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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. I had PCI and had 15 visits. My hair started to come back about a month and a half after my last treatment and has since gotten to where I may need a trim in another 3 - 5 months, lol. Growing slow but growing!

    I had some very short term memory loss and minor fatigue when I had the PCI. No real problems.

    Prayers and best wishes being said!

    God Bless, MO

  2. Prayers and good thoughts being sent your way.

    (Snowflake, I know a bunch of the Execs. at Hallmark if you are looking for a part time job??).

    God Bless, MO

  3. Welcome to the family. As has been said there will be many prayers offered for you Mom and your family. I have sclc also and am 11 months from dx. I have mets to the liver also. It does sound like your Mom's medical team is aggressive and that helps, alot!

    Chemo and radiation done TOGETHER seem to work better than one at a time. They have harsher side effects (fatigue, weight loss, etc) but it does seem to work better. The main thing is she needs to know there are people who have baten this beast for years! DO NOT go by statistics because they are wrong and she is NOT a statistic!

    God Bles,


  4. The main thing your friend needs to remember is he has 2 choices. He can roll over and let this beast get him OR he can fight it and have a LIFE while dealing with cancer.

    I am a firm believer that faith and attitude cover at LEAST 75% of the people who are survivors. I know I have cancer, I know it will eventually kill me BUT I am going to make it WORK as hard as it can to do so! I and my medical team have been very aggresive in my treatment and will continue to be until I take my last breath. I am a hard headed Norwegian and I do NOT give up easy.

    Statistics are a bunch of cra* for the most part. In cancer they are usually 10 years old or older and things change daily! I was told (by statistics) that I had a 5 - 8 month window after diagnosis. That was 11 months ago and I am still going strong!

    Please be sure your friend has a medical team that is willing to listen and to be aggresive.

    Prayers and good wishes being sent for all of you!

    God Bless,


  5. While I can't speak for THIS drug I will tell you I JUST noticed that the generic "Claritin" (Loratadine 10mg) that I take daily is made in India. This is made for "Best Choice Health Care". It is carried in most grocery stores here as the generic for Claratin and is about 1/2 the price. They must have some rules in place for distrubution in the USA???

    It would be nice since Iressa is my next step, lol.

    God Bless,


  6. TAnn,

    Sorry the study did not work for you. I think you are right that you may not have been getting the drug to start with. I pray the Iressa does it's thing for you!

    You are in my prayers!

    God Bless,


  7. As my Dad would say "Melinda is a Keeper"!! I am so glad you have both joined us and only hope we can make the journey a little better for you and your Mom.

    Prayers for your family are said daily.

    God Bless,


  8. Dean,

    Glad to see you posting but sorry you have to deal with a MIL like that. When my son married I gave my new DIL a card that said no matter what, I will NEVER be a MIL from he** and if I EVER start acting like one, tell me! She started to cry, lol. We have a great relationship and I am so thankful she will be there for my son when the time comes.

    My ex-MIL however was a case from He**. They were staying with us one time and I was making breakfast. I buttered a piece of toast from the toaster and handed it to her, she burst in to tears and RAN out of the room and outside saying we were all trying to kill her (with butter?????). They have had nothing to do with me since the divorce (I was only part of their family for 25 years) and I can't say that is a bad thing. Pisses me off that they have very little to do with my kids but that is another thread!

    God Bless you Dean and I am praying for a little extra strength for you over the next few days!!


  9. According to my Dr. (God Love him), I have had "a lot of chemo" so of course I am feeling run down and weak! He said my allergies are playing a part in in with my sinus's being filled up and the rest is just the chemo doing it's thing. I asked about my liver function (have been afraid to in the past) and was told the numbers are a bit high but certainly in an acceptable field. That takes a bit of weight off right there! We are staying with the Carbo / Taxol for the next cycle and then will look at things again to see where we are going.

    Thank you all my friends for your support! I really don't know how I would make it through each day if it wasn't for the love and compassion of the people here!

    God Bless,


  10. Have any of you ever felt like you were carrying an extra couple of thousand pounds around? This past week I have been unable to hardly move without feeling like I am carrying extra weight. It was so bad on Tuesday I had to take a break while brushing my teeth! I had my counts checked on Tuesday and while they were a bit low they were not low enough for a transfusion. When I spoke with the nurse she said it was probably just the accumulation of chemo effects. I am headed to my weekly appointment in a few minutes so I will see what Doc. has to say.

    The stupid thing is, I FEEL good, lol.

    Thanks in advance for prayers and good wishes. You guys sure can help me through the day!

    God Bless,


  11. When I had my first chemo I had carboplatinum and VP 16 every 3 weeks. I would have 1 day of both drugs in IV form and then 2 days of the VP 16 pills that I took at home (8 at a time). The combination of the 2 drugs made my counts so low I spent 5 days in hospital in isolation and also had to have a transfusion. Up side is THEY WORKED in getting rid of the original tumor.

    Prayers for clean scans (or at least shrinkage) are being sent your way!

    God Bless,


  12. Glad things are better. Hope the hearing and pain issues clear up also.

    Prayers for continued healing and strength being sent your way.

    God Bless,


  13. He will be added to my prayers tonight. I hope the new drug is what it takes to get the beast. I am sure he will feel better since the transfusion

    (I always do, lol).

    God Bless,


  14. Coming from the "Other Side" of things:

    My Mom always used to tell me that it does NO GOOD to worry about things YOU CAN'T fix. All it does is take away time from things you DO need to care about. I have tried to live by that as much as possible by giving those things over to God cause he CAN fix anything!

    I do worry about my family but I also know that they will survive without me and while it will hurt them when I am gone they have wonderful memories to get them through till we meet again.

    The love you all have for your family members is evident in the posts you have all done. They KNOW you love them and would do whatever you could to take this dam* beast away if you could. What you need to do is spend as much QUALITY time with them or talking to them as you can. I have to say I HATE it when my son (27) comes over and acts like I am going tomorrow! I would rather sit and talk to him or watch him fix something or even just watch a tv program with him. When I have to spend time making him (or anyone else) feel better about ME having cancer it takes away that little bit of extra energy I have to fight it with. Now that may not be the case with your loved ones, this is just MY opinion, but I would rather have people in a good frame of mind around me than a down in the dumps one. I know we all need a place to vent and I think this board is a great place to do that as long as it stays HERE and doesn't go to the one's you love.

    Like I said, just the opinion of a hard headed woman who is fighting this beast with everything God gave her!!

    God Bless you all,


  15. Hello and Welcome to the family. Your Mom is at a low point in treatment right now but it WILL get better!! I think all of us who have done chemo and radiation combined will agree there were days when we said whats the use and then we rallied and found the reason to fight it!

    For me it was spending as many days with my grandson (and kids) as I can. My cancer has drawn us all much closer together as a family. I am sure your Mom will rally also. Be sure they are keeping good track of her blood counts as low counts make you feel terrible. Also, be sure she is drinking at LEAST 2 liters of water a day (not counting coffee, soda) WATER! Being dehydrated causes a lot of problems also.

    I will be praying for her and please, try to get her to come visit us if she can. We are all here to help in any way we can.

    God Bless,


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