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Posts posted by Ry

  1. There is a very rare side effect to Tarceva that can damage the eyes (the name of the condition escapes me right now)-- but he really needs to be seen by an eye specialist to make sure he doesn't have that because the damage can be permanent.

  2. It's not overreacting-- a bowel impaction can be fatal very quickly. If the stool is impacted she's gong to need to go to the ER. The best thing to work quickly is a "mom bomb" which is milk of magnesia and warm prune juice. If the enemas are not working she should go get some help removing the stool. Once this is over make sure she starts using some natural means to keep her bowels moving like prune juice, apple juice, bran, and lots of fluids.

    Let us know how she does.

    Welcome to the board.


  3. I am glad you are doing the research for her. There are several people here that have had cyber knife, one being Don M. You can search his posts or search cyber knife for more information from the board. She really needs a second opinion. She is young and she can survive this disease if she gets the right treatment.

    Keep us posted on how she does.

  4. He's taking a hard combination of chemo and sleep may be the way his body is healing and dealing with that. He has to eat or get nourishment though -- 30 lbs. is a huge weight loss. Try to find out what he can tolerate or even if he will just drink some high calorie things it will help. I know for awhile John was eating a lot of those real fruit Popsicles and soups, that was about all he could handle. I hope you have talked to his doctor or the chemo nurse about all this, they may be able to help or adjust his dosage.

    Keep us posted on how he does.

  5. Are you looking at the white athletic socks that come in a package? If you can use white many are styled so they can be folded down to make a cuff. I'm not sure what brand it is that makes a ribbed top that folds down like the old bobby socks.

  6. I do a lot of shopping on Amazon-- the prices are great and if you order over $25.00 the shipping is free. One year I ordered the kids entire Christmas from there-- from the Barbie dream house to x-box games, it was so nice to have it all brought to the door and all I had to do was wrap. I also buy a lot of stuff from LL Bean. I also send Cheryl's Cookies to friends out of town.


  7. John would get photosensitive and burn very quickly. It didn't have to be a lot of sun just a few minutes and he was red. Take a good sunblock and remember it needs to be put on about 15 minutes before you go out.

    Have a good trip and don't forget to get a hall pass. :wink:

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