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Posts posted by -Cheryl-

  1. My Dear friends,

    I am trying hard to find hope and reason to live. It is a struggle, I must say. I do want to live, but quality of life is everything to me. My husband tries to be strong for me, but I can see his fear. His eyes are filled with tears, while telling me "we are going to beat this." He is mad at the world, the doctors, this disease. He feels doctors should lead Ins. Co.s around, and not vise-versa.

    I pray Dr. Joe that you are not hurt by any misguided anger. Jack's fear comes off sounding angry. Please know that it is not you he is upset with, it's these big Insurance Companies. We both appreciate your empathy and responses for those dealing with this dreadful disease. Most of our outcomes are grim. But there is always hope.

    Dr. Joe, thanks for caring about us. You have made a huge difference! I saw first hand how difficult bearing this horrible news can be on a doctor. My ER Doctor cried when he told me of my diagnosis. I ended up comforting him. He is a human being with emotions first and foremost.

    Dr. Joe, I thank you, and come back when you are able. Your loss would be tremendous to the cancer patients and caregivers on this site. Like you said, the news isn't always pleasant, but we need the truth.

    God protect you and keep you safe.

    Much Love,


  2. Dear Folks,

    So many unknows. I, like many of you, have been throw so much already. I agree, that I must fight for my life now. I do not want to lose my faculties. I feel fairly sound of mind, despite the numerous mets in my brain. I am afraid my personality will be affected by the steroids and mets. I am afraid I won't even know my spouse. I appreciate your support. I know you all have so much to worry about as it is. I am scared of living, not dying. Thank you for your comfort, I don't know where I would turn, if not for you. Please hold my hand and walk beside me.

    I love you all!


  3. Dear Friends,

    I was feeling dizzy for the last five days with a headache every morning . I went to the ER and had a head CT. It was found that I have multiple brain tumors, one being 5cm. I called Dr. Cunningham and they will still do the vaccine once the mets are treated. I am sick and frightened more than I have ever been, I do not want to be a burden to anyone and would rather die. I need any encouragement that can be spared. This is my darkest and most desparate moment. I watched my Dad die of brain mets and don't want to die that way. My husband has been very supportive, but I worry about him. I pray that God sees him through this.

    My brother-in- law found out it is in 98% of his liver, bones, and lungs. My heart goes out to him and his family. I need my LCSC family.


  4. Margaret,

    I am so pleased to see you post!!! I wrote CathyR about your address. I had some information about a trial that you might be interested in. I am hoping to start it myself next week. You must have your blood tested to see if you are a carrier of certain proteins. The trial is called Epimmune, and is a vaccine given once a month for six months. I pray that I am able to participate myself. I have been feeling dizzy. And of course fear the worst. I hope it is just fear and nothing more than that. Anyway the number to call is Candice at (214) 370-1857. She is the research nurse at Mary Crowley's in Dallas. You can have your doctor test you for the proteins, and come in once a month for the vaccine! Keep me posted! And good to hear from you!



  5. The word "Support" means more than simply "comfort"... It also associates with the words, advocate, uphold, corroborate, maintain, and back among others. To debate something that involves discussion concerning cancer and it's causes IS "supportive" in it's own nature. Sometimes debates get heated... that's the nature of debates. I can hardly see where it devaluates anything. I don't agree with name calling, but let people talk...we don't learn unless we listen. Like Elaine said, if it is something you'r not interested in reading, don't. I don't read any posts in the forum, "Just for Laughs,"... Frankly, I'm not interested in that. There are posts in here I don't read because of who wrote them... I don't read them and then complain about it! Yes, it's good to find a place like this site for "comfort" for folks with this disease, but is also good to support them in many other ways. Debating concerns over their disease should hardly be dis-comforting, but more along the lines of educational.


  6. Smoking is bad, no doubt. For those that want to entertain the idea that residual effects of smokers (smell) is dangerous to others, fine. The FACT that billions of pounds of cancer causing particles flow from our industries everyday, seems a little more worrisome to me. States like Texas, Ohio, Cal, La and Penn are huge contributors and distribute these particles directly into our water and food supply. These are known facts that somehow are brushed aside when it comes to lung cancer. Have any of you been asked if you live in one of theses states when you tell them you have LC? I doubt it, they Probably refer back to the stigma question, "Did you smoke"? I would venture to say that to get exposed from the residue of someone that had previously smoked a cigarrette, is possible, if you stood by this induvudual your whole life. Does it stink? Yes. Breathing cigarrette smoke and the polluted air from our industries is more believable to me. Also, how much asbestos still remains in our buildings? That is the first question our doctor asked Cheryl after discovering the spot on her lung. "Have you been working around Asbestos?"

    There is obviously another key to the puzzle of LC... I seriously doubt residue from a smoker would rank very high. We are preaching to the choir when it comes to smoking, we all know its bad. Being satisfied that it's the only cause is unacceptable to me.


  7. Well, My brother and his six kids are all sick. My sister and her three are also sick. My other sister and kids went to Indiana in a blizzard, because my brother-in-law is in the hospital. He was diagnosed with liver cancer, and only 40 years old! I am so sad for him. He just got married and adopted a child! My oldest sister had surgery recently to remove tumors on her female organs, but recovering nicely. And me? I called my the lab to check on my blood platelet results, which were 1600!!!!! Whooohoooo!!! Do I feel good? Not really, I thought I would. Ha! I feel the same. I guess I am use to feeling yuky! :lol:

    Anyway, Everyone wants me well and is avoiding me till they are better. I am already lonely! The presents are piled up under the tree, and my belly is full of Christmas cookies. There is snow on the ground, and nobody to throw snowballs at! (I know, snow in Dallas Texas at Christmas no less!!!)

    I am grateful not to be sick, my platelets are astrnomical, and ready to do battle against this cancer! I am glad chemo is over and pray this vaccine trial works. I pray all of you have a "Very Merry Christmas!"



  8. Hey Beth,

    I am so tired of the well wishes. People mean well, but say the darnest things.... like, "Is it bad?"..."I hope you make it."....I know someone who once had cancer..." People feel akward. Is it my place to make the feel comfortable?...Maybe it is.

    People didn't expect me to be here still. I didn't expect me to be here still. Live like you normally would! I still work, shop for clothes, make plans. Life goes on. Live in the now! Nobody knows when their time is up, not even the expert doctors. Sadly, some dear people I know have passed from this earth into the next realm. They had know idea. That is sad. I guess you are never really ready for death, but I try to live each day as if it were my last. I tell everyone that "I love them", and take nothing for granted. We all must die someday, but for now live, live, live!!! Please p.m., me whenever you need to.

    Much Love,


  9. TAnn,

    It should be sprouting soon. You are beautiful with or without it! I know what it is like though, I missed mine none the less. Even if I had to get up half an hour early to style it! :lol:



  10. David and Karen,

    My prayers are for the both of you. I wish that I could be there to feed you both chicken soup. All that I can offer are my prayers and hope for a complete recovery. I will ask that God wrap his healing arms around you both. Merry Christmas! Much love to you all.


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