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Posts posted by laban

  1. Only Child....I wished you lived closer so I could come over and give you a hug. I was 1 of 8 children so I haven't a clue how an only child must feel when their only parent dies. My Mom and Dad died when I was 38 and 46 and was fortunate to have all my family around. When Bill died I felt alone at times because after the initial gathering of mourners goes away life just has to go on, like it or not. Anniversaries for me are quiet and thoughtful. Memories are my best friends at times. Please stick around with us and come anytime to just vent. Oh, by the way, here's that hug.(((((((((((((((onlychild)))))))))))))))

  2. Hello Char

    I'll offer you a welcome although it's never fun to have to be on this road. The folks here are so wonderful. If we don't have an answer someone usually has a suggestion or another site to go on to get some answers. CancerGrace.org is an awesome site and the Drs there actually answer questions free of charge. We have all had opportunities to utilize that site from time to time. They're very helpful and compassionate. Here is a link you might want to read

    http://cancergrace.org/radiation/2008/0 ... rt-review/

    I know that when Bill was on chemo and radiation he too was quite stubborn about drinking. The more I pushed the more he refused. He listened to the Nurse at the Oncology Center where he had chemo much better than he listened to me. He never had brain mets that were diagnosed but he did have PCI to prevent them.

    I hope you'll feel safe coming here and asking questions or just venting. I would have been lost without this site.

    Blessings to you in your journey as a caregiver

  3. Oh yes Ann, I can understand why this hurts. It's sometimes the oddest things that bring back the tears. I'm sorry Buddy is gone but Dennis gets his Buddy for now. You'll see them all again, someday.

    Just mentioning about the lift chair brought back memories of when we had Bill's delivered and he fought it all the way.

    Thoughts and prayers for you during these days.

  4. Hi Alan,

    Isn't it a small world. What I love most about Wisconsin is the people. They have that very distinctive accent that is enjoyable and everyone (well almost everyone) is so darn nice. It's always a pleasure to go back and realize that there are still lots of nice people in this crazy world.

  5. Thank you all for the warm welcome to "the air".

    Yes Eric, Monday is a great day but mostly for those of us that are retired and yes, I'm driving to Wisconsin. I love to travel, especially on the road. Don't like to miss a thing. So happy you found the "right" church yesterday. All I can say to that is Amen and Amen. Hope you get to meet Donna G.

    MI Judy. It's been in the 80's in Wisconsin. How come it's so different from Michigan? It's just across the big water. Sorry it's so hot where you are. The heat just drains me and I'm not sick so I really feel for all of you who have to deal with it. By the way, how's that foot? Are you keeping it elevated?

    Hi Annette. I too am a Bachlorette follower. I also love DWTS and SYTYCD. They are just a few of my TV guilty pleasures. I am also a Food Network and HGTV snob. I have to say that I always look forward to your posts because you keep me smiling. Your humor is contagious. Keep it up.

    Janet, I'm with you about the exercise thing. I just can't quite get myself out there in this heat. My treadmill is outside in the garage so that's a great excuse not to use it, too hot. Sorry you're having a rough day. Your trip to Boston sounds great but I hope you don't overdo. I'm sure your girls will take good care of you. Try and rest on the train. I love the lull of the ride to just sit back and relax.

    Bud, talking about your DQ adventure is right up my ally when I allow myself to eat like that. Today I'm the lucky one getting ready for a colonoscopy tomorrow. Anyone who's had this done knows the fun stuff that happens the day prior. Woopee!

    KW Judy. Those 3 wheelers are harder than they look. I love riding a bicycle but only when it's cool enough for me. Boy I sure do complain alot about the heat. Sorry. Wisconsin is a beautiful place to visit. I was born there and have lots of family up there. I moved to Orlando in 1976 but it's always nice to go home for the summers. I just hope they don't get too sick of me.

    Blessings to you all on this Monday.

  6. Nice crappie Bud!!

    This is so funny. I wanted to post on the Air today (very early)and it wasn't up yet for Monday so I thought I'd better not start it as I'm not a regular poster. I went on about my day.

    I've been outside cleaning my car for my big trip to Wisconsin on Thursday. I've decided to become a SunBird (reverse SnoBird I think) and leave Florida for August and September because it's too hot. Well, I just came in to check to see who started the Air today and thanks to Bud I can now join in.

    No big news here. It's hot and humid (not as hot as Texas though) with showers expected later.

    I enjoy all your posts on the Air and other topics. I love all the humor and honesty. Eric's trip has been an absolute joy to watch, Bud I certainly envy your fishing excursions as Bill and I used to fish alot. KW Judy....I think of you often and miss not seeing you again. I'm missing traveling in our RV. MI Judy.....I feel like I know you. Somehow we need to meet one day. And all you other good folks, I'm just happy to be part of the family.

    Even though it's been over 3 years since Bill is gone, I still feel that I need to be a part of you all.

    Enjoy the day

  7. What a wonderful post to wake up to Judy. You deserve a break and looks like prayers were answered. I believe very strongly in prayer and thank God daily for all the blessings in life. Glad to hear too that you have new nausea meds and that they're working.

    Hope your storms are over and your TV is back on. Maybe you can put your feet up today and enjoy life without that worry hanging over your head.

    God Bless

  8. Judy,

    I'm so sorry your 4th celebration turned sour. Sometimes those closest to us are the ones who hurt us the most. Often without even realizing it. It's simply called being taken for granted. I sometimes feel that I got mad at Bill for his "complaining" and if I could go back and change things I'd do it in a minute.

    I hope today brings you a better lung day. Happy 4th......you're a valiant soldier in my eyes.

  9. Judy, I'm so sorry to hear about this setback. I know that when a person is on chemo he/she is more susceptible to infection and with you going to NJ you probably had to do alot of shaking hands, hugging and the like. Judy I pray that this fever will break soon and you can get home where you're the happiest. ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) so much less dangerous

  10. Thank you for sharing those words with us. I can relate to much of what you said and wish I could put things on paper like you. You and your husband are very brave people. I know it's a long and difficult battle at times and that trusting in God is sometimes our only relief.

    Looking forward to the "14 years and counting" story too.

    God bless you both

  11. It's just that it turns a 30 minute stop into a 2 1/2 hour appointment and he's fed up with sitting around waiting rooms:)

    I understand. Bill hated sitting and waiting. Someone would tell him he'll be seen in a minute and taking that literally should have meant a minute. He couldn't understand why his time wasn't as important as the doctors and nurses that saw him. Very frustrating for the patient and the caregivers.

    Sorry, that sentence just brought back some old, crappy memories.

  12. Good Morning,

    Judy, the tornados were from Oklahoma to Virginia. It was awful watching the actual storms on CNN. My only wish is that there will be blessings, someday, from these tragedies.

    I hate to say this (for you Judy in MI) but it's warm, breezy and sunny here right now. My gardenias are in full bloom and the yard smells yummy. I also had a magnolia bloom this week. Spring came up very quickly this year and we're already into summer temperatures.

    To all, have a very blessed day.

  13. Ronnie,

    You're stronger than you know. People live and people die. This is just how it goes. You and Pat had something very special and you were blessed because of that. Live for the good memories. God be with you.

  14. Thank you Kasey and Judy.

    I still get on the site almost daily but think I am too much of a realist to post about past experiences. I don't want to be negative. Bill was a different kind of guy. Very matter of fact. From the time he was told "you have a cloudy area on your lung" April 6, to the biopsy, April 13, he new what to expect. He was on the computer day and night reading everything he could about lung cancer. Not a pretty site. He pretty much felt that if they told him he had SCLC that wasn't good. He researched and researched and just didn't see what he wanted to see and that of course, was hope. He never got on this site, maybe if he would have he would have seen that not everyone with SCLC dies. He expected to die within 2 years and that's what he did. Bill was always a planner and he planned his last two years exactly the way he wanted to, until he couldn't any more. As sad as it was to see it all take place in our daily lives, I'll always have the utmost respect for him for doing it all the way he wanted to. He didn't complain, he just took care of business and his goodbyes. Mostly he made sure that I was going to be strong and left with nothing but wonderful memories of US.

    My faith has gotten so much stronger since he's gone. I'm very involved in my church and family and this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. Oh yes and I'm still traveling when I can. I have a 2 week trip to Seattle and an Alaskan cruise in June and in August I'm driving back up to Wisconsin for about 6 weeks. I think they call that "sun bird" instead of the "snow birds" who flock to Florida in the winter.

    Life is good and I am blessed.

    Kasey, I'm still in Orlando.

    Judy, my wonderful cruise planner lives in Michigan.

  15. I really don't think this should be in grieving because I'm really no longer grieving. I have many, many memories of our life together. Bill's 2 years journey from diagnosis to his death is included in those memories but only vaguely. It's really amazing that, like labor pains, I don't remember so much of that time. What I do remember is all the good times. Our first meeting, the instant attraction, the giddiness of love at first sight, all the "I love you" mentioned so often, all the adventures we were on in our short almost 20 years together, the traveling in our RV, fishing/lobstering in the Keys, scalloping in the Gulf, the airboat rides on the river, our Karaoke business and the fun we had doing that. I can't tell you how very blessed we were and I am to still have all of the memories. We were very close, best friends. I've said this before and I'll always know that I am who I am today because of having Bill in my life. I will always love you Bill.

  16. Bill and I were in working in Lake Tahoe in the winter/spring of 2006. It was wonderful. We came home in March, he was diagnosed with SCLC in April and passed in April 2008. Springs are sad times and happy times for me. Very bittersweet but the memories are what carry me through life. God is so good bringing us the beauty of spring.

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