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Posts posted by Nova

  1. I can relate to the diagnosis turning a person's world up-side-down, and changing everything you thought was "normal".

    Who would have ever thought that we would go thru something like this? (Not me ~~ not in a million years) :(

    It always makes me think of the old saying "Pulling the rug out from under your feet", because that's exactly what a diagnosis of cancer does to a person/family member..... knocks you right on your "hiney", and then you have to try and get up again. :oops:

    I'll be thinking of you.


  2. I found your post, and I'm so sorry....

    The necklace wasn't just "nothing"... It was a little part of your Mom that you were holding onto.

    I would have cried too. :(

    Is there any way you could try a bent hanger, and see if maybe it got stuck? Since it was on a chain , it may possibly still be there. I'd be tempted to put on my best plumbers outfit, and rip the drain out of the floor.

    It makes my heart ache for you.

  3. Welcome to the world, little Rebecca Marie! :D

    (Beautiful name! My own daughter's middle name is Rebekah!)

    I think she'll have the best Guardian Angel there is, in your Mom. (That's what we like to think about my step-dad who passed away right before my second grandson was born!).

    I'm happy for your family!

    Love to see a picture of her if you get a chance to post one. Babies are my most favorite thing in the world... :wink::oops:


  4. I just spoke with her on the phone, and she's being admitted to the hospital.

    She was having a few symptoms, so decided to get checked out. A cat scan has shown a few brain lesions. She's asked that we all say extra prayers for her.

    She will update as soon as possible.

    Prayers for you, Liz.



  5. Grateful that I only have 10 days of school left! (We get 3 days off for Thanksgiving vacation, plus the weekend!)

    Also grateful that my tired old brain has been able, (so far), to learn everything the teacher is throwing at us in this quickie "Crash Course". There's not really enough days in the class to learn everything, but so far I'm keeping up!

  6. I always read her "Gratitude" topic first thing in the morning, with my coffee. (Usually about 5:30) It starts my day off perfectly.

    It's 8 am, and she's not posted yet!

    Hope you're okay, Jackie.

  7. What a blessing.

    The same happened with us when Harry was diagnosed.

    All of a sudden we had no income --zilch--, and I was wracking my brain trying to figure out the finances.

    We too, were blessed with gift certificates arriving in the mail, or stuck in an envelope on Harry's truck wiper/wind shield, with no name signed to them, etc. (I still, to this day, don't know who gave us some of those. :( )

    I'm thankful for your co-worker, and all of the people that helped us too.

  8. Thanks Nanci, Randy, Debbie, and all.

    I don't have any plans on saying anything to Harry about it. I'm afraid it would sound negative, and that would be mean.

    He can just keep his head in the sand along with dchurchi's husband, Alan.

    There were some very good suggestions on what ~ (and how)~ to tell the family members what's actually going on though.

    My biggest hope, is that one day I'll be able to say to them , "Yes, he's cancer free", and it will be the truth!!

    Thank you.

    Take good care of yourselves,


  9. Thank you.

    I think you're all right.

    It DID start when the insurance thru his work got canceled, so maybe it has something to do with that. (His job is/was so important to him).

    I'm all for positive thinking, so that's why I haven't said anything to Harry when I hear him telling people this "new news".

    Jacob heard him telling one of my family members though, and looked at me like "Mom, why didn't you tell ME that Dad's cancer is gone"??

    I explained to him in the car, later on, when we were by ourselves. (as much as I could anyway, because I didn't know why "I" hadn't heard the good news myself! :( )

    I think I might call his Oncologist's RN and leave him a private message, just so they'll know where Harry's thought pattern is heading.

    They won't say anything to him, unless he asks them outright, which he won't, but at least they'll know.

    If his thinking starts to get totally irrational, then I'll get worried. ( You know how it is? You always start worrying about brain mets, etc., when they do the least little thing differently. :oops: )

    Oh "Me" of little faith!

    Thanks guys, and have a good day.

    I'm off to school. Bleccckkk ! :wink:

  10. I don't know what to do or say.....

    Harry has now told four people that his cancer is gone. :?:

    I have no idea what he's talking about.

    At the last appt. we had with the Oncologist, things were just "stable". (which is great, but doesn't mean "gone").

    There was one tiny new spot that had disappeared, but the main tumor is still there, and nearly the same size it was to begin with. The fluid had also increased, and there was another new (very tiny) spot in a different place.

    The doctor didn't say that his cancer is gone....not at all, and I'm not sure if Harry mis-understood him, or he's just suddenly developed a bad case of denial.

    The thing is, he's telling these people that he's "cured", the cancer is "gone", and he'll be returning to work soon. They're all questioning me about why I didn't tell them the "Good News".....

    I don't know what to say to them...?????

    I don't want to sound like the "downer, non-positive thinking" one, but what the heck is going on with this????

    Any ideas would be appreciated.

    Hope you're all doing well.

    "Confused in Florida Nova" :(


    So far I've just managed to answer everyone's questions by saying that I'm not really sure what's going on.....I haven't said anything at all to Harry about this, because I don't know WHAT to say...?

  11. I'm a day late, as usual.

    What started out as an act of kindness on my part, has turned into a lesson for me.

    There's a young girl in my class that has led an extremely hard life. (Drug abuse, prostitution, having her baby taken away from her, you name it.)

    She's trying so hard to turn her life around though.

    Others in the class were kind of shunning her, and it made me upset. People are so quick to judge each other just on appearences.

    She doesn't have a car, and our school is about 15 miles away from her house (and mine), so I've been giving her a ride home every day.

    I've learned that there's always someone who "has it worse", or that is going thru such hard times, that I couldn't even imagine what thier lives must be like.

    To see her putting her "all" into changing things , is humbling to me.... and she's actually a very, very sweet person.

    So maybe she's showing ME an act of kindness, and not the other way around! :wink:

  12. I've never been in your situation, yet, but You know your husband the best. You're the one that loves him the most.... I would follow where your heart leads. Those feelings will help you make the right decisions.

    Please know you're in my prayers.


  13. That's a very interesting thought.

    I too, have always wondered how some folks can smoke "forever", and not get lung cancer.

    My former neighbor started smoking at age 7..... (can you imagine?? SEVEN years old???) He passed away from an infection he got at the hospital, while having a Pace Maker put in. It had nothing to do with smoking.

    I don't mean, of course, that it's "okay" to smoke, because it's a horrible, nasty, unhealthy habit ~~ it's just like you said though... it's a wonder that not EVERYONE ends up with it.

  14. Thank you for that article.

    How scary is that???? I wouldn't have known it (Radon) was the second leading cause of lung cancers.....

    Can't even breathe the air anymore, without worrying about what you're inhaling..... or have a vegetable garden without wondering what's in the soil.... How sad.

    Thank you!

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