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Posts posted by shirleyb

  1. Again,

    I want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

    My brother is doing well. He has to learn how to let somethings go and relax. It is not an easy thing to do when you are a true type A person.

    I have always believed in threes. When something happens, it seems to come in threes.

    Well I found out what the other two are. My BIL in WA had heart surgery last Thursday to put a stint in. He is doing well and recovering very nicely.

    I also found out some really not good news on Randy's only uncle. He has rectal cancer. This man was like a father to Randy when he was young and has always been just the nicest person you could want to know. Right now they are waiting for an appointment with the VA onc to get a plan together on how to treat him. From what they have been told, it looks like they will be able to get it all when the surgery is done and if you have to have cancer they told him this was the best kind. Still is very scary.

    I am just praying for him and his wife and the rest of you on this board that God gives us not what we want but what we need to live. I have faith that He will lead us down the path we call life with grace and strength.

    I think of everyone here each day and pray for all of us.

    It sometimes seems like there is a bubble around this family here and we all just stick together to help each other. I guess that is what you call friends and family. You are my family and I love you all.

    Thanks for being here, for caring and for sharing. I read the posts everyday but have not been posting much in return. I will work on that and try to be more of a contributor. Just know, you are in my prayers daily.

    Much love,


  2. Lillian,

    Close your eyes, calm your soul and feel his arms holding you tight.

    You know you will see the signs he is with you still and smiling at you for how far you have come and how strong you have become.

    I would love to be there to give you a hug and sing the happy birthday song with you.

    Much love,


  3. Deanna,

    I am so sorry your mother has passed. My heart goes out to you and your family.

    I pray that God will be with you through this time of grief and pain.

    I am thankful your family had time to get to her before she left and that she knew she was so loved by all of you. Her death has left a void in your life that cannot be filled.

    I am so sorry.

    May God give you peace and comfort in the days, weeks, and months to follow. Keep the faith. Keep her memories close to your heart. She will always be with you in spirit. Watch for her and you will see the signs that she has only left this body, but her spirit will always be with you.

    Much love to you and your family.


  4. Mo,

    You are one special lady and I hate to hear you are not feeling well. Follow your gut instincts though. Get to the doctor and don't wait til Thursday. It could be an infection and the sooner they get you on meds for it the better off you will be. Please don't wait til Thursday...go today.

    You are in my prayers. May God watch over you and guide you.

    Much love.


  5. Thank you everyone.

    David got out of the hospital today. All the tests so far have come up good and they felt he would rest better at home. They have changed some of his meds and added a few too. So now it is waiting for the rest of the test results to come back.

    The good news, is there has been no change in the CT scan of his lung. They are really feeling it is scar tissue and nothing more with that. They were able to compare it to his last three and it has not changed. THANK GOD FOR THAT. The rest of the issues are doable, but as you all well know, the cancer is the very scary one for me. I don't think I could handle losing him to it too right now or anytime soon.

    Thank you all for caring and praying.

    I can't tell you how much you all mean to me.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Much love,


  6. Well,

    When it rains it pours. When someone in my family has ever done something, it is never small.....they always have to do a bang up job of things.

    My brother was admitted to the hospital yesterday with what appears to be a heart attack. He is a 4 year cancer survivor. He had to have one lung removed back then. Well, the CT scan shows a thickening of the plueral of his remaining lung. It may be scar tissue from the previous treatments but in my gut, it is this ugly beast coming back. He is only 49.

    Please just say a prayer for Dave. Please pray for strenght, for peace, and that this is just a scare and not cancer again. Please say a prayer for me to be strong to help him and his family get through this. I know I can't do this on my own.

    I know David is not Randy, but that is who is flashing in my brain and I am seeing him all over again through this. My SIL said the same thing. Please don't let David be like Randy was. I am scared.

    We hopefully will know more by the end of the day today.

    Thanks in advance. I know the power of prayer, that is why I am asking now.

    Much love and peace to you all.


  7. Elaine,

    My heart goes out to you and your children. It is a very scary time for you and it will be for them also.

    Just be honest with your kids. Follow Dean's advice. Don't beat yourself up with this. It is energy wasted that you could use elsewhere.

    Just do the best you can. Forgive yourself just like you would forgive anyone else here for being here. You are in my prayers.

    Much love,


  8. Candy,

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful picture. It shows how much Hugh enjoyed life. He must be so proud of you and your son.

    Norme, Thank you for sharing the Rainbow Bridge. It is something to focus on. Something positive to think about.

    Like you both, I would give anything to be able to hold Randy close just once more. I miss him so and life seems so pointless and empty right now. The only thing keeping me here are my kids.

    Much love to each of you,


  9. Lillian,

    I am sorry about you not getting the job. I know I went through a couple of interviews before I finally got the job I am at. Keep looking and praying. I have always had faith that God will lead you to the right job at the right time.

    Isn't it nice to have those projects done though? I know for me that was one thing that helped me to get through each day and have that feeling of self worth. You feel like you have accomplished something and the day was not wasted.

    You are still in my prayers. Good luck.



  10. Pam,

    I don't know what to tell you dear. I know for me, my kids and this board have been my salvation and greatest help in the past few months. Each of us goes through this so differently that what works for one may not work for someone else.

    With your fathers birthday just passed, it may be part of your mothers saddness. I know for me each holiday brings out the pain and I feel it more acutely then, than at other times. It reminds me of all the dreams Randy and I had that are now gone. And it hurts and there nothing that will take that hurt away.

    You and your mom are in my prayers.

    Much love,


  11. Betty,

    Thank you for sharing this very moving song. It will make me think of those I have loved and lost everytime it rains. I hope to be able to smile up at them and tell them I love them too. It will always remind me to be thankful even when it rains.

    Thank you.


  12. Don,

    I have wanted to get this book since you mentioned it a few months ago. Well one of my angels here got it for me. I too would recommend it to anyone who is "lost".

    Anything we can do in the fight for life is well worth the time and this books makes looking at the battles we go through so much clearer and hopefully easier to deal with. Miracles are so much easier to see when our eyes and hearts are open.

    I wanted to thank you for sharing this wonderful book.

    Much love and peace,


  13. Bettina,

    If I could wrap my arms around you today I would. I am sorry this has been so hard.

    You are in my thoughts and only good wishes are being asked for you.



  14. Kim,

    I am so saddened to hear of your dear fathers passing. I am thankful you were able to spend time with him and that he was not alone when he died.

    You and your mother and the rest of the family are in my prayers.

    Much love,


  15. Lillian,

    I hope this comes through for you. I know the good that comes from finding a job after what you and I both have been through. I have you in my prayers. Keep the faith and pray that this is what is suppose to be for you.

    Much love and best wishes.


  16. Colleen,

    Honey, I am so very sorry that Bill has passed. There are no words that can express how sad this is.

    You are in my prayers that God will guide you in the days and weeks to come. May He hold you and keep you safe. May you feel the love of God and Bill as you begin this journey. I know only too well how much pain you must be in.

    My heart goes out to you.

    Much love,


  17. Norme,

    Have faith. It takes time. Your grief is so new and so raw. You will have better days ahead, but just like having a baby, it takes time. It won't happen over night. Know that I love you for who you are and I do understand what you are going through. The first weeks are the hardest. I too cried rivers of tears and still do some days now. But we adjust in time and we do heal from the hurt. We never forget, we just go on. You will have happiness again. If you want or need to talk, you have my number I think, if not, let me know and I will call you. I still have your number.

    May God keep you and shine His love upon you now and always. May you feel Him holding you close. Know that Buddy is with Him and is there for you too.

    Love you Norme,


  18. These were actually done by first graders. Their insight may surprise

    you. While reading these keep in mind that these are first graders...

    Better to be safe than......................punch a 5th grader.

    Strike while the .........................bug is close.

    It's always darkest before..................Daylight Saving Time.

    Never underestimate the power of............termites.

    You can lead a horse to water but...........how?

    Don't bite the hand that....................looks dirty.

    No news is..................................impossible.

    A miss is as good as a......................Mr.

    You can't teach an old dog new..............math.

    If you lie down with dogs, you'll...........stink in the morning.

    Love all, trust.............................me.

    The pen is mightier than the................pigs.

    An idle mind is.............................the best way to relax.

    Where there's smoke there's.................pollution.

    A penny saved is............................not much.

    Two's company, three's......................the Musketeers.

    Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and..... you have to blow your nose.

    There are none so blind as..................Stevie Wonder.

    Children should be seen and not.............spanked or grounded.

    If at first you don't succeed...............get new batteries.

    You get out of something only what you..... see in the picture on the box.

    When the blind leadeth the blind............get out of the way.

    And the favorite:

    Better late than...........................pregnant!!!!

  19. Jim and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital.

    One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Jim

    suddenly jumped into the deep end.

    He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there.

    Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled Jim


    When the medical director became aware of Edna's heroic act he immediately

    ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as he now considered her to

    be mentally stable.

    When he went to tell Edna the news he said, "Edna, I have good news and bad


    The good news is you're being discharged; since you were able to rationally

    respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of another patient, I

    have concluded that your act displays sound mindedness.

    The bad news is, Jim, the patient you saved, hung himself right after you

    saved him with his bathrobe belt in the bathroom. I am so sorry, but he's


    Edna replied "He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry. How soon can I

    go Home?"

  20. Mo,

    Samswife Shirley put it best I think.

    No one ever wants to cause those they love painor heartache.

    Randy too did not like seeing me do everything that I did for him, but that was part of the vows we took. In good times and in bad, for better or for worse. When he was so sick and said he hated what this was doing to me, I told him don't ever take my joy away. I did what I did because I loved him. He was not in this alone. We were both in this battle. And I know he would have done the same for me if it had been me who was sick.

    Was it a chore or a pain, not one minute. I would have moved the mountains for him if I could have.

    To those that are going through this with someone who loves you. Let them do what they need to do to feel they are in this battle with you. Let them do what makes them feel they are helping you to enjoy life as you know it now. Enjoy each day you have been given and give thanks that you are still here to be there with them. Because when it all comes down to the bottom line, we all need to be loved and know we are loved. We need to feel useful. When you are a couple, you do things for each other because you make a choice to do that. Would you do what they are doing for you if the rolls were reversed? You bet your sweet a** you would. You would do it out of love. Don't take their joy away by being sad about the rolls they are playing. Let them be partners in your life and in this battle.

    So my dear, just know you are in my prayers and thoughts. I can't give you a reasurring hug through this computer that sometimes is all one needs to keep up the fight, but please know you are in my prayers.

    Much love to all.


  21. Andrea,

    You doctor will have to determine how bad the clots are and then go from there. Randy was throwing blood clots for a long time and he still was able to have surgery. They just needed to monitor him more closely. It can be done.

    Best of luck.


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