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Nick C

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Posts posted by Nick C

  1. I went to the conference for the IELCAP and also have purchased the article in the New England Journal of Madicine. I have also met with Dr. Claudia Henschke. I have heard form people at the Lung Cancer Aliance. I have also heard from those who are saying "not yet" and "wait". Surprisingly, those people were from the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute.

    I listened to both sides of the arguement with a genuinely open mind say there wasn't one good reason given to wait to be perfectly honest.

    The Pap Smear was never put through randomized trials, never scrutinized that it might not be the right thing. And consequently, people DON'T DIE of cervical cancer if detected and treated!!!

  2. My e-mail:

    Thank you for airing the segment on early detection of Lung Cancer.

    My mother passed away 3 weeks ago today from Lung Cancer. And what frustrated her most was the current tests (x-rays and tumor markers), which she did every year, did not detect her cancer. The CT scan would have. I have met the lead doctor doing this research, Dr. Claudia Henschke. She is a wonderful and bright person who has devoted herself and her work to making detection that WILL save lives the standard test for all those at risk. I would love to see you have her on your program.

    So many people die each year (approx. 170,000). No one "deserves" lung cancer. Before you know it, you are too sick to be treated. I hope to see several more segments during Novemeber as it is Lung Cancer awareness month. Perhaps you should invite Dr. Henschke to your program for a segment.

    Best regards,

    Nicholas T. Cappiello III, CPA

    Director of Financial Reporting

    USI Holdings Corporation

    (P) (914) 749-8566

    (F) (610) 537-2492

  3. MY advice on the CT scan, walk into the ER!!!!!!!!

    My mother was having neurological issues late aug, her neurology appt was scheduled for Oct 13...she went to the ER instead on Sept 5. She died Oct 5. I am not saying that your dad is in that kinda trouble, just saying unfortunately, you want urgent care...off to the ER!!!

    Again, the Canada thing I've heard about, hard to get into these machines because there aren't many of them. That is a political discussion for another website I guess.

    And it looks like you and I will be feeling the same way every Thursday. 3 weeks today for me, and it's getting worse dealing with it. I think because the holidays are approaching. Ugh!

  4. Every situation is different. I thought mom was tired as a result of radiation and exhaustion (the decadron gave her insomnia, I thought it had caught up with her.) I retrospect the extreme tiredness may have been due to the pneumonia we didn't know she had or it could have just been the body shutting down.

    How it went for my mom, Sunday tired but ate dinner with us talked good times.

    Monday tired, sleeping sitting upright on the couch but worked that morn.

    Tues, practically out on her feet but did actually go to work that day!!! But her coworker said it was clear it was a struggle for her to stay awake.

    Wed called her at 9:30am, she answered the phone, said I woke her up. By 12noon I was at her house she was labored breathing and I called 911. She slept most of the 4 1/2 hours in the ER and basically slept until Thurs at 7:05am when she left us.

  5. Although I am not glad that this has to happen to any family, I am glad that hospice is working out for you.

    Peace and comfort has to be a priority in many situations, as that is the best we can sometimes hope for. It is truly a blessing that your MIL has that at the moment.

    We'll be here ready to listen (read).

  6. Wow John.

    That was wonderful to read. Do I get it! I miss my mother so much...all I want to do every time something good or bad happens is call her.

    TO sit and have just one more dinner.

    To listen to her tell one more funny work story.

    Wow do I get it!!

  7. Tammy,

    Mom knew her cancer was terminal. But I don't think she ever thought it would take her in one month. She wasn't going to go on the internet and read stuff about it.

    I however did. I knew before she knew not only was this not treatable, we could only have a month, 2 4 if we were average with treatment.

    So we acknowleged the scenario was terminal, we got things "in order".

    And then we lived life. Mom lived with the plan to make it through winter to Mother's Day. So she LIVED!!! She didn't "wait". She only made it from Sept 5 - Oct 5. But for the one month she lived.

    I thought it was better for her. In retrospect, I know it was.

  8. Three days before mom passed away, I sat on the couch and I listened to her sleep for two hours. While she slept, I cried, smiled, was thoughtful and reminiscent.

    It was an interesting couple of hours in retrospect.

    I wish you weren't going through this...I wish I weren't. I think it isn't feeling "sorry for ourselves" I think it is just plain unavoidable to want them back in the worst way.

  9. I attended this conference in NYC on Friday.

    This is huge news. The research is there. The studies they did found cancer early, and those people have survived.


    It is common sense that these tests would work. I looked at my mothers xray, and couldn't see a thing. I looked at the scan, there is was clear as day. One test works, the other doesn't.

    This is the cause I am most passionate about!!

    We met Dr. Henschke. She is a remarkable woman. The research is there. We can't let this research become yesterdays news. This is SO important to people at risk!

  10. for them, it's their job. I think of my job I get questions all the time and don't always respond immediately. Responses SHOULD, in a professional environment, be 24 hours. BUT giving 48 is fair enough to then make a follow-up.

  11. The pneumonia could be what's weakened her so much.

    My mother's lung cancer was not treatable, but after diagnosis, she really was fine. The weakness came with the pneumonia and the effects of being on decadron for what was probably too long.

    I am very sorry this has happened to you, but you should be encouraged that this is treatable. Has she started treatments? If so that can fatigue as well.

    I wish for you and you family the very best.

  12. I'm happy to hear you had some good talks.

    I'm happy you'll get help, too.

    I know what it is like to want you mother happy and not want her to go through this. But when we were children, our mothers wanted to protect us from hurt, but it happened. It's the same here. We can't control what life delivers and it is frustrating as a child to witness.

    I pray for you and your mom Peace and Comfort.

  13. I know.

    I get it.

    We haven't had our family yet. But,we always knew Mom would know what to do. We knew if something happened to us, Mom will raise the kids. We knew mom would have the best advice and our kids would love Mom most of all.

    Now I can't even think of having kids. We can't figure out who the guardian will be if something happens to us. I can't imagine this Thanksgiving (my and mom's holiday).

    I basically just can't imagine life without her.

    I get it.

  14. Sorry Randy.

    I've read your signature several times and how you describe her running to the light and your (our) journey lingers on...I have found a lot of comfort in the way you put that.

    I pray for you peace, and I pray for us the faith while here to know and take comfort that we'll be with our loved ones again there.

  15. I will echo. A second opinion is huge. This way the patient is comfortable as is the family with what they are hearing.

    Things with Lung Cancer can happen very fast unfortunately. But it doesn't mean they have to.

    In my mothers case, they happened very fast (see timeline) but others here have not had the same experience.

    I have just said a quick prayer for you and your family. God bless.

  16. Went to the 15th conference for the Early Lung Cancer Action Program.

    Go to the website to see all they do, I will not go into detail as they asked us not to speak about a few things until the New England Journal of Medicine comes out Thurs...but following that I will go into details about what I learned.

    But to summarize some generalities:

    There were many doctors trying to change the way at risk individuals are screened for Lung Cancer.

    The research is amazing.

    We heard from speakers who advocate for the approach I-ELCAP is working toward. They were from the Lung Cancer Aliance, the Flight Attendants who have been affected and of course the doctors doing the research.

    There is unfortunately a lot of Beaurocracy which keeps what they are working toward from becoming the standard protocol. I'll detail this later too.

    But I will respect the details of the meeting and wait to post more thoughts. But in advance of my posting late this week, PLEASE go to www.ielcap.org.

    Take a look.

    It's exciting stuff, and if this can get a foothold it may not STOP lung cancer, but more people will LIVE.

    I wish Mom were there.

    I will post details soon.

  17. Bam, a lot going on in your post. I too was an only child. It is pressure. But be supportive, available///that's all you can do. The doctors will do their job and God will have the final say.

    Re: your fate. If you are a smoker...please quit. If you are not, you certainly have a much better shot of NOT meeting the same fate.

    I will disagree with Don (respectfully) about the chect x-ray. X-rays are inadequate. My mother did chest x-rays and tumor markers every year. She did a chest x-ray and tumor markers in July of 06 which was clear. She died October 5th...And that tumor was there a long time!!! The better test is the low dose radiation spiral CT scan...talk to your dr about it. It may not be covered by insurance, but I am hoping to change that...I'll be posting about that in the activism section soon!


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