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Posts posted by shirleyb

  1. David,

    I hope you are feeling much better soon.

    Good idea to go to ER when you are feeling this way. You get much better care than trying to explain to a doctor who doesn't have your history what is going on. Good call Karen. You go girl.

    You are all in my prayers.


  2. Norme,

    What a blessing to have a good day! I wish you many more.

    Take note what Fay said about the grapefruit. I love the stuff but it does really wacky things with alot of different medications. So I have to leave that one out of the diet.

    Your post made me smile.

    Take care. Enjoy each waking moment you can.

    Much love,


  3. Girl,

    I am glad you are back and that everything was able to be done to get your smiling face back here.

    You really know how to shake people up.

    Take care of yourself hon, and please give your hubby and daughter a great big thank you hug from all of us. They had to have been scared out of their wits. Don't be doing that to them no more okay.

    Wishing you the best.


  4. Having trouble sleeping can be a problem. I know for Randy, he had to have a fan on. It didn't matter if it was summer or winter, but he needed to have a fan on and it didn't have to be pointed at him. I think it was the noise that the fan made, that made it easier for him to sleep. The noise wasn't alot but it did block out all the little creaks and what have you that can wake you when you are not sleeping deeply.

    The other thing that helped him to get to sleep....a warm glass of milk. works for babies, worked for him.

    Wish you many sweet dreams.


  5. David, Karen and Faith,

    I am glad the surgery went well and is over with. Those bandages will be off soon and she will be having full time fun again.

    Keep us posted.

  6. Tammy,

    I am so sorry you lost your dear mother.

    My prayers are with you and your brothers and sisters. Stick together and stay here on the board for support. The people here are the best.

    Wishing you enough.....


  7. Candy,

    I did a lot of the same things in my home. I rearranged the furniture so that when I look into the rooms, I don't "see" Randy sitting there. I have my memories and they are sweet ones but I also know I could not leave things the way they were.

    As for the room your son built. I think it is such a wonder thing to do. You have your place in your home where when you want to really be with Hugh, you can be. As for the relatives that think it is tacky, I hate to say this, but just wait until they are in your shoes. They have not had the unfortunate experience we have had so they talk of things they know nothing of. I guess it takes having been there, done that, to understand.

    Bless you for sharing.

    Much love,


  8. Lillian,

    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS POST. I needed to read something like this today. It has uplifted my soul and brought me back to the present. It has renewed my committment to LIVING.

    Thank you dear for sharing this. I feel like you posted this just for me.

    Much love,


  9. Lillian, Ann, Candy,

    Been there, done that too. I am glad to know that I am not the only one who is going through this too. But you have all shown that there will be good days to come. Two steps forward, one step back.

    I find myself lost somedays for days on end, but then it comes back to me, I still am alive and I think about what Randy would want me to do. He would want me to get my life in order and try to make the best out of the hand I have been dealt. He always said, living life wasn't for wimps and sissies. It takes a real person to accept that things are not the best all the time. But we need to do the best we can. So Ann, if keeping the door closed for now is what you need to do, do it. It can be opened when you are ready for that step. Lillian, I do so understand about the pictures and video. I found one with Randy's voice on it Christmas night. I don't think I can listen to it again yet but I am so thankful it is there. I am just trying to keep on, keeping on. One day I will find my yellow brick road.

    Much love to all.


  10. Oh dear,

    You have hit a nail on the head with this one. I feel like it is something I could have written, but I don't write as well as you. It has only been alittle over five months for me, but I have "friends" telling me it is time to get on with my life. They are not in my shoes and don't have clue what this is like. The only people I have found that understand are the ones here on the board and just a few others not on the board.

    When one of us finds the answer, lets please share it. In the meantime, I am trying to do what feels good in my heart. I keep praying for peace and God has granted a lot more than I thought I could have, but boy some days I just want to scream at Him for taking my best friend.

    I am sorry we are all having such a difficult time in our lives. I know one day we will be able to smile and really mean it. Until then, keep on doing what you must. We are survivors of the truest sense.

    Much love,


  11. Pat,

    Check with your doctor, but there is a product out there called smoke away. It does work but first check it out with your doctor.

    I tried it over the holiday's because I too need to quit smoking. Not only do I want to quit but I need to quit. I was not successful over the holidays. I am not trying to make excuses here, but the holiday's this year were my worst ever. With everything that was going on, the depression hit worse than it ever has. I have had depression for many years and I was on meds for it. I quit taking my meds because I don't have any insurance at the moment. I am still not back on meds yet. I did go for 36 hours without a cigarette because of the smokeaway stuff. It wasn't that I really wanted a cigarette but if you have ever had depression, one thing that will send you down the dark path is trying to quit smoking. At that point, I decided I would rather smoke than go through the depression. I know I will need to take the zyban before I try again, and I am going to try again soon. I am just waiting to hear weather or not I have been accepted into the state health program or not. I also am not working yet and that doesn't help matters.

    So check with your doctor and see what he says about the smoke away products. It does come with a CD to listen too and that was so helpful. I still listen to it as I am trying very hard to cut down the number of cigarettes I have everyday. I have tried the patches, the gum, the zyban alone (I should have quit the first time), and all the other stuff. The smoke away though is what I will use again. I do believe it works. This time though with my doctors approval and with the anitdepressants. I know I will need the happy pills just to function. There is a lot going on for me that is stressful right now and I know for me, I will need the extra help the zyban gives.

    Best of luck to you. If you don't quit the first time, keep trying. Most people who smoke try between 7 to 11 times before they are successful.

    My prayers are with you that you are able to heal and feel good soon.

    Take care,

    Much love,


  12. Shelley,

    Get all of those things done. It can and does happen just the way you said. Get legal power of attorney and medical power of attorney done also.

    You had stated in an earlier email about some jewelry and other things that your father had that he was keeping for now. Get the stuff out of the house due to your greedy evil cousins etc.

    I was doing some research on congestive heart failure. I found that it seems your father is having what seems to be same type symptoms. So maybe it is not cancer, but maybe it is his heart.

    Keep positive through this. And do take care of yourself. I know it is very stressful and hard on you. Keep us posted.



  13. Donna,

    Thanks for sharing this information.

    Is Mary the same Mary from the hospital? She is one one of the most kind and gentle people we knew. I know Randy and I learned alot from her and I am deeply grateful to her.

    Hope you had lots of fun on vacation.

    Much love,


  14. Dean,

    I am sorry you are having so many problems with the VA. My brother has gone through the same crap for injuries he received in Vietnam.

    I am a vet also and I refuse to use the VA. They responded to me about 4 months after Randy died that they needed more info on his disablility. This was after I notified them that Randy had passed and to please discontinue his application. It is all BS to me.

    So I guess what I am getting at is, why wait? Contact your congressman and get those email going. I wouldn't wait for the VA to respond.

    I hope you had a good time at lunch.

    Keep us posted.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers alot.

    Much love,


  15. Oh Pam,

    I am so sorry you are having such a rough day. I understand what you mean about seeing the pictures and thinking he is still here. The pictures are proof positive. I have cried those same tears after finding pictures of Randy that I did not expect to see.

    I believe there is a Heaven and a God. My father had an acute heart attack when he was 49. He died that day but only for a moment. In that moment he got to see God. God wrapped his arms around him and my father could feel His love. Dad was then sent back to us for another 15 years. That is why I believe in God and Heaven. The things my father told me about that day will live in my memory until I too one day will join him and Randy and all the rest that have passed that I have loved in my life.

    Pam, you are in my thoughts and prayers still.

    Take care,



  16. Shellie,

    I keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I do hope everything works out well for you dear father. Keep us posted as to how he is doing and more importantly, how you are doing hon.

    Take care.

    Much love,


  17. Bess,

    Thank you so much for sharing. This is so well written, which I wish I had the talent to do. I do believe this is how I am trying so hard to live my life by.

    Many blessings and miracles to you for sharing this wonderful story.

    Much love,


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