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Posts posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Paula,

    Congrtuations! You made it througha very scarey and tough procedure. That was the easy part. Now is the tough part, not to be full of doubt and fear of the unknown. You are a step ahead of the class, because you seem to have a great attitude! This board helped me through some pretty dark times, and it will help you too.

    I had chemo before surgery 6 days on for 3 weeks to shrink the tumor and mediastinal lymph nodes. 14 months later, I embarked on a chemo trial following a pericardial window, which was put in to relieve the fluid build up caused by more tumors. The rounds of chemo are 3 weeks apart for 5 months. It can vary, but typicaly chemo is done every 3 weeks. God be with you throughout this journey!


  2. TAnn,

    You have been through some tough times and beaten this monster into submission. WBR is not for for the weak, but neither was the plueral efussions you endured. I am proud of you and always here to vent when needed. It will take some time to get over this, and can only imagine the frustration you must feel. I am cheering you on!

    Much Love,


  3. Debi,

    You probably had an allergic reaction to both the mold and latex. The masks are only good for only a few hours. Then you must wear a fresh one. I had to wear them at work, which displeased my boss. He wanted me to stay home. Yeah, who can afford it! No sick time left. Go to the hospital, and they will sell you some, that they use in surgery. Hope you fell better.


  4. Yes, the request was in writing and the reason being for the days missed in Aug (2)..Sept (4) and Oct (8)....The 2 days in Aug is a joke, the 4 in Sept is probably close to the average, which leaves the 8 days in Oct. The only problem they have their is, her boss (the facility Director) told me on the phone and Cheryl in person to take what time we needed.

    I have contacted an Attorney and my State Representative... My best friend owns a radio station and anchors the news every morning. He would jump all over this. Add the fact that I have been known to write some brow raising "Letters to the Editor" and it is a given, this will be a public relations nightmare. The fact that this HR Manager called Cheryl 3 days before her lung surgery last year and was basically telling her that she only had a few number of FEML days left before she would be automatically terminated, has left a bad taste in my mouth that won't go away. Yes,it's gotten personal. I had a little Man to Man talk with her Director last night on the phone... He wasn't the cocky person I was told to expect... I guess he only talks that way to his female employees. I know this, he understands where I am coming from, you can BYAOT!


  5. Geoff and Melinda,

    I am so saddened by this news, and know how you will miss her. Geoff, your Mother fought a brave battle. What an impressive lady! The pain she endured will be no more, as she is released from the earthly shell that contained her soul. She will be with our Lord, Jesus Christ. May God help you through this loss.


  6. Hello All,

    I have enough to worry about having to fight this disease, that I don't need to fight my employer to keep my job. The HR Director calls me up out of the blue on Fri., and tells me I have to take FMLA and it will be back dated to Aug 23 rd. I only had 2 days in off in Aug., 4 in Sept., and 8 days in Oct.. Not too bad, since I have been on chemo for going on 4 months now. I had up to a month of paid leave in July when the pericardial window was put into the lining of my heart. I returned to work immediately after my surgery. Despite this, my program has produced the highest revenue, as have I personaly as a program leader. I called the MH Director who resides over all of the agencies after my conversation with the HR Director, he was non-compasionate and rude to say the least. He said, "Don't you have a memory problem due to the drugs you are taking?" I got so pissed off, I called my boss who admitted to meeting with him a couple of times to discuss me working while on chemo. Prejudice, uninformed bunch of cusses. I am not taking meds while working, and the chemo does not pass through the blood brain barrier. I am mentally sound as I have ever been, albeit tired of course. I need this job for the insurance and to pay my bills. What is wrong with them? They are forcing me to take FMLA. What if I get sicker and run out of time cause I am on FMLA. Then they can fire me. I know a lot of people who have missed more than 14 days over 4 months! It is like I am some kind of a libility to them and they want me out! I am sick with worry and hurt.

    I have held the same position for ten years and every year lost sick time from never taking it. I got a threatening letter from the HR Director today, spelling out how I have to take FMLA and my insurance must be paid by me weekly to continue it. I will contact a lawyer Mon. I will try not to take off, but have to for treatment atleast once a week. I am stage iv now, and feel like I am worthless, not viable any longer. I would like to live my live as I have always done....but sometimes this da** disease gets in the way. I am doing my best to take each day as it comes, but lately, my days are filled with nothing but challenges. I pray to God for redemption and salvation.

    God Bless you all and I pray too for your struggles,


  7. Yes, this is LC awareness month but you would hardly know it. After the hangover from Breast Cancer awareness month, I am afraid LC will again be transparent in the public eye. I applaud the super organized effort that has been put into BC activism and awareness. I was bombarded with commercials, newspaper adds. radio spots and news reports. They are making tremendous strides and are driven for a cure. I could only hope their research would find a cure for all cancer so that Lung Cancer would disappear. I certainly see little interest in people speaking up for ones stricken w/ this disease. The activity on this thread is a good example. What a shame.


  8. "K",

    I am so sorry about your Dad. I pray that the nodules are benign. There is so much they can do to treat this disease today if it is cancer. Qaulity of life is first, at your Dad's age. Usually Doctor's will suggest a less aggressive treatment due to the side effects. If it is cancer, and stage iv, then radiation is not recommended. It can be used pallatively to help stop pain. Chemo is normally given in combinations, but for many older patients the use of one drug is preferred. Many handle it well, if no previous health problems exist. Best of luck, and visit us often.



  9. Thanks guys! I am feeling better already- maybe that is psychological! Ha! Gina, I love those pink boots. They feel like house slippers, which are good for neuropathy ridden feet. The hubby said they make my feet look giant! Yeah, I have to agree with him. I had to get a size "9", cause they were out of "8's." I just wear bigger socks! Ha :oops: I opened the picture on the avator to only see these feet the size of "Big Foot's." My sister put it on the avator for me. You can't really see my baby, because the picture is too dark (o.k... the feet do take up quite a bit of room too, but I mean really now.) I will put up another picture soon to show off the colt. His name is still undecided. He is so funny and cute. He bucks at his Mom all of the time, but falls cause his legs all land at different times. Ha!!!



  10. My hair came back dark and curley. I try to blow dry it straight, but it ends up curley within minutes. Some people want it blonder, while others love the curl. I have had people to even tell me "wear the wig till it grows long again!" I like it fine- pleased just to have hair! I didn't lose it with this chemo. Thank goodness!

    Cheryl :lol:

  11. Hello,

    I just got home from the hospital, where I spent the day receiving a blood transfusion due to my low blood counts. I got a call from my doc telling me to get back in to the hospital yesterday for a blood tranfusion. It wasn't bad, just boring. My boss seemed human about my taking off yet another day of work.

    Just in case you haven't noticed, My new keyboard came!!! Yeah :lol: I hate not being able to respond to you guys. Hope you all had a spooky Halloween!


  12. You guys have come up with some really good names. We haven't agreed upon one, so we continue to call him baby for now. I will put better pictures up of him. He is too dark in that picture. He is gaing weight fast and has two bottom teeth. He is like a puppy , wanting to chew on everything, well atleast his teeth are flat and don't hurt at this age. You should see the little guy buck at his momma- just meanness I guess. You should hear his little whinny. So cute! I have been trying to find a key board on e-bay. I haven't had any luck yet. I got some numbers to call though. Keep your fingers crossed.


  13. Greetings All and a Happy Halloween,

    My neuropathy makes me feel like the Bride of Frankenstin, because my feet are so numb. I feel like I am walking funny. One of my coworkers commented,"Yeah I noticed you were walking funny." Gee, thanks for noticing. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I bought a deluxe foot bath, and it definately alieves the "asleep" feeling temporarily. Also effective are massage socks you can buy at the GNC health food stores.

    My counts were low still, but I did get half a dose of chemo. This chemo is keeping me stable atleast. When asked "How long must I continue it?", my doc replied "as long as it is working." Now there is someting to look forward too! I asked him to put my name on the list for a trial using a vaccine, starting possibly in Jan. Might as well, since I am the human experiment right now. Did any of you catch "Scare tactics" on tv? I feel like a DNA experiment gone bad, half human and animal anyway! HA! How funny that show is.

    I just want you all to know that I am praying for you. I haven't got my key board yet. I can't find anyone to make one to fit my web tv. So I can only get on briefly at work. Know also that I read your posts, but cannot post due to the key board thing. Take Care my friends.

    Happy Halloween!!!!


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