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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. Welcome to the family Danni! I am sorry you have a need to be here but glad that you found us! This is THE place to come for support, compassion and understanding! Please jump in and ask any questions you may have or offer any answers you may have!

    God Bless you,


  2. I had my thyroid zapped about 17 years ago and have been on the same dosage of synthroid for about 15 years. When I had it checked this year it was WAYYYYY out of whack and I had to adjust the dosage. I am at 175mcg a day right now. I always wondered if the radiation they zapped me with to kill off 2/3 of my thyroid played a part in my cancer since it started very near the same location????

    Good Luck and God Bless,


  3. I have not had anything like that done but I would be sure to tell them you would rather sound like Clark Gable than Mickey Mouse! God Bless and best wishes on the procedure!


  4. KC,

    I am so sorry to hear of your Fathers passing. He is with you and even though you may not "see" a sign I am sure you can see him in your daughters smile or a twinkle in her eye. After 12 years that is still where I see my Mom and Dad, in MY children.

    God Bless you as you go through this most difficult time.


  5. Thanks for the tips. I did get some stuff for canker sores that seems to be helping the ones on the corners and I put a Sea Bond sheet under my plate that seems to be helping also. I will ask my Dr. about the mouthwash.

    God Bless,


  6. I have had fluid drained twice (almost 2 liters each time). The first time they ran a test to see if it was cancerous and it was NOT. In answer to your question it COULD be either. The only way to know is to remove it and test it. If there is not enough to remove I wouldn't worry about it. We all have a certain amount of fluid in the membrane surrounding our lungs, it just can't be re-absorbed as easily when there is scar tissue or tumor in the lung.

    Prayers and best wishes for your family.

    God Bless,


  7. Not to sound like Vampira but they are my favorite treatment!! I ALWAYS feel better after one and have 100% more energy!! I have had 4 so far (and a bag of plateletts for good measure) and each time I have felt better for at least a couple of weeks. I have not had any side effects that I know of and usually just sleep or read while I am getting the transfusion.

    Have they looked at Procrit or Neupogen to try and keep the red counts up? I am on Neupogen now (shot every morning) and it seems to be helping somewhat. Counts have fallen but not like the first round of chemo!

    Prayers and best wishes headed your Fathers way.

    God Bless,


  8. Any words of wisdom for mouth sores from chemo (Carbo / Taxol)?? I have just started to develope them on the corners of my mouth and under my lower plate. I have done the salt water mouth wash and will continue that but anything any one has had luck with would be appreciated. I "Talk" for a living (and like to eat, lol) so any help would be good.

    Thanks all!!

    God Bless,


  9. I had PCI after I reached "Stable" and had completed the radiation to my chest. I have not noticed any long term side effects other than it is hard once in awhile to come up with a word (could be older age setting in also, lol). My hair had started to come in after chemo (white) and I lost it all again during PCI, it is now coming in black???? Other than that I don't see any long term effects. Short term was fatigue, a "peeling" head for about 2 weeks and thats about all I had. I was of the mind that if it offered me even a few more months I would go for it. Your Mom will have to decide and maybe it is something they can look at after the stem cell???

    Best wishes on a tough decision.

    God Bless,


  10. Stephanie, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom's passing. She was a wonderful lady who really did touch the lives of those she came in contact with. She will be missed here for sure. Gods Blessings on you and the family.


  11. My 4 year old Grandson has been calling Arkansas, "Arvidsaw" all week end. He just can't get Arkansas, lol. Anyway, we drove down on Friday, got to my brothers about dinner time (funny how that works, lol). Spent a pretty quiet evening just visiting and looking at family pictures. Very nice evening. Saturday we took my Grandson and nephew to the Alligator Farm / Petting Zoo. Thay had a blast petting the deer and goats. The weather was perfect, about 80 and partly cloudy so it didn't feel tooooo hot. The "Big" kids all went to the Horse Track for a few hours with one of my brothers (I opted out on that trip and went to take a nap, lol). Saturday night we spent catching up with another brother and then we drove home Sunday. I am so glad I had the chance to go and felt good enough to do it. God blessed me with the time to spend with my family and I am taking him up on it!!!!!

    Hope you all had a wonderful week end also!

    God Bless,


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