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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. No cough or nausea when I had radiation but I am sure each person is different. The only time I got sick during radiation was when they tried to give me ethyol to HELP the esophogus. Made me sicker than a dog.

    Best wishes to your Mom and my prayers are with her.

    God Bless,


  2. Not really for "Laughs" but it was funny in a way.

    Today as I was getting ready to do the breakfast dishes I heard this awful "crying" sound and my big tom cat went flying through the kitchen. My daughter fast on his heels said "Stop him Mom, he has something". I cornered him in the kitchen only to have him drop about a 2 week old jack rabbit at my feet! Poor thing was screeching his lil heart out, scared to death. We got a towel and picked the bunny up to check him over. Didn't appear to have any injuries so now we had to find the nest to put it back. Luckily my daughter had seen which way the cat came from so we had some idea where to look. Under the slide on my grandsons swing set we saw tell tell bunny fur from the nest and sure enough, there it was with 1 more baby bunny in it. We put the bunny back and covered him with his brother / sister and he calmed right down. I hope Momma Bunny comes back soon to check on them. In the mean time we will be really careful and be sure the cats do NOT get out of the house!

    Ahhhhhhhh spring in the Ozarks!

  3. Remember how much fun we had in the sprintime at age 10??? Catching frogs and chasing fireflies. Swimming till we had prune skin and our teeth were chattering? Staying up late on Friday night to watch a scary movie and knowing that Mom and Dad were right there and "IT" was not going to get you?

    Well, someplace "IT" did get us and stole all the fun and enjoyment we had at 10 IF we let it! I for 1 am NOT going to let it. Tomorrow I am taking my 4 year old grandson to the Dogwood Festival and we are going to ride the ponies (I have to walk, dang it) and ride the carosel and the rides and eat carmel apples and cotton candy (sugar be damned) and Corn Dogs and probably end up with a belly ache, lol.

    Yes, I have cancer and yes, I am doing everything I can to beat it BUT one of the most important things I have found is to NOT give in to "IT". "IT" has to work that much harder if you keep a positive attitude and if you live life as MUCH as you can! If all you can do is read a good book or watch a funny movie, wonderful, you are ENJOYING life! If you DO have the energy to get out and about, wonderful, YOU are enjoying life! DO NOT let "IT" get you!!! Try to do something every day for YOU and try to have at least a short "cancer free" period every day where you just don't think about it!

    The other (and most important) thing I have found in dealing with this disease in my faith in God. I don't want to push religion on anyone BUT I have found so much strength from my belief in God I can't imagine trying to get through this without him. I take all my cares and worries to him and let him take care of them. He usually leads me in the direction I need to go and has the answers I need to cope. HE gets me through my days and nights and he ain't done with me yet!

    It helps!!

    God Bless,


  4. Boy, it was just on the 31st of March that we hit 1000 and here we are just 2 short of 1050 in about 3 weeks time.

    I hate the fact that so many people have to look for this type of group to join but I truly thank God every day that he put this group of people together to help each of us deal with a crappy situation. Rick and Katie do an awesome job of keeping things straight and the other monitors do as well. I am so glad I know I have a place I can come to with questions, concerns or just for a cyber hug if I need it. I am also glad for the chance to assist others in some small way in dealing with something none of us every wanted to deal with.

    I hope we see an end to cancer in OUR lifetimes or at the very least something WE do will help others to beat this disease!

    God Bless you all,


  5. Welcome to a family you never thought you would belong to. This is a great group of people who always have each others best interest at heart and will stand by you through everything. Please feel free to ask questions, vent or just speak your mind.

    Non small cell is a slow growing cancer so you do have a little more time in making decision but I would still opt for a second opinion if you are not comfortable with your Doctors. Are they doing anything for your lack of blood O2? Is it caused from lack of lung power or lack of red blood cells? That would make a big difference I would think. I get a shot of Arenesp every other week to boost my red cells which helps and from time to time I have gotten a transfussion of red cells which REALLY helps (for a week or so anyway).

    Prayers headed your way and best wishes.

    God Bless,


  6. (((((Shirley))))),

    I am so sorry you have to face this. As with any big event the first is always the hardest but even knowing that doesn't help much.

    I will be thinking of you and I am sure Randy will be watching to see a smile from some happy memories!

    God Bless,


  7. I find I am always sob when I do physical labor anymore but mine is also from lack of red blood cells and not that I can't process O2. Maybe you need you blood counts checked? HIRE someone to mow the lawn. I got a guy from our local homeless shelter that comes and does mine for $20. He loves the cash and I love NOT having to do it, lol. Still take care of my plants cause I can sit on the ground by the flowr bed to do that, lol.

    God Bless,


  8. As I have not had surgery I can't answer your questions but I do Welcome you to the family! Great group of people and I am sure someone will have the information you seek.

    God Bless,


  9. Platelets cause clotting as has been said. Mine are right now at 79 (should be between 150-450) so I was only able to get a small amount of one of my Chemos yesterday. I have had 1 platelet transfussion so far (5 blood transfusions) so I guess I am doing ok. I did notice it took 4 days for a very small cut on my finger to "scab" over last week so that is a good indication they are low. Ususally the say NOT to shave or to be extra carefull when using a knife, common sense things. Watch for pitecia (sp) small red spots on the skin, any bruising, bleeding gums, etc, all these should be reported to the DR asap.

    Best wishes to your brother!

    God Bless,


  10. Thanks for all the support folks, lol. I have asked my Dr. about the sugar deal and he tells me to eat what I want, when I want. I guess with sclc they don't think it is going to make THAT much of a difference in the time line of things. I do try and limit the amount of sugar I have. Aspertame give me a killer headache so it is not an option. I drink no sodas, use a very small amount in morning coffee (down to 1 cup), cut desserts or stick to fruit (yeah I know there is sugar there too) BUT I also know if I DON'T eat a goodie once in awhile I WILL sit down and eat a 2# bag of Oreos at some point cause I just can't help myself!!!! So, I guess a Hersey Kiss once in awhile isn't going to kill me huh???

    Anyway, thanks for the advice and I will just have to get Kayden to eat his goodies up faster!!

    God Bless,


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