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Posts posted by Ry

  1. I am so appalled that you would be discharged like that. An impaction can be deadly and your constipation should have been dealt with before it got to that point. Please have someone complain to the hospital's patient advocate. I feel so badly for what you had to go through due to their incompetence.

  2. When my husband was first diagnosed I was on here a lot at 4:00 am. That seemed to be the time when I got up and couldn't go back to sleep. Please tell us more about you and your wife, we're good listeners and we can help you talk this out. I am glad you found us.


  3. Rich-

    It's good to see you checking in. I was afraid I was going to have to fine you for being absent without a hall pass. I know all these things that keep cropping up get frustrating - hopefully you will get some answers from the upcoming scan. Hang in there-


  4. I am so very sorry for your loss. Jim went through a lot prior to his death - I was amazed reading your profile how hard he must have fought to stay with all of you. My sympathy to you and your family.


  5. You are still very early in the grief process and there will be a lot of bad days but gradually they will get further and further apart. I found that when I had a bad day where I cried all day and just had a hard time - usually the next day would be a good day. I rarely had two bad days in a row. I took Ginny's advice and I stayed very busy-- I took every invitation, started projects, you name it.

    Once I started into the 2nd year though it really hit me -- he really is gone. I started to have a hard time all over again and so I went to the doctor and got an antidepressant. That has helped. I also keep a journal (the old fashioned hand written kind) and I write to John and tell him what is going on with us. It helps me work things out in my head and well it just helps to be somewhere quiet and get the feelings out. It's just a long process.

    I am jealous that you have weather where you can start planning your garden early. Working in the garden really helps.


  6. Welcome to the board. Please tell us more about your mom. There may be other options open to her such as radiation. My MIL was in her 80's upon diagnosis and elected to have her tumor radiated and no chemo, she led a good life for 2 more years and died from a stroke- not the lung cancer.


  7. My heart sunk when I saw the title of your post. Tarceva (and Iressa before that) held John stable a long time. I have been reading that they are thinking of bringing Iressa back so you may be able to get on a trial for that. Your onc should have someone in his office that can fight the insurance company for you and get it approved. Good luck.

  8. Hi Gary-

    I am glad you found us. Tarceva is an amazing drug for some people. It kept my husband stable a long time. It is hard going through cancer with someone you love and it certainly helps to get all the support and help you can.

    I am glad you came out of lurker land and joined in!


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