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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. I am with Elaine. I don't know enough about this to offer any advice. I can however offer prayers and best wishes.

    God Bless and we will be praying for scar tissue or a fungus or an alien presence!


  2. (((((Friends))))),

    Just a note that I will be off line from tomorrow until sometime Sunday night. I have been selected to attend my churches annual synod meeting as a voting delegate and we are leaving in the morning. I have chemo first thing and then I am meeting Pastor and the other delegates and off we go to Springfield, MO for 3 days. I am looking forward to the fellowship and the seminars, also the chance to re-affirm my baptism, as an adult (Lutherans are baptized as babies). Hope you all have a wonderful "week end" and I will see you next week.

    God's Blessings on you all,


  3. My Dr. wants to know if I ever get over 100.5 degrees. I take my temp anytime I feel the slightest bit ill and have had to call him 5 or 6 times. Better to be safe and catch something early than to be sorry and wait till it takes alot more treatment to clear up.

    This disease turns you in to a sort of hypocondriac but I have decided there is nothing wrong with that. If something doesn't feel right, call the Dr. So what if it is "just a bug" at least they can treat it and keep it from becoming something else.

    Just my 2 cents worth, lol.

    God Bless,


  4. Just saw this post and I have tears flowing also. Buddy is and always will be with those boys (and the rest of the family also). I firmly believe we have guardian angels watching over us and I hope I will be able to do the same for my Grandsons when the time comes.

    God Bless,


  5. I want to add MY thanks for all the hard work and dedication Katie and Rick have put in to make this site the "Home" it is. The fact that you have built this as a tribute to Katies Father says so much as to what type of people you are and the fact that you stuck with it after his passing just prove that you are 2 kind, caring, loving people.

    You have always had a kind word for those that need it and even when your lives have been crazy you are there for others.

    My prayers and best wishes are with you today and always.

    God Bless,


  6. Good News Bad News again. My lungs look good, lymph node are shrinking but liver is getting worse. Mets have grown in number and size. New treatment will be looked at for this week so we shall see.

    Ain't done yet folks!!!! Thanks for the prayers and good wishes!

    Love ya all,


  7. Have ya ever woke up in the morning feeling "pretty good" and by 9 am felt like a truck had hit ya and then backed up a time or two to be sure it did the job? I don't know if my count's took a major fall over night or if I am coming down with something or if the contrast from the scan yesterday did something but I can hardly move a muscle today. I have a call in to my DR. to see what he wants me to do but right now it is even difficult to type this message????

    I may just need a couple of units of blood or I may have picked up something at the Dogwood Festival last week end. Should know soon.

    Any and all prayers for a minor glitch would be appreciated.

    God Bless you all,


  8. In my opinion all you do with worry is waste time. Of course you should be concerned and of course you need to offer as much support as possible but if you spend all your time "worried" you will miss out on alot of what life has to offer. These folks have given some very good advice. Don't borrow trouble and don't listen to statistics! Your Mom and her Doctors will decided what needs to be done when they get an actual dx so until then all YOU can do is pray and be there for her.

    My prayers are with her and your family.

    God Bless,


  9. At this point all I can do is welcome you to the family and offer prayers for your Mum. Until they have a dx of what kind of cancer she has it is hard to say what the treatment will be or what to look for. What tests have they done so far? What made them do testing in the first place?

    God Bless,


  10. This is a very common side effect of chemo. I have had several transfussions and always feel a lot better after one. I usually get mine over a course of 4 or 5 hours and don't have to stay over night though. Typically the Dr. will adjust the chemo for the next round to try and not have the counts fall so low. I am also on Arenesp and Neupogen. I have my blood tested every week and I can tell the tech when he needs to draw extra to type and cross for a transfussion, lol. Haven't missed yet!

    Prayers and best wishes for your sister and your family.

    God Bless,


  11. I lost all my hair with the first round of chemo (10 days after I got it). When it came back it came back as white as snow, lol. I lost it again with PCI and now it is coming back almost black (dark, dark gray actually, lol). Since I am on Carbo / Taxol I assume I will lose it again so who knows what it will come back as next time. I figure if I keep trying I may make a true red head yet!!!

    God Bless,


  12. Today I have an appt. for a chest and abdominal scan. Chest to see how things are going and abdominal to see if they can tell what has been causing the pain. Should know by Thursday whats what.

    Thanks you all in advance for your well wishes and prayers.

    God Bless you all,


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