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Posts posted by Ry

  1. Christine,

    This too shall pass. I developed all kinds of weird phobias after John passed away. I had a real thing about being too far away from my kids. I couldn't go out of town for dinner or to shop because I didn't want to be more than 20 minutes or so from them. I had to drive everywhere-- I was afraid of being a passenger...just weird things. They went away finally. I don't know what it is about losing someone that brings about various fears but I think it will go away. Your mom has suffered a terrible loss and it will take some time.


  2. It sounds from your description that it's emotional. Sometimes we use sleep as an escape to get away from things or it could be that the stress and worry is taking a toll on your body. You might want to try vitamins and getting out a little and see if that helps before asking for antidepressants.

    When my husband was first diagnosed and in treatment I was absolutely dead tired from working, trying to care for him and dealing with our kids. What helped me most with the stress and tiredness was simply walking down my street and back. It just helped to get out and get the oxygen flowing and clear my head. I also started to take most of the vitamins and supplements he was taking. I think it's normal to be tired, even with help.

    You should sit down with your husband and talk also.


  3. Hi Linda-

    My word of wisdom--WATER. John had very bad muscle aches from Taxotere and he drank lots of water before, during, and after Taxotere. He really thought it helped with the aching. I wish you good results with it.


  4. Patti,

    John was on Tarceva for a long time and Iressa before that. Both of these drugs were like a miracle, they held him stable and kept the cancer in check for several years. You've been given great advice on the rash (which is nothing like a rash it's just that no other word fits the stuff). Make sure you moisturize it like crazy and get a good cream rinse if you get it on your scalp. Purchase sunblock as you become photosensitive and burn easy.

    John did not fit the profile for Tarceva either --

    I hope it works for you!

    About Nick, that will be the hardest part of all this, but you'll find a way.

  5. Sorry Terri-- no pearls of wisdom to be had here as I feel pretty much the same way. The smallest thing seems to be overwhelming. I am just so sick of doing this all alone. It's hard to go to work and deal with that stress, then deal with parenting and trying to run a house, pay bills, etc.-- I feel I'm barely holding it all together. I am not feeding my kids well, we eat out way too much because I'm not up to cooking (you know it's bad when your kids say "not again" to going out to eat). I hate being this way. I want him back.

  6. I can't believe it's been four years. I sometimes think of all the women I've known

    that lost their husbands and I wonder how they came through it. I think well they did it and they're ok...I can do this too. When I lost John I thought of all your posts about keeping busy and active. You were such a help to me and I appreciated you calling me. I look at you and I hope to get to that life is good part (but) someday.

  7. Uh....Kasey...I am checking my list and not seeing an official hall pass from you. I am afraid you may have to serve detention. Your only hope is to quickly open the pub and over serve Muriel before she finds out your were AWAHP. :lol:

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