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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. Thank you all so much. We don't know for sure what is going on but he called in an RX for a Z Pack in case I have developed an infection. He said it was pretty common when having the fluid draw that a small infection start and since I do have some sort of a "feeling" in that area he wants to kick it early if that is the case. He is also looking at a different chemo when I go in Thursday. Thank you all for your prayers. You guys always manage to bring a tear to my eye with the love and support you show. I am SO blessed that God chose to put each of you in MY life!!!!

    God Bless,


  2. Howard, You have truly been blessed to be able to spend such wonderful time with your children all together. I am so sorry to hear about your Father but as is evident, you know he IS in a better place and you WILL see him again.

    God bless you.


  3. Quitting smoking can be THE hardest thing a person EVER does. We KNOW it is bad for us, we KNOW it can cause health problems, we KNOW it makes us smell like a pile of dirty underwear, we KNOW it can hurt other people who are just in the same room and we STILL smoke! I quit the day I started chemo but there are days where I REALLY want a cig!!!! I can't stand the smell of them on other people, I can't stand to walk through an area where people are smoking but my BODY tells me I want one! I will NOT smoke as long as I don't buy them so I tend to stay away from areas where they sell cigs now, lol.

    God Bless you all in your fight to quit if you are still smoking.


  4. Welcome to the family. I am also sorry you are here but glad you found US.

    This group of people was put on earth for a reason and I firmly believe the reason is to make the transition easier for all who come here! We laugh, we cry, we hug, we look in awe at some of the things that happen but mainly we are HERE for each other when needed! Jump in where you feel like it and again, Welcome!

    God Bles,


  5. As you know I was not able to get chemo last week due to low blood counts. I then spent Friday in and out of the hospital with pain and having fluid drained from my lungs. Well, today, I can literally FEEL the lymph node in my neck growing ( and it can be seen also). Started out this morning the same size it has been for a week and now it has almost doubled in size. I have also noticed pain in the area of my liver and a couple of other "lymph" sites. I don't go back in to the Dr. till Thursday but I am afraid this beast is on the prowl!! Once again it just doesn't feel right. I am NOT ready to give up yet!!!!!

    Please friends, if you are the praying sort, add me to your list. God Bless you all and I am praying for YOU!!

    God Bless,


  6. Friends,

    I came across this site and thought I would tell you about it in case there was anyone wanting to participate in some way.

    www.fairygodmother.org is a site for folks with terminal illness who want to do something special (take a trip, get a computer, ???)

    It is like the Make A Wish foundation for kids but this is for adults.

    I am asking the hotel company I work for to provide rooms at some of our properties if that area is requested in a wish. On the other hand, I am also asking for a wish so we will see what happens.

    Thought there might be others interested.

    God Bless,


  7. Kady,

    I would love to be able to answer your questions but all I can say is everyone is different. It sounds like he has a good team working with him so I am sure they will be able to give you a lot of information. DO NOT listen to statistics however! They are so old for the most part that they really don't do much good. Treasure the time you have, make memories and have fun!

    Prayers for success with the chemo.

    God Bless,


  8. Melinda,

    I am sorry that you have found yourself in this situation but glad you found us. This is a very caring, supportive group of people and chances are at least one of us has "Been there, done that" when it comes to treatment or dealing with the issues.

    Please jump in and make yourself at home. The door is always open and chances are there is someone lurking on the board that could answer a question or at the least give a gentle cyber hug!

    Prayer will be said.

    God Bless,


  9. Sweetie,

    First off throw that 6 months out the window. No one knows when we are going to die. You may be one who responds well to treatment and has much longer than 6 months so don't focus on that. Second, dig down as far as you need to and find your fighting spirit! Attitude is EVERYTHING in fighting this disease. If you are a believer, contact your Pastor and ask to be placed on the prayer list from your church. If you are a believer without a church let me know and I will put you on the prayer list at MY church!

    I firmly believe in the power of prayer so anyone you know who is a believer should be asked to pray for you! It DOES help!!!!!

    God Bless you dear and I know when the time come the words will also.


  10. Katies words as usual were wonderful. It is very difficult to make it all come together and to HAVE a normal life. Especially in the beginning. I know each of us have had to reach some point where we said enough is enough and even if it is just for an hour put lung cancer on the back burner and LIVED.

    I know when I was first dxd I threw myself in to doing more at my church. I continued to work every day I could because I am a single person, supporting myself, with a 24 year old daughter and a 4 year old grandson living with me (NOT the blessing it sounds like, lol).

    I think I reached a happy medium with Dr.s visits, treatments, work, church and family. I don't date much (not at all now) so I don't have to fit THAT in, lol.

    I guess what I am trying to say is it does all come together in a fashion. You just have to decide what is most important and leave the rest for another day (like the laundry, lol)!

    God Bless you sweetie and I will be praying for you,


  11. TAnn,

    I had the same thing done yesterday and threw up all over the place also. I think it is just part of the procedure. They gave me a shot of something to counteract the nausea and we continued. When they had about 1000cc's drawn off and things started to move back in to position (like my heart) I had the MOST pain I have ever felt. As soon as that started I had 2 more darvocet and we continued on. In total I had 1540 cc drawn off. We are going to watch it with an xray every 4 weeks to try and keep from having a major event like this again. We are also talking about the talc procedure for next time. I totally sympathize with what you are going through. I know it is not any fun but I also know I always feel so much better after it has been completed. Hang in there sweetie and you can do it!!

    Prayers for you!

    God Bless,


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