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Posts posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Lil,

    Check out "My Story" under Terrie. She has had the procedure a couple of times, which has been successful. She swears by it.


  2. KitKathi,

    I had a pericardial window about 3 months ago. I was in the hospital for two weeks. I was ready to go home sooner, but my doctor wanted to make sure I drained off all the fluid, due to risk of heart attack. I felt little pain, except for the incision site in my upper abdomen. Just below that were two tubes for drainage- now those puppies were uncomfortable. The actual procedure involves cutting the sac of heart at the top to allow drainage, so it will not allow fluid to build up again. I have had no problems since. Hope this helps.


  3. Lisa,

    it sounds like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Be very careful about not taking time ti care for yourself. Perhaps you can enlist your son for just a little time of relief. Many of us hve been through this battle several times, and there is no easy way. We are here to support you and listen. PLease post when you can, we are here for you.


  4. Hey Folks,

    Just wanted to let you all know that I am still out here in cyberland, waiting for my ordered key board to arrive. I can read your posts, with the use of a remote control, but not posting- which I hate. I am using my computer here in the office right now, and only have a few min. I tried to put a picture up to show you my baby horse, but it came out too small. I am afraid I will need Rick's help on this one. I haven't named him yet, and am hoping you guys can help me come up with one. He has a star on his forehead and one back right sock. He is charcoal colored with a black main and wavey tail. That could all change though. He is quite precocious, and loves to buck and run. We have been picking him up, so that when he gets older, he will remember that we can pick him up and we are bigger than he is.

    My blood work was still too low to get chemo last Thurs.

    I will go back tomorrow. Fun, huh? I have gotten a few shots of arenesp to boost my red blood cell count, along with platelets too. I was so very tired, and short of breath. I can atleast breath better, so my counts must be climbing. I asked the doc how long will I be on this chemo? He said "as long as it keeps working!" I also asked him about the new vaccine, using other's cancerous tumors to make the vaccine. He said that would probably not start until Jan.. Sign me up, I have heard good results from it. Why not? I am just a guinne pig any way, Ha! Good luck to the many of you waiting for results and those of you having tests. I pray for you all every day. I miss posting, and will try to sneak on at work if I can, until my keyboard arrives.

    God Bless,


  5. KIm,

    The injection itself hurt like He**! I also have some pain in my joints and bones. I am not sure if it is from the chemo I am doing or the aranesp shots. I take tylenol, and if really bad, hydrocodone works for me. The Flu shot ached like you described though. Hope your mom is better.


  6. Cat,

    It is on a Fri. night and I ran to work to use my computer. I can't post at home, because I spilt coffee on my key board. My web tv is so old I can't find anyone makinf the key boards these days. I have been everywhere. Anyway, just want ed you to know I am saying prayers for you and keeping you close at heart. This treatment will work!



  7. That is right! sometime at the crack of dawn, my mare named chula, had a black filly with a little star on her nose. She is all legs! I thought she would never get here. She is so adorable with her wobbly legs. I on the other hand am exhausted and at work. I am sorry that I have been off the boards for a few days. I spilt coffee on my key board to my web tv. I will have to find if any one makes them still- Walmart doesn't anymore.

    My CT scans are all stable, even with a small shrinkage. I have a few more left then, will probably do a vaccine if treatmnt is necessary. I have been suffering from neurapathy in my feet pretty bad, My feet feet asleep or frozen. Any suggestion out there? I am also experiencing bad nose bleeds. Dr. McCullum from Mary Crowley's suggested neosynephrinie nose spray, which worked like magic! It was gross, coming out in streams with huge clots. My platelets were low, which is why this happened. I was pretty scarey because it just poored all over my clothes and into rags. Might I also suggest, to pack your nose and tilt your head back. An ice cold rag helps


    Good to talk to you all, It will be a couple of days probably before we find the right board that mathces our web tv.

    Take Care,


  8. Angie,

    Rest my Dear, you probably have not slept well the past 17 months, since your father's diagnosis. I am glad to know that he wasn't in any pain. It will seem odd at first not fighting this disease now that he has passed, I can recall not knowing what to do with my time. PLease take care of yourself. I imagine that your mom and sister will need support as well. May God see you through this difficult period.

    God bless,


  9. Minnie,

    What a tough situation that you are in. Most campuses offer a counseling center free of charge, or charge based on a sliding scale fee. Remember that your mental health will affect your physical well-being.You might see a doctor too, sometimes antidepressants are necessary to pull you out of the slump. Good luck and prayers being offered.


  10. I am doing a chemo trial, and asked my onc's office if they were giving them. They were, but only to people active in treatment who were at a high risk. Well, that would be me. They were going to wait till my blood counts went back up to give me a shot, but were afraid they would run out by then. My doctor thought I could handle it. My arm is black and blue. I had to stay home cause I ached to the bone, like I had the flu. Today I am just fine. Glad it is over with.


  11. David and Karen,

    I grew up in Manassas, Va.. I have some fond memories of the Battlefield and Bull Run Parks as a kid. You are right, the Appalachians would be beautiful this time of the year, and worth the excurtion. I am just sorry you have to be on chemo and radiation. The exhaustion is overwhelming. My oncologist office gave me the flu shot. My arm is still black and blue. I had to take off work because I ached so bad, like I had the flu. That didn't happen last year. My blood counts are low, but he thought I could endure the shot anyway. I am fine today, but hurt pretty bad yesterday. What is this about 3 consecutve shots? I sure don't want it again. ha!


  12. The scans, radiation, and chemo....it all sucks! I am sorry you are having to go through this Shar. Just don't give up on yourself. We are all behind you and saying prayers. Hang in there Shar.


  13. Hey,

    What goes on in Chicago stays in Chicago- except for valuable information to help lung cancer survivors that is. Lamp shade dancing on tables is optional. Permission granted to skip out on some boring lectures to actually make it a mini vacation that you have probably denied yourself of for years. Try to have some fun.


  14. TAnn,

    I have been thinking about you, and am so glad that you checked in. I can only imagine how difficult this must be, but you are not alone. 1400 + members are cheering you on! Much Love, and may God help you through this tunnel to the other side of victory!!!


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