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Posts posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Sandy,

    I hate that again you must go through this nightmare. It could be the angle of the scan, which is just making the nodules appear bigger. I have scans tomorrow too. They always make me nervous. Please keep us posted. I will say a prayer for you.

    God Bless,


  2. Geoff and Melinda,

    God Bless you and your family for the loss of such a talented and spirited lady. I know that God will be happy welcoming one of his own. I am so sorry for the family that must live on without her for a while. May God comfort you all through this difficult time.


  3. Hi Angie,

    Your Dad is feeling the radiation. It causes exhaustion, and inability to eat. I still feel difficulty swallowing. His BP is so low that it could cause the dissiness for sure. For sure talk to his doctor about it. The meds he is taking can also contribute to that. Getting up and even sitting, can circulate blood flow to the brain.

    Angie you said all the right things. Make him feel needed by giving him a little project to do. Ask his advice for something. Help to make him feel valued and needed still. Pull him back amongst the living. Take him to see the Christmas lights with the girls. Rent some funny movies and laugh. There is a new game called out "American Idol" that is a hoot. Please vent here anytime you need to Angie. WE are family!


  4. Kim,

    Venting can be very therapeutic. You need to talk to someone. You sound overwhelmed and full of anxiety.

    If you have a community mental health agency go! You need counseling to cope with all of this. Don't take your son's antidepresants if they weren't prescribed for you. Medicine is not a panacea, but it can help. Your local MH agency or community health agency should be able to help with the meds. Ask your doc for sample scripts. Meds must be titrated, ask your doc about it. Most importantly, you got to take care of yourself. Get rest, learn relaxation techniques, eat right, and exercise. All of these things will help the physical, as well as your mental outlook (there is a symbiosis between the two.) I hope things improve for you. I wish I could help- and btw, misery loves company.ha!


  5. Don,

    How is Lucie doing? Yes, my biggest fear is brain mets too. I have seen many people on this board conquer them. I was talking to a woman who had 33 tiny mets in her brain, and I could not tell. She had everything to treat them, and seemed to be just as cognizant as the next person. She said she had been very nauseated and they couldn't figure out what was causing it. So I am confident that our tough little Lucie will beat this as well! Jack and I send our prayers.


  6. Thanks everyone. I will take your advise and stay on top of it.

    Wal-Mart has always been generous to the MHMR (mental health and mental retardation) population in our area. They donate every year to many organizations. It helped make our dinner a big success again this year!


  7. Cindy,

    There are some really good suggestions here. Most four year olds have already developed gender identity by the time there in the first grade. I had this very same problem with a boy age 6. He needed to potty, so down his paints went. He also wanted attention. Talk to your child about appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Let her generate the correct responses, so it will be more meaniful to them. Then check for their understanding. If you ask why? Most kids don't really know why they did what they did. Impulsive children could be an indication of Attention Defict Hyperactive Disorder. I am not making a diagnosis without a face to face visit- Has she exhibited any sexual acting out? PM me if so, and well explore some other issues.


  8. Hell Everyone,

    I got a letter today from the HR Director full of lies to cover his own butt about this FMLA business! My direct boss told me yesterday, that he wanted to keep me, and would do whatever it took. I feel so deflated and depressed. I just don't have the energy to fight. I am afraid to miss work, because I may need those days. I tell everyone that "I am fine", and they say,"I would never even know you had cancer!" I try so hard to fit in, be normal. I got a thousand dollar donation from Wal*Mart today for our Thanksgiving dinner. My friends, who own a radio station asked if "I knew anyone in need of Thanksgiving dinner?" So, now we are up to 600 people and donations from all over town! I guess my point is, I want really bad to help people and feel useful, but I can't even help myself. The company I have worked so hard for, made it clear to me that I am disposable. I am really feeling sorry for myself gang. I HATE THIS DISEASE! I hate not knowing the future, lossing control and losing everything, being tired and in pain, being experimented on, perceived as helpless, unable to do what I used to do, never feeling safe again, and even asked if I am mentally competent....the list goes on and on.

    On a positive note, I am stable, still working, and I did get a thousand dollars from Wal*Mart today! I do have my license and can solicit myself on some street corner if I need to (Shame on you all), I meant like Lucy from the Snoopy cartoon offering psychological help! Ha!

    Cheryl :lol:

  9. I'm burning one called "Bird of Paradise" right now. I find it so relaxing and it really makes the house smell wonderfull- I have four inside dogs :roll: I understand the plugins can catch on fire. What's a girl to do? Aresol sprays really iritate me most. I guess every thing has a health risk these days. Thanks Heather for the heads up. I suppose that candle I just ordered will make a nice Christmas gift. Ha! Wait...I can't give a gift that causes cancer?

    Cheryl :cry:

  10. Lisa,

    Ahmed isn't ready to die. May he continue to fight this disease. I am sending you prayers and good thoughts. Don't let his family intimidate you. I am so sorry they have not given you the support you need. Let your cyber family do that.


  11. Ken,

    I can remember how scared I was going into my surgery. So many unknowns. I had a mediastinoscopy to see if the nodes were cancerous in my mid chest. If they were not, then we would proceed with the surgery. They were, so I was closed up. I underwent chemo and radiation to shrink them enough for surgery. My surgeon took my r. mid lobe and part of my upper. I had no problem with my lung sealing. I don't see a bio, so I am not sure of your stage. I am sure the surgery will go well. I was back at work in 3 1/2 weeks. You can do this. Stay with us, this group got me through it, and will be there for you too.


  12. Irene,

    I welcome you to the board too. Don't just follow whatever advice your onc gives you. There is usually some kind of an incentive for doctors from these chemo manufacturers to utilize their products. I used first line chemos cisplatin/ VP16. It barely shrank the tumors, radiation did the trick though. The nodes that never lit up on my PET scan in my other lung, began to grow after about a year. I decided traditional chemo's side effects were pretty harsh, and aren't a cure. They can at best buy only time. That is why I recommend taking matters into your own hands. Research and check out trials. There have been some honest to goodness cures with vaccines. Even the newer chemos offer fewer side effects, which contribute to a better quality of life. Good luck and keep us posted.


  13. Dave,

    I had three tubes, wonder why? Those tubes didn't hurt as bad as the two in my ribs from the lung surgery. I can't believe you got to go home so quick!!! Glad you are home. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers. I bet you are feeling so much better with those puppies out of your chest. Sending you all cyber hugs and well wishes,


  14. Katie,

    I will get them developed this weekend to see what I've got. I will send them to you as soon as I get them developed. I remember Debi saying that you were making fun of her for standing behind people, because she brought them such bad luck.Ha! So, I think I got her alone! Hee Hee :lol:


  15. Hey Don,

    I am praying for great scans. I know Lucie is looking forward to the end. My chemo is scheduled to end Dec. 7th, I had chemo this week as a matter of fact. I tolerated it well I suppose. I worked all week, and even had training in Dallas. If Lucie is like me, she will be counting down the days. I may go on a vaccine trial. Side effects are suppose to be almost non-existent. I hope the results fare better. Give Lucie my best,


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