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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. We have a Christian Music Festival here each summer and Mercy Me has played several times. It is always so heart wrenching to see 2000 people jump to their feet when they start playing that song!

    God Bless,


  2. Well, lol, I got my wish.............sort of............Doc is on vacation next month so I don't have to come back for 8 weeks. He said all looked good, xray looked a little better than last month?? I will have a CT Scan and chest xray done in April and then we go from there.

    Thank you all for the prayers and good wishes. You are ALL helping me through this and I appreciate it soooooo much!!

    God Bless you all,


  3. I had the 30+ radiation treatments done and then had the PCI. My throat was awful for about 2 months and so far I have lost 70 pounds (which I could stand to lose) and if I had it to do over I would be first in line. Everyone has to decided what is best for them. Prayers and good wishes coming your way.

    God Bless,


  4. Thank you all for the good wishes. I went to drop off my xray and the nurse yelled at me for losing more weight (she didn't really yell, just said I was becoming invisible, lol). We will see what Doc says this afternoon!

    God Bless,


  5. I lost my Mom 12 years ago to cancer and while I know she is "gone" she will never be GONE as long as I remember her. I see so much of her in what I am doing now and even in my daughter as she gets older. It's sort of scary actually, lol.

    I looked in the mirror the other morning and literally jumped back because I was sure it was my Mom looking back. The funny thing is I look a lot more like my Dad than I ever did like my Mom! Guess she was pasing through and wanted to say howdy!!

    I am sure that both my parents watch over me and my family. I know that when my time comes I will be re-united with them in God's Heaven and it will be perfect.

    God Bless,


  6. On the 12th I go in for what I hope will be the last "monthly" follow up. I think I have had so many chest xrays I am starting to glow in the dark!! At least my grandson won't need a night light!!!

    I hope he tells me tomorrow that I can come back in 2 months?? It would be nice to have a "free" month, lol.

    God Bless,


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