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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. I have mets to my liver and right now I am getting chemo for them. Carbo (every 3rd week) / Taxol (every week). Liver has shrunk since start of treatment and will have a CT scan in 3 weeks to see where we go from here.

    Prayers and Best wishes sent your way,

    God Bless,


  2. Only MY opinion but if she already HAS mets to the brain wouldn't it be best to TREAT THEM? I had PCI in hopes of never having mets to the brain and have had very few side effects (most are gone now). I did lose my hair but my memory is as sharp as ever. My memory is as sharp as ever. My memory is as sharp as ever.

    In any case, it will be her decision. I just hope she trusts the right people to help her make that decision!

    Prayers being sent your way.

    God Bless,


  3. I posted under your other post but I will also Welcome you to the family here. I also was first dx'd with sclc ( now it is a combo of sclc and nsclc).

    I am glad you decided to join us (although sorry you are here). This group has to be one othe the most caring, compassionate groups of people I have ever seen!

    Please feel free to jump in wherever you want with questions, answers or just words of comfort.

    Prayers for your hubby headed your way.

    God Bless,


  4. MJB,

    Welcome to the family. I was just down your way a couple of weeks ago. My brothers live in Hot Springs so I go through Little Rock to get there.

    Sounds like they are being aggresive in treatment with a combination of drugs. That should be a good thing.

    Prayers for stability or remission are headed that way.

    God Bless,


  5. Today it has been 10 months since I started chemo and quit smoking! I wasn't sure I could quit for 10 minutes when I did it! I have to say it was by far the hardest thing I have ever done. I pray for strength for those who have not yet been able to quit and for those who have quit that they don't start again!

    God Bless,


  6. Thanks for the pet ideas however I still have 2 cats and I am afraid they would eat a Guniea pig. They think they are great hunters (they catch lizards).

    When the pain eases up a little we will look at getting another dog. I have always had them and always will. Just takes a little time to open up that space in the heart to take in another one. One can not replace another but they can fill the hole left behind. I think this time I will look at a smaller breed however. Big dogs are getting to be to much to care for so maybe a nice lil rat dog??? Any ideas where I could get one Dave???

    God Bless,


  7. I had my last smoke on the way to the hospital to start chemo. I have not had one since June 6, 2003 (wow thats 10 months today!!). Thats not to say there are not still times when I would really like one (mentally) but I have gotten to where I can not stand the smell of them!

    Your Mom has to decide when the time is right for her to quit especially if she is fighting other addictions also.

    Prayers for strength headed her way.

    God Bless,


  8. TAnn,

    Mine is fluid build up. We tested it and it came back clean for cancer cells. I looked at the catheter and / or shunt route and we decided to try the talc procedure first. If it doesn't work we will look at one of the others but I didn't like the idea of having to mess with it every day if I didn't have to. Best wishes with your procedure and I will be praying for you.

    God Bless,


  9. I am sure your wife treasures every word you speak, no matter who you sound like!

    Prayers and best wishes sent your way.

    God Bless,


  10. I have no answer to what he may or may not have but I do have prayers that I will be sending his way. Lymph nodes can and do swell for many reasons besides cancer so we will hope they find the real reason soon and he gets on the road to recovery.

    God Bless,


  11. Welcome to the family. I would suggest you speak with one of your county social workers or maybe someone at your local hospital to see if your brother will qualify. In some states you, as his caregiver, can receive payment from the state even being related. It is worth checking in to.

    Best wishes and God Bless,


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