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Posts posted by Ry

  1. Below is an interview that was conducted with Joe B and Lindsay his neighbor for PR for our walk. I think they both did a great job getting the word out on the need for funding. There was some nice commentary by the news people afterwards that isn't shown. The little horse Lindsay is leading was in our silent auction for a kids birthday party. it is story #2 after Flu shots:

    http://abclocal.go.com/wjrt/channel?sec ... id=5755384

    Our walk went wonderful today-- hopefully we'll get pictures on soon.

  2. Jean-

    I am so sorry. You are right-- devastated doesn't begin to describe where you are right now. Just know that there are many of us here that understand and will help you and your husband.


  3. Oh Beth-

    I am so happy to hear from you and to read how well things are going. You are right, it was meant to be. Thanks for checking in with us and congratulations on your wedding. I think of you often.


  4. Make sure he is drinking water or whatever he can drink. Dehydration is dangerous and he needs to drink. You need to call the doctor and if the mouthwash doesn't work for him then he will need a feeding tube. For some people, just mentioning they will have to have a feeding tube gets them to eat. :wink: If he can tolerate liquids-- Carnation Instant Breakfast tastes best and has all the nutrients of Boost and the other drinks.

    Good luck!


  5. Cheryl,

    We have a lot in common, I'm also an only child, and have two girls close to the same age as yours. As an EMT you must have medical connections that will point you in the direction of a good hospice program for when your dad comes home. Don't wait, call them now and get them on board so they are prepared. They will help get his pain regulated and later they will provide grief support for your family.

    My youngest handled the loss of her dad pretty well because she talked about her feelings-- she didn't' keep them in. She talks about him a lot and that helps us all. Kids have a way of turning a sad moment around. As for your oldest, you're on the right track. I didn't seek help for my daughter and she is having a lot of problems now. I called a counselor yesterday and I hope that will help.

    I am sorry things progressed so fast. My thoughts are with you all.


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