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Posts posted by Ry

  1. 1. Being the only person awake on a holiday morning.

    2. Living on a lake where I can have my morning coffee and enjoy the view ( now if I could only train the dog to fetch the paper).

    3. Having 3 kids that are kind to others.

    4. My mom making the turkey today.

    5. Thankful I can help the economy by Christmas shopping tomorrow. :lol:

  2. Thanks Christine-- that was very sweet. Of course we don't always get along-- we're family! We wouldn't be a family if we didn't have our black sheep and crazy aunts. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.


  3. JB- Here's my helpful hint: Measure the oil to account for the turkey being dropped in-- you don't want the hot oil to go over the side of the pot once the bird is placed in the oil -- AND keep it away from the house. My FIL was great at turkey frying mistakes. :shock:

    When I was a kid we went to my aunts for Thanksgiving and she served the turkey undercooked. After that when something came up about my aunt my dad would always say "what do you expect from someone that serves raw turkey!"

  4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    1. What is your name?-------- Rochelle

    2. A four-letter word------------- Rats

    3. A boy's name----------------- Ricky

    4. A girl's name------------------ Ronda

    5. Occupation------------------- Retail

    6. Color----------------------------- Red

    7. Something you wear-------- Ring

    8. Beverage-----------------------Rum and Coke

    9. Food--------------------------- Ravioli

    10. Something used in a bathroom ---Robe

  5. 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? both

    2. Real tree or artificial? artificial the last few years-- love real ones though

    3. When do you put up the tree? shortly after Thanksgiving

    4. When do you take the tree down? usually New Year's Day

    5. Do you like eggnog? yes especially spiked

    6. Favorite gift received as a child? A doll of course

    7. Hardest person to buy for? Men (all of the men on my list are hard)

    8. Easiest person to buy for? Any kid

    9. Do you have a nativity scene? yes packed away after Caitlin had the Jurassic Park T-Rex stomp through it and carry the baby Jesus off in his mouth (she called him the baby Genius though).

    10. Mail or e-mail Christmas cards? mail and add a letter.

    11. Worst Christmas gift ever received? Ummm how to choose just one

    12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Home Alone (love the music)

    13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Early in November

    14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Oh yeah-- See question #11

    15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Usually we have coffee cake or sweet rolls with coffee Christmas morning

    16. Lights on the tree? Yes

    17. Favorite Christmas song? John Lennon - War is Over (and so this is Christmas)

    18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay home

    19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Well yeah after reading the above answers :roll:

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