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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. Marilyn,

    I had the scaly head and plugged ears also but they do go away. My hair is coming back in (unless this round of chemo knocks it out again). My memory loss comes and goes and I don't know how much is due to PCI, Chemo or "old age"! There are days I wonder if it was worth it but then I think if it gives me one more day with my grandson it is sooooooooooo worth it!

    Hope things improve for you soon.

    Prayers and best wishes headed your way.

    God Bless,


  2. Mine dropped to the point that they gave me a transfusion at one point. Since then I have had red cells but no more platelets. I am taking Neupogen for my WBC and Arenesp (sp?) for my RBC and my platelets seem to be holding their own right now.

    Prayers and best wishes sent your way.

    God Bless,


  3. My Rad was to an area about 9 inches x 12 inches in the middle / right side of my chest (and back). My main tumor was wrapped around the superior vena cava so they had to try and get as much of it as possible. I had trouble with my esophogus but that was the extent of "damage". My heart and left lung were fine. My esophogus has healed now but I still have trouble swallowing from time to time.

    Good luck and best wishes on whichever you decide on.

    God Bless,


  4. Shaba has now crossed that Rainbow Bridge and is chasing ducks in heaven! The place we buried her has some red bud trees and dogwood trees just starting to bloom. It over looks the lake on 3 sides and is so pretty, I know she will be happy there. Thank you all for understanding.

    God Bless,


  5. I got a call from my daughter that my dog has taken a turn for the worse and it looks like we are going to have to take her in to be put down. She is almost 11 and it is getting harder and harder for her to get around. She was hit by a car as a puppy and has had problems with her hips since then but this past winter was very hard on her.

    She has had a good life, been spoiled rotten and has been a wonderful friend through some major difficulties so I am having a hard time letting go. My son said he would take her but I think this is something I have to do.

    We are going to take her to the marina I used to work at where she would always come to swim in the lake and chase the ducks to be buried (my son works there still). She will be happy there.

    Thank you all for your caring and compassion. It makes it a little easier knowing that others care.

    God Bless,


  6. Friends,

    Thanks again for the prayers and well wishes. I am all done for today, another almost 2 liters drawn off and I have "full" use of my right lung again! Doc said since it has only been a couple of weeks since the last time he wants to do the talc procedure with the next one so I will have about a week in the hospital with a drain and then they will do the procedure. He said it may still cause a fluid build up but it will then go to my belly which is easier (and safer) to drain.

    I have to tell you, living in a "Small Town" / Resort area like I do is amazing. We have a first class hospital here since the majority of our residents come from Kansas City and St. Louis and we have 1,000's of 2nd home owners (I would LOVE to have one of these "2nd" homes!!!) Anyway, there are about 30 people working in the Out Patient area every day when I go in for my Neupogen shot and I have gotten to know all of them pretty well, this morning as I was waiting for my procedure over 1/2 of them stopped in my room to wish me well or see what I was doing there or just to say Hi. It just makes it so much easier to feel like you are being treated as a friend rather than a number! God Bless them all!!!


  7. Sweetie, NEVER get embarassed about concern over your well being. We ALL have times when we freak over something that may be a minor thing in anyone elses life. I hate to think of the things I have conjured up in my lil pea brain since my dx! About the only thing I HAVEN'T worried about is prostate cancer!!

    Glad it is all a precautionary check and there is no emergency.

    God Bless,


  8. I know it will be an emotional day for all but it will be a good one also as it shows the continuation of life. God Bless all on this special day.


    Debaroo, Some of my Grandmothers ashes are spread on Superstision Mt also, does this mean we are now related!!!!

  9. 3 Old ladies have been friends and bingo partners for years. One day, on the way home from Bingo, they are all killed in a car accident. As they approach the Pearly Gates Peter tells them the "Rules" of Heaven. "The only rule you have to follow is to not step on the ducks,” he tells them. Looking around they see heaven is filled with ducks so this may be easier said than done. A few days go by and the first of the 3 friends finds that in her rush she has stepped on a duck. A few minutes later Peter comes over leading the ugliest man she has ever seen. "I am sorry,” said Peter but your punishment for stepping on the duck is to be shackled to this gentleman for the rest of eternity. She accepts her fate and is shackled to the man. This makes the other two take notice and for the longest time they are VERY careful where they step. Running late one morning the second friend steps on a duck and sure enough, a few minutes later Peter comes along with a man even more ugly and hunched over than the first man. He explains the rules again and the second friend is shackled to her man. Well, the third friend says there is no way she is going to step on a duck and becomes much more careful. Several months pass with out so much as a close call when Peter approaches her with the best looking man she has ever seen. Peter tells her she is going to have to be shackled to this man for the rest of eternity and she asks what she did to deserve such an honor. "Nothing" Peter replies......................... he stepped on a duck.

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