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Posts posted by laban

  1. Ronnie,

    After Bill died I relished sad movies just so I could cry. I really felt that crying got rid of so much sadness and hurt and the frustration of the new life without your loved one. Crying is so very healthy.

    It's coming up on 3 years since Bill is gone and the crying has diminished. I pray that the day will come when you are smiling more at the wonderful memories with Pat. God bless you and good luck in your new work status.

  2. Have a wonderful time. I remember Bill and I planned that cruise and an unexpected lung cancer diagnosis changed that plan. I've heard it's wonderful. Not so much the slowness of the actual Panama Canal (it's a guy thing) but the scenery in the other ports. Enjoy.

  3. Jean,

    It will be three years on April 3rd. When Bill was diagnosed he immediately went into the "make sure Laurie will be OK mode." He was the strongest man I've ever known. He was diagnosed with SCLC and believed with everything he had that his two year diagnosis was what he was given and was all he was going to get. He was thankful for time to take care of business, saying goodbyes his way and just for the time given. He wrote a poem about 6 months before he died and called it: SOME PEOPLE NEVER GET THE CHANCE TO EVER SAY GOODBYE. My nephew has since put music to it and recorded it. It's a bittersweet memory that I will treasure always.

    The reason I mentioned all of this is the reason I am who I am today. I have become a very strong, determined and happy woman. I truly believe it's because I know that's how Bill wanted me to be. When he was alive, we did everything together. We played, traveled, cooked, entertained and just spent all of our time with each other. I miss those days very much but my life is so busy now I barely have time to worry about being lonely. I literally don't have time. I am very active in my church and volunteer two days a week. I have been remodeling our home and that takes so much planning and creating. It's fun and it keeps me young. I also travel whenever the funds allow.

    My faith plays a huge part of who I am today too. Without God in my life I'm not sure where I would be or even who I would be. I know I'll see Bill again and he's promised to wait for me.

    I wish with everything I have, that all of you who have lost their soul mates could be as happy as I am. God bless you Jean and I pray you'll soon find that life will be ok.

  4. I too, Ginny know how you feel. From Sept 07 to June 08, eight family and friends died of lung cancer including Bill. Too, too many. I understand your feelings, oh so well.

  5. .......HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL DADS, GRANDDADS & STEPDADS.......hope all can enjoy the day with family and loved ones. Special attention to all we have lost. Attention all kids and grandkids, roll out the welcome and put your guys up on a pedestal today.

  6. Yes Cindy, there IS always something to look forward to.

    Susan, your Mom is awesome and seems to have a God given will to push through the tough times. Blessings to you ALL.

  7. Bud I know all about hot summers, the humidity is stifling. I hope you and Bruce get to go fishing this weekend and are able to bring in a bunch to fry up. I'm missing those days. Randy, I hope you have a free minute to smell the flowers.

    Blessings to you all

  8. Good day all.

    Bill used to make things himself and post on the fishing forum @ the Sports Illustrated site. He had so much accumulated in the garage he always was able to find parts and pieces and build something. He also was a master at cooking on the grill and posted on another forum about ideas on grilling. I think he also subscribed to the Jeep forums. Sure miss those days when he was around. We had a very busy, active life.

    Judy in KW, do you have a date when you'll be back in Orlando?

  9. Hi Muriel,

    I'm guessing the reason no one is on the computer is because they're all enjoying their lives. I certainly hope so. I hope they're all out having whatever fun there is to be had today. I've already had my fun this morning. We had "Church Pride Day" and I got to scrape up gum off the floors in the sanctuary, clean the kitchen, scrub the kitchen floor, vacuum and spray Round-Up on some outside weeds. Life is good here in Orlando. Blessing to everyone today.

  10. Judy,

    Sorry no results yet. Hopefully the Neurologist will be the one to give you some answers. Xanax puts me to sleep, but I'm a lightweight.

    Hope you're feeling good enough to have a good holiday weekend.

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