, most of the damage was done by good ole E-mail... Cheryl did not have to do much but weather the storm, which she certainly did. Cheryl is of course on FEML. Though she wants to return, I'm not so sure I want her to. Right now, getting well is our main concern...what happens after that is up to her. I would like to see her oppen her own Counseling biz.

    She counsels all of the kids in the County and could probably very easily get them to switch over to see her. They all just love her.


  2. Actually, she did comment on her eyes "strobing" after the procedure but didn't mention that happening during treatment. The nausea has subsided a little bit, but she is very tired. God bless her, last night @ midnight she crock potted a roast and also made brownies. The roast is for our supper tonight. She is an awesome cook and refuses to give up. She is a very strong woman and we are going to beat this.


  3. For those who remember the episodes with Cheryl's boss and how awful he was treating her, I am proud to announce that he is no longer employed with her company. Hmmm.. I wonder what happened? The moral here... You don't have to put up with that kind of treatment and if it happens to you, document and pursue!


  4. Hopefully this helps:

    Cheryl was first fitted with a mask made of plaster. They put you on the table and raise it up to the ceiling where the radiation begins. Some say a distinct odor appears for a brief moment. The smell occurs when the radiation changes the air quality from O2 to O3 for that short period of time. The whole treatment lasts less than 1 minute and is painless. You don't even have to shed your clothes. Please tell your Mother it is quite uneventful. There are some side effects, ie; hair loss. tiredness and some dizziness as well as some nausea. Cheryl is doing chemo w/ the WBR so it's hard to say what is causing what. Hope this helps...will keep you posted.


  5. We had the pleasure of talking with Lucie via the telephone the other night. Wow, what a beautiful, articulate lady she is and we really enjoyed the visit!

    The break will do you both good. and we are so happy to hear she is enjoying the things she likes. What a super caregiver you are Don. You are both so lucky to have each other as we are lucky to have you both. Enjoy the time off!


  6. Hey Guys,

    I took my first chemo round of pills last at 11:00 pm. A couple of hours later I woke up vommiting. I did that all night, and up until now. I was up on the table getting radiation with the mask on, and started heaving. I didn't realize I was up so high, but paniced to get the mask off. Not that I had anything to throw up, but the thought of it was pretty nasty with the mask deal and all. :lol:

    I just ate some jello pudding and hope it stays down. That worked with radiation and chemo last time. I guess it sticks to your insides a bit more! ha! I haven't been able to keep water down even. Anyway, TAnn, sleep does help. I am doing as much as the steroids allow.

    Prayers to all,


  7. Dear Friends,

    Just an update to let you know what the first WBR was like. I have had radiation to the chest area, so kind of knew what radiation was already like. I am also taking Temodar 125 mg. per day, it is an oral chemo. It helps the radiation to act more effectively to the brain.

    I have to tell you, I had no idea what to expect with WBR. I was was very relaxed going into treatment today, but later got a headache and cried for a good hour. I wish I could report I was a brave soldier, but alas I felt like my brain was swollen and felt very foggy headed. My eyes strobbed the whole way back from the doctors. Probably just light adjustment or the steroids. My hands felt discombobulated from my body or something. It was really weird, they just didn't feel attached. I came home and had a panic attack just trying to figure out the plethora of pills and or when to take them, it is very confusing! My thanks to Jack for figuring out this mess! He joked and said that he was throwing out the weekly pill dispenser and dumping out one of his old fishing tackle boxes to use instead. I take 12 steroids per day, 3 different dosages of chemo pills daily, as well as 2 antibiotics a day, but only on M-W-F. Not to mention a few others like nausea meds and antidepressants. The oral chemo regimine alone cost $750!!!

    Anyway, this has been frightening and challenging to say the least. My appetite has been unbelievable! I imagine that will change now with this chemo I am on, plus I will stop the steroids I am taking soon. I must say that made me full of energy and Euphoric. not at all grumpy or mean- just fatter!

    I will keep you guys updated , in hopes that maybe my experience can help someone out there. I have 14 more to go.



  8. David and Karen,

    I can think of nothing more frightening than the news you await. You have just undergone treatment, which could very well be scar tisue. I agree with others that have said to "preoccupy your thoughts with anything you can." JUST GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!! I went to the movies and saw "The Fauckers", went to The Dallas Art Museum, walking, shopping, the book store, anything!!!! Just make yourself get up and moving. Otherwise, I would not get dressed and sleep all day.

    David, I am here for you and Karen if you need anything at all. Remember though, this could be nothing.


  9. My insurance thinks that it is addictive and I don't need it???? I would like to put the Insurance Medical Director on a pretty high dose of steriods and then announce to him/ or her that "you have heavy metastisis to your brain. By the way, sleep well tonight if you can!" AAARRRGGG! All in the name of the all mighty dollar. It saddens me. I didn't get sick till I hit 43, and paid my premiums all those years. Go Figure? :cry:


  10. Hey Guys,

    I met with Dr. Senzor yesterday for my appt. He is probably one of the best in his field. He is the doctor that doctors go to.

    After discussing a game plan and answering many questions, I had a mask made for WBR. I will go at it with a low dose for 3 weeks, due to the number of them. Mets can spread trough the lymph system, blood stream, and cerebral spinal fluid. I guess, that is how mine took up residence here in my brain. I guess with the type of cancer I have (BAC), this is a typical pattern of spread anywhere. The tumors are all small like bebes, and not pressing on anything to cause symptoms. I have a larger met measuring 2in. in my cerebellum, which had some edema and was causing balance problems, and headaches when you first awake. Basically the report read "extensive matastasis to the brain." I will stay on the steroid throughout the first part of treatment, because radiation will cause brain swelling intially. It will make your thoughts race and sleep become interrupted, not to mention the delightful weight gain and bloat it causes too!

    After treatment, Dr. Senzor will do stereotactic radiosurgery on the larger mets if feasable. I will still do the trial afterwards, if The mets respond. I am taking FMLA, because treatment is in Dallas, and due to symptom issues. That is pretty much it for now. Please keep your support coming. I cannot tell you how much it helps. Thanks for your prayers.


  11. Hey Guys,

    I am taking it moment by moment right now, as I still struggle with the news of this monster taking up residence in my brain. I have nightmares of that toe nail fungus commercial digging around in my head! My symptoms are all but "non-existent" right now, which I am grateful to God for. Yet,there are so many unknowns. Well, hopefully tomorrow I will have a better idea of what it is that I am up against. I ask for your prayers please.


  12. Peggy,

    Your knowledge and experience with this information is invaluable. Thanks for your kind words of encouragement to me the other day. My spirits were really lifted by your encuoragement.


  13. 4 Healing,

    I want to thank you so much for your understanding words. Please check your mailbox. I have sent you a Personal Message (PM)



  14. Dear friends,

    There are so many thoughts going on in my head right now. I would sleep constantly if the steroids would let me. This is absolutely the worst case scenerio I can imagine. I am so terrified, I feel one wave of panic attack after another. I wan't to die with dignity. I am reminded of the ravage of this disease, as I watched it take my father. I can't stop crying. If anyone can help me, I am desperate. I feel so hopeless, defeated, and depressed. Any brain met survivors please respond with stories of hope. I cling to your support, it is all that I have.


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