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Posts posted by Ry

  1. It is great to see you here. Did you ask for a pass? I am not recalling a pass request. Ummmmm to fine or not to fine? That is the question. I guess I'll let you slide with all the artifact stress and all. You missed a great cyber road trip. I'll buy you and Fred a drink at the pub.


  2. Linda- I hope you get everyone taken care of so you can check back in with us eventually. I was also wondering about Jackie-- she checked in briefly after the site changed and I have not heard anything else. Maybe Katie knows and can fill us in.


  3. Hi Hope-

    As I read your post I was quite impressed with your PCP being on the ball and sending you for a biopsy (or at least thinking he did). You are lucky to have him on your team. Make sure you let him know you weren't happy with the person he referred you to. It's important that your biopsy take place quickly - your PCP may be helpful in getting that moved forward.

    I hope it's nothing and that you have no need to be here. Keep us posted on how it goes.

    Welcome -


  4. David-

    Welcome to our board. I am glad you found us. I know we have members in your area and LUNGevity is based in Chicago so I am sure there are buddies to be found close by. As Muriel says, you're doing something right-- keep it up.


  5. Christine,

    As the official hall monitor I will approve a leave of absence but then you have to check in and let us know how you and your mom are doing. Believe me when I tell you that as the two of you begin to work through this loss it will be important to talk with others that know what you are going through. So I expect to see you back soon.

    Now, as to the other, like any family we have our wackos, crazy uncles, and big mouths-- don't let it get to you. There are people here that need you as much as you need them.


  6. I just saw your other post and see they added Avastin to the Tarceva and increased the dose. I would think they feel the change will help with the liver progression. Both of those drugs can work wonders-- good luck.


  7. Bruce-

    Whenever a new person comes here that has SCLC-- I always direct them to the sticky post in the small cell forum titled something like "how I beat small cell lung cancer"-- lots of good information. Copy it and send it on to him.


  8. Sandra-

    Alimta was pretty hard on John. He had the same experience. It got so bad towards the end that he had to ask the onc for a break before he could do the last one. The good news-- he got results with it -- I hope you do too!

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