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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. Pink flamingos always add the certain "something" to ones front yard. I will be happy to donate "mine" to the project (actually, an older neighbors).

    Please let me know where to send them!!!

    Congrats on the good news and I am praying for more good news on Wednesday.

    God Bless,


  2. I made it back from Omaha in one piece with no major side effects from the chemo treatment I had before I left!. Had a great time at the show, did some good business, saw some friends that I may not get a chance to see again..............all in all I would say it was a wonderful trip!

    Glad to be home though and looking forward to catching up here.

    Looks like it has been a busy week (aren't they all??).

    Prayers and good thought headed you to each of you!

    God Bless,


  3. I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. It was wonderful that you could all be together the last night though.

    God does work in strange (to us) ways.

    God Bless you and prayers are being said for you,


  4. Made it to Omaha. Spent 4 hours wandering the zoo today before the show and it was wonderful.

    Had the chemo on Tuesday before I headed up here and so far the only side effects I have had were:

    1: I ate like a HORSE all day Tuesday

    2: I had the WORST case of GAS I ever had on Wednesday

    Think they are related???

    Anyway, borrowed a computer to send this to you all so better get off. Have a great week and I will "see" you on the 1st!!

    God Bless,


  5. Ok, the plan calls for me to start Topotecan tomorrow. Once a week for????? My question..........am I going to lose the lil baby hairs I JUST STARTED GETTING!!!!!!!! I swear it is a conspiracy to keep me from getting hair back!!!!! I know one of the side effects can be hair loss but I wanted to hear from some of my sisters and brothers here what they experienced.

    God Bless,


  6. (((((Berisa))))),

    I am so sorry your Dad is going through all of this. I am praying that they have a simple answer or solution to the latest problems.

    God Bless you all,


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