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Posts posted by laban

  1. Lyn

    For a long time I had trouble coming back to the site. It was all too fresh, too raw, I didn't want to hear anything about cancer. Today, more than 2 years since Bill left this earth, life is good and I hope I can be of some help to anyone who needs an ear or a hug.

    Come back anytime, we'll listen.

  2. Welcome Carole,

    I don't think you'll ever regret finding this site and sharing your story with all the wonderful people here. You'll get answers, opinions, stories, hugs, comfort, prayers and sometimes just a feeling of someone else that "gets it."

  3. Good Morning all.

    Happy Earth Day.

    Save those coffee grounds and egg shells and use them as fertilizer on your rose bushes. OK, nuff said about that.

    Judy in KW. Isn't it great to have something to look forward to? For me, it's what keeps me going. I'm planning a trip in August and driving to WI to stay with family then take a ferry across Lk Michigan, travel through MI and Canada to Niagara Falls and up the coast of Lake Ontario to stay with a friend and see upstate NY. I'll complete the trip by driving down the East Coast back to Florida in October. The fun will be traveling with family and girlfriends. Bill and I traveled in our RV from 2002 till 2007. We crammed in alot in the short time he had of retirement and I cherish every second of those days. I'm just carrying on the tradition.[/color]

    Have a great Earth Day, everyone

  4. Where is everybody? Guess I'll start today.

    Many of you may not remember me but I'm back. Seems like it's hard to stay away from old friends. This site did so much for Bill and I back when we were in battle. The battle was won over two years ago and now life is good. Still missing him terribly but when I look back and see all he did during his two years from diagnosis to the end was all so my life would be more complete makes me love him more every day. He was a very strong, deliberate, passionate man.

    It's overcast this morning but expected to get into the mid 80's with partly cloudy skies. On my way shortly to take sister to therapy. Hope all is well and you're enjoying the blessings of the day.

  5. Kasey, thank you so much for sharing your story. You're such an inspiration to so many and such a good friend in need.

    15lbs ??? Piece of cake, compared to what you've been through.

  6. Is it too late in the day to brag on Orlando weather? It's sunny, very breezy and 80. I love April. In fact, I love everything today.

    The little girl who was lost in the woods since Friday was found yesterday, alive and well. We're all thanking God. It was truly a miracle.

    Now let's get back to praying for Rick and Katie. Another miracle please!!!

  7. It's just about perfect here in Orlando. Sunny, breezy and mid 70's. I've been busy with yard work and this is just the right kind of weather to do it in.

    I hope it's Spring for everyone.

  8. Have a blast. Islamorada is wonderful. Bill and I have been there and stayed at Key Colony, caught lots of fish. We used to camp at Knight's Key. Missin' those days.

    Get some rest and enjoy time with your friend.

  9. Good Morning and Happy Easter from sunny, beautiful Orlando. Sunrise service was awesome. The curtains are blowing in the open windows and I have so much to be thankful for. The gang will be here today. Ham is in the oven and I'm getting ready to celebrate Easter. Bill is surely with me today. I can feel him.

    Hope and pray ALL will have a wonderful day.

  10. Today is 2 years since Bill left this earth. I'm doing good. I've been staying very busy with kids, grand kids, volunteering, traveling and whatever else I can do to keep sane. I miss Bill terribly but I don't miss his suffering. I still come to this site almost daily and it breaks my heart to see so many still suffering and dying from lung cancer. I hate it, but as we have all said, it is what it is. Much love to you all who are bravely fighting this horrible disease and to all the caregivers still caring for their loved ones. I wish you all a blessed Easter.

  11. Wendy

    I remember too meeting with you and Maurice at ORHS. I'm so sorry for your loss. You will go on and live with the good memories. Blessings to you and your family during this difficult time.

  12. Lynn,

    I understand perfectly how you feel. I too, welcome the tears. I welcome the pain in my heart before the tears come. I welcome God's love getting me through these days. You'll do just fine. Tears are good. God bless you and Nick.

  13. I read his blogs daily and will miss him greatly. He was a very brave and courageous man for sharing every day of his cancer life with us. God's blessings to his family and friends.

  14. Debbie,

    I know.........and I'm sorry you have to go through this too. Try and let God help you through this....let him give you strength. Of course it's horribly lonely. For 3.5 years that was your existence, taking care and loving your Alan. The Serenity Prayer helps me......

    God grant me the serenity

    to accept the things I cannot change;

    courage to change the things I can;

    and wisdom to know the difference.

    Living one day at a time;

    Enjoying one moment at a time;

    Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

    Taking, as He did, this sinful world

    as it is, not as I would have it;

    Trusting that He will make all things right

    if I surrender to His Will;

    That I may be reasonably happy in this life

    and supremely happy with Him

    Forever in the next.


    God bless you Debbie.

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